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The Most IMpersonal Experience You’ve Had

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posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 11:13 AM
i've had so many astral projections i can't count.

My most impersonal feeling one was a trip. I projected from my body and ended up in my room next to my bed. I went outside and flew across the street. there was dude standing there in a long black trench coat who held out his hand and said "take this"

Being in the astral and knowing nothing could hurt me i took it immediately. It was a black pill. I instantly was thrown into what seemed like a 8 hour D M T trip. I was in some digital realm bouncing around with no sense of individualism what so ever.
when i snapped out of it i was standing on the corner next to the black trench coat dude and was mind blown. He looked at me and and said how'd you like it. I shook my head and woke up in real life.
I checked how much time had passed and it was only an hour in real life.

Another time I astral projected and went to some future world. I waited in line at this future building and ended up sitting in a chair where you put a helmet on your head.
When i put the helmet on my head i was sent into a Mario 1 the nintendo game and played the first level as Mario. I eventually hit a koopa and woke up back in the chair. That was a super cool experience.

Besides that i would have to say either doing D M T or Ketamine. To put it briefly, those substances blast you off into the 6th dimension where you can psychically talk to god in a realm that time doesn't exist.

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 02:18 PM
I lack the words to express that which just is, except to agree that there are awareness states that are "impersonal" and certainly not contained to some apish thing called human on Earth.

Every attempt at expression falls short and one just comes back (down? Up? In or out?" Sets in sets?) from an overview that may or may not be some ultimate state by a series of "awakenings" from too many weird personal states to count and finds oneself, finally or always, behind human eyes looking out at just one equally real/unreal "reality" out of what seems infinity.

Mine were chemically caused, or at least seemed to be, and could just be altered neuron paths in the ol' grey matter, or a real view of the infinite awareness exploring possibilities in infinity. It seemed more "real" than this experience, but once back here the doubts creep back in.

Sigh... awareness... what ya gonna do?

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 02:37 PM
Ive definitely had extensive experiences with lucid dreaming. Thats pretty much the only kind of dreaming I had growing up and up until my early 20s. Definitely interesting stuff..

I had a few astral travel experiences, but it never appealed to me all that much.

I never got the impression that any of it was "impersonal," per se, just not limited to the current mind/body complex of the human physical form. Though, I do suspect it could appear as such if that is what one identifies as "personal." Probably more semantics there than anything.

Unifying the different, somewhat autonomous "realms" of the human physical body (thoughts, lungs, stomach, circulatory, etc) without them losing their "identity" (for lack of a better word) in the experiential whole was typically my foundation. Albeit, not necessarily one conveyed in most discussions on the matter. Most seem to focus on escapism, typically by delving further into thoughts under the auspices of avoiding said thoughts.

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 05:38 PM
Very Cool. Make sure and share with me when you get it out.
a reply to: Brotherman

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 05:41 PM
Very Very Cool. Good description. That is how I “fly” often in my dreams. Those leaps.

a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 05:43 PM
Oh Wow.
Yeah it’s crazy how we can see forward in this film-reel, this tapestry of Life.
Sounds like a very special Family🙏🏻

Blessings to you and yours ☀️

a reply to: Thoughtcrime

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: Serdgiam

Does lucid dreaming start for you with black and white pictures that become more clear until you drop off to dreaming? I don't seem to get over that point out of anxiety of what is happening.

I've thought about the possibility of it really being some kind of remote viewing because it doesn't feel like a dream, it feels like looking at something that exists and can be touched, just not from my location.

Probably it is just my mind playing tricks with me after all.

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 05:46 PM
Well, with words “pointing” of course.

Just like how I tried using them to convey that “experience” of not coming from a center point but being everywhere at once. There wasn’t experiencing happening but just a stillness, being everywhere at once.

I know what you mean tho.
And yeah, some of the pranayama’s really have an intense impact on the system. Im a fan of all things kundalini.

a reply to: Terpene

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 05:51 PM

Yeah, impersonal “experiences” is kinda a misnomer. I sure do love talking about those things on the fringes of what’s possible to convey in words.

