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Bill Maher anyone?

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posted on Aug, 21 2021 @ 11:55 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: dandandat2
He is a white strait man of much privilege; nothing more than self preservation could make him distance himself from the current liberal mindset. That in of itself doesn't prove that the the current liberal mindset is wrong.

But listen to him for 1 minute and tell me he isn't Also what you are saying actually makes zero sense. If he was into self preservation then he would toe the line like all the good little liberals do.

The line they would have him toe he would need him to dig his own grave.


I've listened for a few more than 1 minute and I would say he is right. But I am a white strait man of modest privilege.
edit on 21-8-2021 by dandandat2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 01:35 AM
Everytime i see him, he's been mostly logical. And his show had some interesting debate clips. Which seem more real than any cnn or fox thing.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 06:02 AM

originally posted by: strongfp
His fundamentals haven't changed, it's the situations that have changed that he is now reacting too. I am in a similar situation. And can relate to his overall rhetoric.
And, it's rather alarming. Especially since I am now apparently a far right anti vaxer conservative among a lot of the people I know. Even tho I have held up the values of liberalism and true left people power for a while now.

This whole epoch we are going through socially reminds of the days when nu - Atheism was running rampant and people just completely forgot what atheism was truly about.

I think what separates you and Bill Maher from the loons is that you have actual values that you've critically examined. You're not just accepting what is fed to you, but placing it within that existing framework and seeing if it fits. Like a true liberal you are against government mandated medical treatment, it's completely aligned with liberal values to be opposed to that. I don't think that I've ever witnessed you doing mental gymnastics to maintain political identities at the expense of political values, that's a really good thing.

I'm sorry for what you're going through. I feel you, I was told to go back to CNN yesterday lol. I'm a leftist now because I don't lap up any bs that gets spewed just because it's anti-vax.

The good news is, since I'm now a leftist and you're far right, we can continue to argue as though nothing changed.

It's pretty scary how badly the left has moved to the hard right on this topic. Medical choice is a core tenant of liberal ideology, literally a constant rallying cry for voter support in every US election. My understanding from Canada is that even liberals are not really fully on board with this and they're still ramming things through, vicious things. I remember during the early lockdowns some friends in rural Quebec weren't even allowed to purchase nursery supplies they use to supplement their food stores. These are people who are doing subsistence farming because there is no work. They have no leg to stand on with this issue going forward. There is no coming back from violating human rights.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 07:33 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

You must not watch Bill Burr or Dave Chapelle then.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 08:16 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Xtrozero

There have been a few things I've always agreed with Maher on, and I'm reasonably conservative.

For example, where the left just instinctively wants to love Islam to pieces because they typically hate Christians and Christianity, Maher hates religion in general and sees Islam (and many of its practitioners) for what it is.

I used to LOVE Bill Maher. I’m old enough to remember when he first had his show on HBO (back in the late 80’s ?) which, like his last show, was called Politically Incorrect. I loved him because he was a breath of fresh air; while all the other comedians were clearly on the Left, Bill was Center-Right. Meanwhile, I couldn’t stand Dennis Miller, who also had a comedy/politically oriented talk show. Dennis was predictably Hard Left.

Then something weird happened…. They basically switched places! Bill became Hard Left and Dennis began his move to the Right. Both of them have very keen, insightful minds. And they’re both kinda self-satisfied and smug. But I like Dennis more. Anywho, I kinda strayed there. Just thought it interesting that the Comedy scene allows Controlled Opposition whose NPC characters are interchangeable.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 08:19 AM

originally posted by: CptGreenTea
Everytime i see him, he's been mostly logical. And his show had some interesting debate clips. Which seem more real than any cnn or fox thing.

It could also be that Maher whether you agree with him or not is one of the rare people in the world who knows who he is, is comfortable with that, and doesn't feel the need to change without someone really showing him a deep and valid reason for it.

Those people do exist, on both sides. They just aren't easy to find.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 09:28 AM
I've always liked Bill, but he is not really as smart as he thinks he is.

That said, he gets it right many times, and these videos show him getting it right.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 09:32 AM

originally posted by: lakenheath24
a reply to: ketsuko

You must not watch Bill Burr or Dave Chapelle then.

I don't watch a lot of TV.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Thats good then....they aint on TV.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 11:22 AM

originally posted by: dandandat2
of modest privilege.

I don't even know what that means... I'm sure someone would say, well that is your problem, but when I look back at my life starting as an E1 in the military with really nothing to my name anyone could have followed the same path. There is also a lot of very poor White people out there, so how would you rate their privilege level?

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

I must be a minority than, lol get it

because I am polite but say what I think. I treat everyone different it doesnt matter what they look like, it matters how they act.

people are way to sensitive and it is going to be the death of us all, a bunch of limp wristed men and angry childless women.....

we need to all get a grip and realize sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me........

I live by the saying 'live and let live' I don't care what people do in their homes and that doesn't hurt anyone. WHY people need to tell everyone they see what and who they have sex with is beyond me, and no I don't care what is under your pants.....

LGBTQ........why not just join the rest of us, we are all pretty nice people and will welcome you will open arms..... but they set them self's apart from the whole, hell they even have a flag so its hard to feel bad when they say they say they aren't welcomed by normal us society because that just isn't true.

I'm straight and NEVER have I been around anyone saying anything bad about the LGBTQ community and I know alot of people, so you would think ONE person would say something nasty in my 36 years and I've yet to hear it.

and like I said be gay or what ever floats your boat, the rest of us don't want to hear about it as much as you don't want to hear about our sex life or what's going on in our pants.

