Heads up everyone. While I’m not confirming or debunking this topic, if you’re not at least interested in considering the topic of alien abduction
and conspiracy theories with an open mind, this is not for you. Additionally, if you mind is to closed to accept other possibilities, simply feel
free to exit this thread now.
I’m not going to claim to know that alien abductions are real occurrences or say that they are just dreams or made up. Of course some accounts are
made up by attention seekers, but overwhelming evidence from psychological experts supports these experiences being experiences for the individual.
That is to say that regardless of the nature of the experience, it is a real experience to those experiencing it. I’ve never experienced this
phenomenon first hand but we have all experienced things in both the waking life and in dreams which change us.
Dreams can cause post traumatic stress disorder. Have you ever had a dream so bad that you avoided the subject of that dream later in the waking
world. Then again who is to say that something can not link to your mind in some way and influence your dream. There are people working on technology
now that will someday be able to achieve this.
Be it man-made or from another species it’s possible that this technology already exists. After all, even military tech can be 50 years ahead of
what we know about. The odd thing is that some people have evidence in the form of marks on their bodies supporting a physical nature.
Maybe you’re in bed late at night when suddenly you’re surrounded by a bright light that lifts your body into the air. You pass through a window
which opens by itself and then continue upward into a disk shaped craft. Maybe you are driving through the woods and you car pulls over, you get out
and start walking in a daze toward a bright light and into the custody of strange beings. While you’re on board you are completely paralyzed as
small grey people with large heads begin their work. A deep sense of dread and terror beyond any phobia or fear washes over you. Almost always there
is a sexual or reproductive theme to the encounter, be it a physical encounter with extraterrestrial of the opposite gender or more likely the removal
of eggs in woman and reproductive material from men. Quite often there will be painful operations or tests done on those abducted. Often these actions
are sexual in nature.
Let’s recap what we know so far, just to be clear. A sense of dread is felt, the loss of control of the body and possibly your mind is experienced
as they are taken over, and painful or humiliating procedures are carried out against ones will by these strange beings. Quite often there are
examples of levitation, movement through walls, loss of time, and more. This is not a new phenomenon. This kind of experience has been around for
thousands of years, at least four thousand years in fact.
I want to stop right here and draw a comparison to the ancient concept of a succubus or an incubus, which are supposed to be demons which essentially
rape humans. So this concept of being taken by more powerful or intelligent beings which have their way with you in some way is nothing new.
It’s also worth noting that psychologists have suggested that these are simply dreams and regardless of the beings being demons or aliens are
actually masked versions of former abusers in a patient with repressed traumatic memories.
While it is a fact that many of these occurrences are in a dream state and not physically real, it could still be being projected into the mind of
those abducted. What would possibly project such a thing?
Now when humans encounter demons they first have an intense fear, along with other emotions on occasion. This is due to the mind detecting an invading
force and trying to get you away from it. Quite often people can be frozen in fear, unable to move. Sometimes this is in a dream and other times
it’s in the waking world.
So what connection is there between grey aliens and demons that can be confirmed? Well, not demons exactly but fallen angels. To understand this, we
need to look further back to the book of Genesis and the book of Enoch. Thousands of years ago, some of the heavenly host decided to rebel and serve
themselves instead of God.
In Genesis 6:1-4 we see it written, “And it cometh to pass that mankind have begun to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters have been
born to them, and sons of God see the daughters of men that they [are] fair, and they take to themselves women of all whom they have chosen And Adonai
saith, `My Spirit doth not strive in man -- to the age; in their erring they [are] flesh:' and his days have been an hundred and twenty years. The
fallen ones were in the earth in those days, and even afterwards when sons of God come in unto daughters of men, and they have borne to them -- they
[are] the heroes, who, from of old, [are] the men of name.”
The 120 year thing, yes that was before Abraham who lived longer than this, so we know it was not a limit to the human life span. When you look into
it, this was 120 years before the great flood. More importantly in this context we see fallen angels and human women producing a new and powerful
being. These are the Hero’s of Old. These are the beings which were worshiped as god-kings in many ancient cultures.
Back to the flood, the Nephilim were half human and can not breath water so they died during the flood. Unfortunately being half angel their spiritual
aspect survived trapped on earth and ineligible for salvation. This is why demons are so hateful toward God, but then again they are not his creation
and not his responsibility. Demon try to lead us, Children of God, astray as it’s the only way they can effect God. However they are also not the
focus of this text.
The Nephilim reappear after the flood. Presumably there was a conversation behind the scenes that humans never received a record of, but the
production of Nephilim was suddenly put to an end almost immediately. However that does not mean that these being did not interbreed with humans
throughout the Earth before they died out. The archaeological record shows multiple species of human in the early days of our kind. Some say they are
various evolutions, but they could also be other ratios of fallen angel to human genetics.
If these fallen angels do not reproduce amongst themselves, and want to increase numbers but interbreeding with humans has been stopped for the most
part, what do they do? Spend centuries studying what we are made of and how God’s creation works. Specifically our genetic code. Remember those
powerful beings trying to study reproduction? Yep.
Now why would evil and immortal beings want to produce children? Roughly one third of the heavenly host were cast down to Earth for rebelling. That
means God’s army is outnumbering the rebels 2:1. If they have any hope of not being destroyed, they need to get those numbers up. I’m not
suggesting they have a real chance of defeating God, but it’s their belief that matters here. They are trying to shore up their numbers for the
coming war. The alien abduction hybrids are literally the Nephilim of the days of Noah.
Hopefully nobody is dumb enough to do Jurassic Park but with Nephilim after finding ancient remains. If you have ever encountered any of this, please
comment below..
edit on 19.8.2021 by GolgothaBridge because: Clarity