posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 04:31 AM
Our understanding of the Mayan calendar comes from only 4 codexes that survived the Spanish colonialists attempts to destroy the Mayan's 'heathen'
knowledge. Modern scholars still hold many different interpretations on the archaic time-keeping wisdom that the Mayans left behind. The notion of a
long-count that ends in 2012 seems to be consisent among all the theories. However, what is infinitely more important and often disregarded is the
role that the other calenders play.
The Tzolkin is a 260 and 360 day count that reveals the way each day human conciousness based on the orbit of venus, mercury and the moon (ie, some
days are better to engage in spiritual work, other days are more geared towards physical survival). The role of Tzolkin is not essential to this
thread, so I shall not elaborate upon it.
There is also another calendar that charts the evolution of matter since the beginning of this universe (which the Mayan believe to be 19.6 billion
years ago). READ THIS PART CAREFULLY AS IT OFFERS CLUES TO OUR FUTURE. Basically, all the Mayan pyramids were 9 stories high. This
symbolizes the 9 different eras of human evolution. Each stage (Mayans called them underworlds) is divided into periods of 7 days and 6 nights (hmmm,
sounds like Genesis 1?) where evolution increased exponentially as time approached the 7th day (these describe the fluctuations of evolution during
each stage. Again, this is a whole new discussion in itself). The stages get shorter by a factor of 20 (15 bya, 750 mya, 37.5 mya, etc) as they
progress. The first is referred to as the cellular underworld, it was 1.536 B years long and accounts for the formation of large celestial bodies
(planets, star systems, etc.). The next is the primary underworld, lasted 768 mya and was responsible for harnessing the conditions that would
provide life on planets. The 3rd lasted 38.4 million years and describes a time when animals flourished on earth. After that comes the mammilian
underworld, lasting 1.92 million years and illustrates the origin of intellect, primitive tools and early humans (australopithcus, hominines, etc.).
Now it starts to get exciting..... the regional underworld lasted 96000 years and by this time humans were starting to recognize early spirituality
with cave paintings, burial for the dead, etc. NOTE: specific events can fall outside the constraints of each underworld as the time spans
depict the general tendency ie. dinosaurs lived more than 300 mya.
Now we arrive a point in time that is crucial..... The 'Fall' happened around the rough border of the regional underworld and it's predecessor.
Civilization began to bloom 5000 years ago. Writing, pottery, religions, the processing of metals all began to emerge at roughly the same time. This
pivotal point in our history was known to the Mayans as the National underworld. It lasted from approximately 3500 bc until 1700 ad. It was a time
of conquest, religious worldviews and monarchies. During the early 1700's, evolution shifted to favour the planetary underworld which saw the end of
religious rule (for the most part) and embracement of science. We entered the planetary underworld with the blueprints for the telegraph and left
with the internet.
In 1999, the planetary underworld came to an end.... It's crowning acheivements were noted towards the 6th night and 7th days (1940-1999). This
underworld provided a means for scientific marvel, but little in the way of spiritual development However, now we are in the Galactic underworld
which spans from 1999-early 2012 (12 years). This is a time when technology will be fused with spirituality and can be our defining moment or our
undoing. The underworld is young still, as it progresses we will see how different the world becomes relative to the planetary underworld. It may
be early, but already evidence is emerging to support this claim. Look at Terrorism.... once a political annoyance, now a battle of religious
supremacy. The threat of nuclear warfare has sparked the idea of 'end-times'. More people are becoming spiritually oriented or growing
spiritually. We feel the effects of evolution speeding up as it manifests itself in stress and the inability to accomplish everything we feel needs
to be done.
After the Galactic underworld comes to pass in early 2012, we enter into the universal underworld. This is the final underworld the Mayans recorded.
This is it. It is said that this will be a time where humans will pass from a type I civilization into a type II civilization (read 'Hyperspace'
for a furthur explanation). To give the jist of it, there's going to be a large congregation of people that unite to support peace, stability and
spirituality to stand in the face of those that are responsible for oppression. Perhaps nuclear war, perhaps a comet, perhaps a fleet of
extra-terrestrials will show up to dispell the illusion, who knows?
There will be conflict and resolution. 2012 is not the end of the world, but merely a transition into an era that cannot be described using our
current model. Trying to describe it is like trying to imagine a colour you've never seen before. Personally, I believe we shall obtain advanced
technologies. Quantum physics will be put to practical use, time and space travel will be made possible, nuclear fusion will be the main source of
power. These things won't happen overnight, but dec 21st, 2012 will be the event that serves as the catalyst for these things.
In the end, we are responsible for deciding our fate. God is opening the door for us but we need to prove to him that we want to serve creation and
not selfish ideals. To sit back and say "I can't wait for 2012 because then the world will be made perfect" is to complete miss the point. We are
responsible for our future. There is no sense in trying to rally against some ambiguous New World Order or worry yourself sick about World War 3.
Instead, worry about your personal growth. If you refine yourself through the process of doing spiritual work you will begin to develop the faculties
you need to survive in the future. Intuition, telepathy, good luck, etc. will be provided given that you have faith in higher forces and do the work
required to obtain them. What is Work? that's a completely different subject that I will be very happy to start in a new thread.
In terms of good reading material that is REAL and not just a bunch of fantasized crap check out the following books:
1. Mayan Calendar - A transformation of consciousness by Johann Calleman
2. The Alchemy of Transformation - Lee Lozowick
3. Hyperspace (don't know the author)
Message me if you want a furthur explanation on anything discussed above.
[edit on 25-3-2005 by StaggerLee]
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[edit on 25-3-2005 by pantha]