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Child Abuse In Schools (masks and “vaccines”

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posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 08:25 PM
This is an example of the emails that are going out he start of the school year.

This. Is. Child. Abuse.

As you may have already heard, the Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education has mandated that all public school students ages 5 and older (and all school staff and visitors) are required to wear a mask indoors through at least October 1, 2021.

Masks are also strongly recommended for children under age 5. Masks continue to be mandated on school busses and in the nurse’s office. That mandate could be lifted after October 1st for middle/high school students who are vaccinated, but only if at least 80% of students and staff in the building have been vaccinated.Unvaccinated students would still have to wear masks.

While some of you may no doubt be disappointed by this decision, we are required - along with every other district in the state - to cooperate. It is our expectation that all students will wear a mask to school when we open on Xxx. Any student who does not have a mask will be provided one by our school staff, which they will be expected to wear throughout the school day. Teachers and school staff will also continue to offer periodic mask breaks.

So they’re really planning on shaming the unvaccinated, not only by making them wear a mask, but theyre going to pressure them, by blaming them for not meeting the 80% threshold... this is disgusting. Not only do these kids do not need to wear masks, theyre going to shame them and peer pressure them into getting the “vaccinations” that are not even approved for kids....

Masks inhibit kids from studying facial expressions, which unltimately hinders their development.

Crimes against humanity.

Edit adding another link

These people are sick.
edit on 27-8-2021 by SeventhChapter because: Added link

edit on 27-8-2021 by SeventhChapter because: Added a second link

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: SeventhChapter

I guess nevermind that the jab does not work and it doesn't matter if you are jabbed or un jabbed you can still get and spread it.

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: SeventhChapter

Masks inhibit kids from studying facial expressions, which unltimately hinders their development.

THIS, but there’s an even larger issue going on.

It’s teaching our children to be complicit no matter what’s being asked of them. Grooming them at a young age, to be nothing but “yes” people.

‘No critical thinking necessary kids — we will do all the thinking for you!’

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 08:38 PM

originally posted by: norhoc
a reply to: SeventhChapter

I guess nevermind that the jab does not work and it doesn't matter if you are jabbed or un jabbed you can still get and spread it.

And the new study out of Israel showing people with natural immunity have 13x better chance of fighting off the Delta Variant.

Why wouldn’t they just let kids fight this off themselves? What they’re doing isn’t “science” at all. It’s child abuse.

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 08:43 PM
They are now going to mandating a vax like Pfizer which only has a 39% effectiveness. We still dont know the many possible side effects of the mRNA vaxs in our youth.

Lets be honest MSM has never released any data expect the one claiming its "safe"
edit on 27-8-2021 by HawkEyi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 09:15 PM

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: SeventhChapter

Masks inhibit kids from studying facial expressions, which unltimately hinders their development.

THIS, but there’s an even larger issue going on.

It’s teaching our children to be complicit no matter what’s being asked of them. Grooming them at a young age, to be nothing but “yes” people.

‘No critical thinking necessary kids — we will do all the thinking for you!’

This has always been the reason schooling begins at such a young age. Real learning doesn’t occur until after schooling finishes, this was my experience attending school and most of the reason I payed less and less attention as the realisation was reinforced through out those years.
edit on 27-8-2021 by Dalamax because: Words matter

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 09:16 PM

originally posted by: HawkEyi
They are now going to mandating a vax like Pfizer which only has a 39% effectiveness. We still dont know the many possible side effects of the mRNA vaxs in our youth.

Lets be honest MSM has never released any data expect the one claiming its "safe"

Yeah. Safe for THEM to force on US.

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 11:12 PM
That does suck for the kids in ny..

That epoch article is from sept 2020. Is that how it is now? just curious cat is all. The first article was from feb 2021. I get it,, scary doooooooom.

In my town since the start of school... no masks required or vaxxxxxx required....I get it, it could change..but why worrrrryyyyyyy.. oh because feeeeaaaarrrrr rules huh..

no offense meant.. mania is the best right ..

