posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to:
I did the poke my hand with the finger thing but can't even remember when I stopped. I tried other advice like thinking "when I gain conscious next
time, I am actually dreaming and can take over" and such.
The thing is, that as soon as I recognize I dream, I think thats the moment a dream becomes lucid, I snap out of it. When I was young, I was camping
with friends and one had a "ghetto blaster" (so naughty, it's not PC
) turned on in the morning.
Prince Ital Joe feat. Marky Mark (Mark Wahlberg) - Happy People 1993
My dream ended like a comic with music at the end and all figures in my dream were rotating like in a tornado. Similar to you incorporating your
parents talk! I think I woke up and my mind wrapped up the dream quickly going with the music, doing the closest thing know that a 7 year old could
connect with fantasy and music: Comics.
I do believe that it might all be interaction with some type of technology that us primitives view as "spirituality." Where many normal dreams are
simply neurological unpacking, but then others are conscious or unconscious interaction with a system we do not fully understand.
The interface
I remember. Maybe there's a way we can tune into the natural form, I agree.
Doing okay currently, if you're in a valley, it has to go up at one point again right? And the sun will greet me once I am out there. What you're up
to, everything okay my friend?
Add: It's not anxiety in form of angst but happy anxiety. Like the moment you notice a friend you have not seen in a while. Our word for it, both
positive and negative, both translate into "anxiety".
edit on 18.8.2021 by ThatDamnDuckAgain because: (no reason given)