Hello traveler, you must be weary from your travels, come sit by the fire and tell me what strange sights have ye witnessed.
So i have been playing (mostly) fantasy themed dungeon adventures since the 90s, and after playing by ready written rule systems i i have found that
with a small group of people it is incredibly entertaining to write your own homebrew rules. Like to play small battles like 20-30 models each.
Please share your cool house rules here if you wish, always searching for ways to add interesting events to games.
To get things started,
Fighting against an endless horde of skeletons or zombies, roll a d6 for each defeted unit, 5,6 means that the model spawns at the back of the undead
All units killed by the undead are automatically raised as undead warriors.
Trolls, endless amount of projectiles to be thrown, regenerate 1 wound with a 5,6 (d6).
Make a list of six conditions or random events. for every new room or corridor you enter throw the dice,
1. Freezing wind- The temperature drops suddenly, throw the dice to determine how many points are lost in movement.
2. Mesmerizing song- All heroes lose their turn because a ghostly entity sings a song of lost ages.
3.Toxic cloud- all heroes must throw a dice, if you roll a 1, it means one wound.
4. The wandering monster- Add a monster to the room and let the dice decide who it will go after.
5. Its a trap!- The first model entering the room or a corridor, must roll two dice, snake eyes means the hero dies instantly.
6. Ancient statue- Grants 5 hero points, can be used to move extra squares/inches or as added dice in attacking/blocking.
These battles are the most fun when all players have an equal amount of models, or at least the same amount of total wounds and ability to inflict
damage, the more power you give the dice to influence the game with randomness the better.
Also on a side note, i think a core set of rules must fit on a single page, hate it when nothing happens because everyone is scrolling a brick of a
book to make sure of this or that, so when all the important stuff is on one page, everything flows much better, And allows more ale to be drank.
_edit You get one extra hero point for your next quest if you have heard the phrase "i cast magic missiles at the darkness" before.
edit on
26-8-2021 by XipeTotex because: (no reason given)