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 11:46 PM
a reply to: CrazyBlueCat

This is reality in my town. I live in New England
This isn’t fear doom prediction.
They’re really planning on singling out the “unvaxxed” and will force them to wear masks. These are kids.
If we cannot stand up and protect the most vulnerable then we as humanity have lost this fight.
We will most likely move to homeschooling. I hope others do too.

edit on 27-8-2021 by SeventhChapter because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 11:55 PM
a reply to: SeventhChapter

It's amazing how pea-brained these "authorities in education" are.

Apparently they have either thrown their critical-thinking skills out the window, or never had them in the first place.

I predict some very unfortunate (but well-deserved) incidents against these authorities, from parents of children damaged by the masks, or the vaccines, or both.

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 11:58 PM
a reply to: SeventhChapter

They’re really planning on singling out the “unvaxxed” and will force them to wear masks.
Makes no sense. Since it is known that those who are vaccinated can transmit the disease there is no reason for them to be excluded from masking requirements.

I am requesting evidence that this is actually in planning. Anywhere.
edit on 8/27/2021 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 11:59 PM
a reply to: SeventhChapter
Star for you ..

I’m sorry you’re having to deal with that. Don’t take my mania seriously .. I don’t live in this reality .. I’m sorry

edit on 28-8-2021 by CrazyBlueCat because: Added clown ..

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 12:06 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: SeventhChapter

They’re really planning on singling out the “unvaxxed” and will force them to wear masks.
Makes no sense. Since it is known that those who are vaccinated can transmit the disease there is no reason for them to be excluded from masking requirements.

I am requesting evidence that this is actually in planning. Anywhere.

This is the full email deleting any identifying info for town

Dear Parents and Guardians, Everyone here at XX is excited and looking forward to welcoming all of our students back for in-person instruction on Monday, August XXX. As you may have already heard, the Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education has mandated that all public school students ages 5 and older (and all school staff and visitors) are required to wear a mask indoors through at least October 1, 2021. Masks are also strongly recommended for children under age 5.

Masks continue to be mandated on school busses and in the nurse’s office. That mandate could be lifted after October 1st for middle/high school students who are vaccinated, but only if at least 80% of students and staff in the building have been vaccinated. Unvaccinated students would still have to wear masks.

While some of you may no doubt be disappointed by this decision, we are required - along with every other district in the state - to cooperate. It is our expectation that all students will wear a mask to school when we open on Monday. Any student who does not have a mask will be provided one by our school staff, which they will be expected to wear throughout the school day. Teachers and school staff will also continue to offer periodic mask breaks.

I realize that the highly fluid COVID-19 situation has affected us all for such a long time, and we will continue to face any and all challenges together, because ultimately we all have one goal: to educate and provide the best opportunities for our children in the safest way possible. I am looking forward to the first real school opening in over a year, and I hope you are as well. Sincerely,

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 12:10 AM
a reply to: SeventhChapter

Did that come directly to you, or was it "forwarded?"

I reckon that 80% is somewhat aspirational. Doubt it will happen, so moot. But...

Yup. Doesn't make sense. Nothing like that going on here 'bouts.

edit on 8/28/2021 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 12:20 AM
a reply to: Phage

Yes sent from superintendent from school district. Sent to all parents.
This is Massachusetts

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 12:23 AM
a reply to: SeventhChapter

Gets cold there. No thanks.

Probably snakes and bears too. I bet.

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 12:42 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: SeventhChapter

Gets cold there. No thanks.

Probably snakes and bears too. I bet.

I get it, you prefer the volcanoes.
I’m sure there are plenty of snakes around where you’re from.

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Where are the good people fighting back?
People cannot consent to this.
We will fight locally, but this is not getting enough attention.

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: SeventhChapter

Keep your child at home.

Or rant online.


posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 02:47 PM
How about send them to school anyways so you've plenty of free time to rant on social media without actually doing anything about the issues you are so outraged about?

a reply to: and14263

edit on 28/8/2021 by nonspecific because: (no reason given)

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