And Man! I watched that little clip.
If you have time you should Pm me your favorite movies list. Id love to scope it out!!


a reply to: pthena

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 05:59 PM
Definitely see what you mean.

And yeah,
All experiences are going to have an experiencer and will therefore be “personal” to the point of perception.

What I was trying to really get at is that void, that “absence of objects” space where the perceiver and perceived all collapse.
Very hard to put in words but I can definitely say it is IMPERSONAL.

That’s kind of the point of it, the release of limitations.
Not just some trippy thing but what they call turiya, beyond all “states.”

I’m sure we all fall into it every single night in deep sleep, where we lose awareness of a body and mind complex. It’s like throwing a salt doll in the ocean.


a reply to: Serdgiam

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 06:01 PM
Perfectly said unsaid.

Love the awareness... what you gonna do

And yeah, it’s quite strange. Vistas beyond anything humanoid undoubtedly get shrunk back into dichotomy and the limits of our processor.

Good to hear someone who has seen awareness devoid of a sense of personal a reply to: Baddogma

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 06:05 PM
Yes it does seem like all these paintings exist, such that they are in an infinite already present imagination... and that one is zooming in to view them.

The way dreams start is super crazy. For me it has been like a painting that starts with really hazy impressions, which slowly take to being defined movement and reality.

Eternal Dreamer

a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 01:18 AM
a reply to: Ideashavenomother

Do you remember the old internet days, AOL times when pictures would load blurry and then progressively get more detailed and sharpen up?

Like that but with black background and white lines. When it happens I am so excited I either overthink and it collapses or there is no memory after it. Like I just fell to sleep.

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

It never started that way for me, but who knows for others?

My first experience that I remember was when I was maybe 6, and was never replicated. It was a typical lucid dream in that I was aware of the dream itself, but I was also aware of what I was going on in the "waking world." It was a nap in the afternoon, and I heard some conversation my parents were having about going to a park or something. But, I was also doing the typical thing of flying around in the dreams. It wasnt like.. two monitors viewing two different things, more like two sources of experiences happening with a slight phase shift between the two.

When I would help others with things of this nature, I found a lot of the typical advice was pretty effective. Things like: when you are awake, make a mental note of being awake while doing repetitive tasks like turning on lightswitches, opening doors, and even going to the bathroom. I never experienced any nervousness or anxiety myself. Normally, it would just be a lucid dream from the get-go. When it wasnt, it was more of a sudden realization that I was dreaming rather than any sort of transition.

I do believe that it might all be interaction with some type of technology that us primitives view as "spirituality." Where many normal dreams are simply neurological unpacking, but then others are conscious or unconscious interaction with a system we do not fully understand.

I hope you are doing very well

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: Ideashavenomother

I don't do PMs, but, I have a scheme:

I could claim that watching movies is a form of impersonal experience.

The clip that I linked is totally not one of my favorite movies. I just wanted people to get the feel of what it's like being in the middle of powerful judges and deciders.

Avatar (2009)
The Harry Potter Series, books more than the films,
*spoiler* Severus Snape is totally my hero.

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: Serdgiam

I did the poke my hand with the finger thing but can't even remember when I stopped. I tried other advice like thinking "when I gain conscious next time, I am actually dreaming and can take over" and such.

The thing is, that as soon as I recognize I dream, I think thats the moment a dream becomes lucid, I snap out of it. When I was young, I was camping with friends and one had a "ghetto blaster" (so naughty, it's not PC
) turned on in the morning.
Prince Ital Joe feat. Marky Mark (Mark Wahlberg) - Happy People 1993

My dream ended like a comic with music at the end and all figures in my dream were rotating like in a tornado. Similar to you incorporating your parents talk! I think I woke up and my mind wrapped up the dream quickly going with the music, doing the closest thing know that a 7 year old could connect with fantasy and music: Comics.

