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FDA Approval Gave Years To Submit Safety Studies

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posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 05:48 AM
The FDA is allowing years for the submission of safety studies for the vaccine, including studies for our children.

SOTN link and tweet:

Direct link to FDA document (with redactions):

The due dates are not long enough to evaluate epigenetic changes.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 08:50 AM

originally posted by: Wisenox
The FDA is allowing years for the submission of safety studies for the vaccine, including studies for our children.

SOTN link and tweet:

Direct link to FDA document (with redactions):

The due dates are not long enough to evaluate epigenetic changes.

So, I wonder how this stacks up against prior drug/jab approvals? Has this ever been done before (allowing the safety studies to be done over a period of years after approval)?

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 10:31 AM
Well, that does not make any sense, they omitted some of the most serious side effects from consideration of approval. Sounds like the FDA, they form the reality we live in when it comes to meds. It is not real till the FDA says it is real, in this case unreal is considered real.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: Wisenox

Is called corruption and the reason we in the US have soo many casualties within US population when it comes to drug companies rushing their killer pills or injections in order to make profits.

Pharma do not care who they kill, damage for life or incapacitate in the US.

Is corruption and we do not have anybody in our government to help us because most of the politicians are up to their necks reaping their cut of the profits.

The Biopharmaceutical Industry Provides 75% Of The FDA's Drug Review Budget. Is This A Problem?

Darn well is a problem this called bribery and punishable by law, but while is ok for us regular commoners to be prosecuted this corrupted entities will never face any charges for killing us.

“FDA Repays Industry by Rushing Risky Drugs to Market”, Chen contends that the agency is beholden to the biopharmaceutical industry which pays three quarters of the FDA’s budget used for the drug review process. This is an astounding number. Is any other federal agency supported to this extent by the industry it regulates? Given this level of support, one might assume that the FDA would bend over backwards to meet the needs of its financial backers.

When dirty pharmaceuticals owns the agencies that are to protect the consumers is called corruption and they pay very well to get what they want. 77b8068649ec

Yep we all should be outraged and upset and should be demanding accountability, but rather we are been mandated into taking dangerous drugs and injections while the corruption gets immunity.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: Wisenox
In another post I had a question which I found no answer for. It is about the approval, namely that the approval seems to be given to a so called vaccine that isn't yet on the market. See last video (Dr Malone). Could this be true? ind-it/

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: marg6043

Two problems I see in your conspiracy theory here. One fee is made and the same if a product is approved or denied. So they don't make extra money by approving anything. Next any fees that they charge has to be approved by Congress in their budget and include the number of fees to be charged and the amounts. These budgets run for 3 years so again approval doesn't make extra money.

Someone has misled you on how the fees work ultimately its congress who decides on the fees and what manufacturers are charged. Do not think that congress will ever give up the power to control an area of government it wont happen.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: zandra

You are correct. Technically, the approval only applies to Cominarty, not the current Pfizer poison. Its a slight of hand trick to encourage corporations to mandate it, knowing that the people will assume its the current one. My understanding is that the commie-narty one will have disclosure of ingredients and risks requirements and possibly some, but not much, liability.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

So, I wonder how this stacks up against prior drug/jab approvals? Has this ever been done before (allowing the safety studies to be done over a period of years after approval)?

Well after Phase 3 trials that is really the last of the testing and after that is is monitoring after release to the public. The 300 possible reactions to a drug you see scrolling really fast at the end of a drug commercial would have very few of them actually come out of the trials. Most are from the after market monitoring that goes on with every drug.

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