Bill Maher can be entertaining but i agree he leans pretty far left and to hear this from him means the woke are eating themselves

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 12:02 PM
Bill Maher definitely reeks of bleu cheese pass the grey poupon white privilege yikes. He would be appalled by that comment and accuse me of being too sensitive.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: penroc3
people are way to sensitive and it is going to be the death of us all, a bunch of limp wristed men and angry childless women.....

Like White women telling Black people they are wrong about racism, BLM, defunding the police if the Black person disagrees which is typically the case...

LGBTQ........why not just join the rest of us, we are all pretty nice people and will welcome you will open arms..... but they set them self's apart from the whole, hell they even have a flag so its hard to feel bad when they say they say they aren't welcomed by normal us society because that just isn't true.

They even hate themselves...They are canx culturing Lesbians because they are unwilling to have a sexual relationship with a woman who has a dick... I think most rational LGBTO actually steer clear of the LGBTQ organization.

Bill Maher can be entertaining but i agree he leans pretty far left and to hear this from him means the woke are eating themselves.

I agree, when Bill sees Liberals as

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 12:29 PM

originally posted by: WillNotComply
I honestly think he spoke a lot of hyperbole for many years to make his points, now he’s gotten his way and is seeing the error in his thinking when carried out to the ridiculous degrees our society has taken them. He never thought it would get this bad.

I agree, Its like the #metoo movement, starts out as good and then it goes full retard. We can typically see a good baseline to many movements but they don't seem to stay with in set lines and just keep expanding into total chaos, It is good though that people on the left are actually taking notice and speak out on it.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: CptGreenTea
Everytime i see him, he's been mostly logical. And his show had some interesting debate clips. Which seem more real than any cnn or fox thing.

I thought Politically Incorrect was pretty sharp back in the day. about 2009 he got rather WOKE himself and when Trump won he just became annoying in full TDS mode, but then Trump is gone and now you still have that junk yard dogs running amuck biting everyone they can...All fun and games when Trump was around, but now what do you do?

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 12:37 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtcrime

Then something weird happened…. They basically switched places! Bill became Hard Left and Dennis began his move to the Right. Both of them have very keen, insightful minds. And they’re both kinda self-satisfied and smug. But I like Dennis more. Anywho, I kinda strayed there. Just thought it interesting that the Comedy scene allows Controlled Opposition whose NPC characters are interchangeable.

In the other post I said Bill really changed around 2009 and then went full TDS when Trump won. So now I'm wondering if he is looking at it all and realizing maybe this left side that kind of started around 2012 is not what he wants America to be like.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: Ksihkehe

It's pretty scary how badly the left has moved to the hard right on this topic. Medical choice is a core tenant of liberal ideology, literally a constant rallying cry for voter support in every US election. My understanding from Canada is that even liberals are not really fully on board with this and they're still ramming things through, vicious things. I remember during the early lockdowns some friends in rural Quebec weren't even allowed to purchase nursery supplies they use to supplement their food stores. These are people who are doing subsistence farming because there is no work. They have no leg to stand on with this issue going forward. There is no coming back from violating human rights.

Its pretty crazy that My body, My choice has been written into the liberal stone and they are so quicks to kill it. 2 years ago they would fight you to the death to protect that statement. It is also all this TDS still oozing out. Biden canx everything Trump did no matter what and we are paying the price over and over for that in so many ways. Hell he is building the wall once again with liberal support...geez you can't make this crap up.

I hope they do go to vac passports as there are about 50 million liberals that do not want to get the vaccine too and I wonder if they would vote for someone like DeSantis if he ran, and vote out the Draconian liberals from their states.

There is a somewhat new Sandford study that shows lockdown have done nothing. There is no second wave just the first still catching up as things open up. Lockdown again and you just delay the inevitable, so the more Draconian these liberal states go the more people they loose in support.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 02:13 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: strongfp
His fundamentals haven't changed, it's the situations that have changed that he is now reacting too. I am in a similar situation. And can relate to his overall rhetoric.
And, it's rather alarming. Especially since I am now apparently a far right anti vaxer conservative among a lot of the people I know. Even tho I have held up the values of liberalism and true left people power for a while now.

This whole epoch we are going through socially reminds of the days when nu - Atheism was running rampant and people just completely forgot what atheism was truly about.

This just tells you how F'ed up the left has become in so many ways... I lean very Libertarianism, but found myself defending Trump for 4 years even though I didn't vote for him the first

I have said in the past the a moderate liberal is now a far right conservative though their values have not changed...I have view Bill rather far left in his ideology, but boy he looks more and more on my side every
Imagine if JFK were alive today and held the same positions on issues he had in 1963. He'd be a Republican in all but name, more conservative than a lot of RINOs even.

posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Integrity of values has always been one of my personal virtues. And if my values seem off point, I appreciate those who call me out. I might be a little stuck up at first, but I tend to cave on a personal level and ponder and view the universe through a critical lens.

One of my favorite quotes of all time is "It's better to give a critical analysis than a liberal complaint".
And I have lived by that mantra for a long time now. I try to view scenarios and situations through both the right and left ideology.

posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 07:56 PM
I don’t have cable or satellite TV, but being stuck in a hotel for a while I watched a couple of his shows. I actually kinda liked what he says, even though some of it I disagree on. I always thought he was hard left but my mistake. Kinda funny when he was trashing the liberal left.

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