I do believe that it might all be interaction with some type of technology that us primitives view as "spirituality." Where many normal dreams are simply neurological unpacking, but then others are conscious or unconscious interaction with a system we do not fully understand.

The interface
I remember. Maybe there's a way we can tune into the natural form, I agree.

Doing okay currently, if you're in a valley, it has to go up at one point again right? And the sun will greet me once I am out there. What you're up to, everything okay my friend?

Add: It's not anxiety in form of angst but happy anxiety. Like the moment you notice a friend you have not seen in a while. Our word for it, both positive and negative, both translate into "anxiety".
edit on 18.8.2021 by ThatDamnDuckAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: Ideashavenomother

Ah, but the mind-body complex was still there, we just arent aware of it.. as you say.

A distinct limitation, under the guise of the opposite. We tell ourselves it is "beyond," when it might actually be so firmly and deeply entrenched in the mind-body complex that we lose connection with everything. "Turiya" may be little more than the highest order form of the illusory potential of the complex. Or maybe not

Something to be experienced, to be sure, but perhaps not as much of a True pinnacle as we would like to believe. Similar to the goofiness surrounding "enlightenment."

It seems that would be experiencing both "turiya" and the full depth and scope of the mind-body complex simultaneously. Where each constituent part has its "say" and presence in the experiential process. Where the awareness is witness to the unfolding of existence in its temporal and non-temporal totality, and more. Like the slow growth and change of a forest over millenia, from the void from which it all sprouts to the field of potential that nurtures the shapes of the seeds & branches to the leaves changing color and dropping and the baby deer prancing through the meadows. And the infernos that are an integral part of the cycle.

We are funny critters, so what do I know?

edit on 18-8-2021 by Serdgiam because: Squirrel chaos

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

The "key" always seemed to be turning those behaviors into an unconscious habit. Building that habit takes time, but once someone automatically thinks "dreaming vs awake" when turning on a lightswitch (or whatever), it indicates the neurological structures are sufficiently embedded. Of course.. once they are there after years of constructing them.. they are somewhat permanent.

"Anxiety" does tend to have negative connotations, doesnt it? I suppose "excitement" could work too. But I think that we can condition ourselves for those larger transitions in experience. Very similar to having an epiphany during meditation; the very nature of the shift can snap us out of it. I think we could even compare it to getting "into the zone" when driving, or any other sport. We usually know that that is when we are performing at our current peak, and the excitement of that can throw us right back out of the "zone." Similarly, perfect practice usually makes perfect, as they say
The more we experience it, the easier it becomes to go with the flow without getting so excited about the potential that we miss the mark.

Not too bad here. Still working on an alternative worldwide paradigm lol Hoping to establish a small town that is laced with all of my technology. It just sounds so cool to me! Will it happen? I dont know.. But gotta dream big, right? I didnt do all that work in those lucid dreams for nothin!

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: Serdgiam
Translational error from my side then, excitement fit's perfect

Maybe I am just not meant to be able to do it, can not do it or it's a challenge of continuity I should take on.

it indicates the neurological structures are sufficiently embedded. Of course.. once they are there after years of constructing them.. they are somewhat permanent.

You mean like similar to me incorporating wing tsun moves in my daily life routines (many do)? Like when I go through a door and need to close it, I use my palms at the edge of the door to close it after myself, then spin around 180° in the perfect moment to stop the door from slaming into the frame by taking in the energy through my fingertips just so it stops about an inch before the frame, with a slick move down to the handle to close the last inch in absolutely silent and softness. (biu sao)

Takes not even a second and freaks people out that don't know me because they expect the door to slam violent. It's inside me, happens automatic I do it for about a decade now. Same when I walk by people that turn their backs towards me and can not notice me, up comes the ellbow and the handpalms out to feather contact (bong sao, only useful for that purpose lol).

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 12:23 AM
Yeah sorry brother but your attempts to triangulate on my experience/non experience don’t even come close

The mind that always wants to think everything away dominates you~
For that reason in this lifetime you’ll probably not go beyond it
Your limitation is not “mine“


a reply to: Serdgiam

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