posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 01:35 PM
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They are savable I think.
Rainwater only!
They are very suceptible to die from chemicals/chlorine.
Dont feed them bugs unless they are not catching bugs themselves for a few weeks-overfeeding can kill them too.
I had a few monster sized VFTs years ago-grew them under a fluorescent lightbulb on 16 hours a day,fed the soil with organic compost tea once in a
while-they loved it,each plant ended up with 2or 3 dozen "mouths" some of them big enough to catch a good sized wasp.
They like high ish humidity too-but dont spray them with a mister,or the mouths will shut without being fed,which is a waste of energy for the
plant,and stresses it out.I had mine in smallish pots,and those pots sat in a trough lined with damp moss to help keep the humidity up.
Good luck,they are fun plants.