All you whiners out there can just suck on it. More precisely, as master Yoda would say, "mmmmm...on it, you suck."
If you were presented a link to this thread, you, in fact are a whiner and a complainer. Perhaps, you may even be considered a crybaby. Here are a few
definitions of
whiner and
crybaby courtesy
Crybabycry·ba·by ( P ) Pronunciation Key (krbb)
n. pl. cry·ba·bies
A person who cries or complains frequently with little cause.
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Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
n 1: a person who lacks confidence, is irresolute and wishy-washy [syn: wimp, chicken] 2: a person given to excessive complaints and crying and
whining [syn: whiner, complainer, moaner, sniveller, bellyacher, grumbler, squawker]
Whinerwhine ( P ) Pronunciation Key (hwn, wn)
v. whined, whin·ing, whines
v. intr.
1. To utter a plaintive, high-pitched, protracted sound, as in pain, fear, supplication, or complaint.
2. To complain or protest in a childish fashion.
3. To produce a sustained noise of relatively high pitch: jet engines whining.
v. tr.
To utter with a whine.
1. The act of whining.
2. A whining sound.
3. A complaint uttered in a plaintive tone.
[Middle English whinen, from Old English hwnan, to make a whizzing sound.]
whiner n.
whining·ly adv.
whiny or whiney adj.
Yes, this thread is dedicated to complaining about whiners and whining about complainers. Crybabies, please ask yourself, "Is it that big of a deal
to whine and complain? Is it that big of a deal to whine and complain about a topic on a message board? Am I being a crybaby?" Suck on it. This is
only a message board, its snot a personal attack, you beaches. If you really cared that much about something, well, you wouldn't be sucking on it all
the time, now would you?
If you need a place to piss and moan, do it in this thread.
Suck on it.
P.S. Lupus copy, trying to decipher your poems is like trying to herd cats, or milk them for that matter.