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Could Covid-19 be a psychological experiment?

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posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 02:55 AM

Could Covid-19 be a psychological experiment?

Could Covid-19 be a psychological weapon ?

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 03:14 AM
Why not both?

I mean why not be evil and let the virus do what sovereign armies could never dream of?

Fear. It makes us malleable and weak.

F nationalism. F religion(s). F familial bonds.

It’s like a fear-pimps wettest dream come true.

It’ll be peddled as we are led up to and off the cliff.

It’ll be swaddled and adored by TPTB as we walk right from this chute into the slaughterhouse.

So why not both an actual virus (lethal or not) AND a PSYOP of epic proportions and long-game planning.

“May you live in interesting times.”

edit on 17-8-2021 by slatesteam because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-8-2021 by slatesteam because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 05:34 AM
a reply to: AIC4ME

If an Aboriginal witch doctor points the bone at you, you will die shortly. That's if your aboriginal brought up in the culture. So if a western doctor told you, that you only had a few weeks left and you believed them, it probably curtains for you as well. The stress would probably do it. You would go into a type of shock, and find yourself in a very strange place. I often wonder how healthy constant advertising is.

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: TritonTaranis

If you'd ask me it is part of the NWO agenda and no accident that covid was released into the world. Just like 911 was meant to bring fear and with it citizens welcomed increased government control over the people this covid scare has an equally but different purpose. Its a global event and it will not surprise me if an other global "event" will happen not long after we accepted vaccination passports and such as normal. The NWO strategists are not done yet... But back to the current covid situation..I am not sure what it is exactly what the goal is but I expect there will appear a very mean mutation which will trigger the demand for removing all banknotes and coins from circulation. Money will be considered a most dangerous source of contamination. Welcome to a complete digital financial world...

There are so many things that can be used from this covid nightmare that can covieniantly help this NWO become a reality. The NWO will not be forced upon all nations of the world by war..or force...but very slowly conquered from within.

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 02:18 PM

'm going to start off by saying I don't really have any supporting facts

Thats really not a good start....

I don't know who is right and who is wrong anymore and I can tell you that my faith in CDC, Doctors, Government Officials, relatives and humans in general have just gone down the toilet

So if not humans....who are you believing, you been talking to your dog about this or something?

That being said, could this whole thing be an experiment? Is it possible that a percentage of all this is just psychoses?

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: angryscotslad

Wow you sure put me in my place. Yeah, my dog and I talked all this over and even helped me type out the thread.

To your points, if you can call them that.

1. I stated that I didn't have supporting facts, because this thread was more about a feeling that I have and was posing a question, as in, is this possible? I'm not making a statement of fact, just wondering about this idea.

2. No I don't talk to my dog, well not about conspiracies anyway. My point was I am losing hope in humans in general. Obviously, I don't mean every single one.

3. Errr... Okay?

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: anonentity

I agree, that's what I am asking I guess. I'm sure there is a certain amount of this pandemic that is mind over matter kind of thing. Not in a good way, just people believing so much that their doomed and the spiral begins. I know of two people that this has happened with personally. They got tested, (forced to be tested for work) test comes back positive but they have no symptoms and otherwise would have never known, then literally the next day are sick and saying it's really bad or end up on oxygen. I'm not saying 100% that it's their fear causing it and being told that they have covid. It could just be timing, when they were tested, the virus hadn't started causing symptoms yet. I don't know.

I would have responded sooner, I was out sick with the kiddos and wasn't feeling up to much of anything. All good now. You know, mind over matter haha.

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 08:27 PM
a reply to: slatesteam

Yeah, the affect of all this has taken it's toll on people for sure. I mean, the mask thing has always been an issue for me from the beginning. I didn't like it cause I thought it would end up making us not see us as humans and more as a walking virus, something to be scared of. People hardly smile, hug, shake hands anymore. There is almost no contact and we most certainly are a physical species. We need to not fear each other and have contact. My daughters grandparents didn't see her for like 4 or 5 months when all this started. You know, just to be safe. Now I'm about to be taken to court over this so my daughters mother can force me to get the jab, as well as my daughter, now that it's FDA approved. Crazy times.

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 09:03 PM

originally posted by: AIC4ME
a reply to: chr0naut

My question isn't so much is covid real or not, it's could people be manifesting the symptoms? Like, let's say you just caught the regular cold, not covid, and were so freaked out, could you start manifesting the covid symptoms?

i think that's certainly possible if the person was particularly susceptible to the 24/7 propaganda.

- the power of suggestion and all that .

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