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Any Astrologers, Numerology/Gematria Folks? A Couple Questions for the Coming 20-25 Days

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posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Thanks a lot! Really cool of you to provide this info. I probably should have mentioned I know more regarding Astrology than the average person reading their magazine sun signs, but not a LOT more. Still, this is enough for me to go on and get a fair understanding. I like your suggestion regarding Afghanistan in relation to the Saturn in Libra but I see this a little differently if you don't mind me mentioning.

If it's referring to getting a lesson regarding our obligations & duties to others, I see this in regard to well, a couple things as possibilities (along with your thoughts)

1. We as the larger population of people have not been fighting for our liberties as we should have been this last 18+ months. We have been greatly divided by our media/government. I'm in the way of thinking that if those who commit evil do not receive their due justice, then that karmic factor spills out and the evil spreads to everything around us, making more evil essentially. Basically, if tyrants go unpunished, it's we who receive the punishment.
2. Similarly, I've noticed the "leaders" around the world that are taking their populations into lockdown, like Australia, are using the psychology of "obligations" and "responsibility" to react strongly and that failure to do so is now being met with sharp reprimands. So, in essence, they are wielding this aspect upon the people, knowing that it's a sound way to control during this astrological point. (I spend a goodly amount of time trying to figure them out)

The information with 9/11 IS useful as well and Afghanistan does play into this.
There are already several correlations between 9/11 and what's going on in Afghanistan right now.

1. Plane number 201109 (20th anniversary of 9/11 and 1109 is the European way to denote 9/11)
2. The 09/11 timetable to remove the U.S. forces by the Taliban
3.The very recent DHS bulletin highlighting those "celebrating 9/11" as a terrorist concern.
and 4. Even the people falling from the planes as they take off.

A lot of very reminiscent similarities whether this is a full-blown psy-op or not. (Many are calling this super fake and I'm not opposed to that theory)

None of this is easing my anxiety whatsoever as you can imagine. If anything, I'm more concerned with every day passing. Sorry for the long post.

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 10:32 PM
a reply to: crappiekat
I always have time for a good story and that one fits the bill.

This is the 2nd mention of lessons not learned from the past in this thread. VERY interesting.

I hope that I I"m not the first to mention to you that the "Death" card in tarot is equivalent to change and I'm not trying to say ANYthing about your events signalling a final goodbye right around the corner, but I also felt that I had to mention it with the rest of the story not NOT involving the topic of death.

There's nothing that indicates a calm, unchanging society in the coming months/years. We have a ridiculous amount of change heading our way and some of it, I gather, is coming very soon.

Your events could well mean to start preparing to move/make a big change in your life. This is something EVERYONE I watch is warning people to do. Get your affairs in order. Secure your investments. Be READY.

I had a similar bird event earlier this summer btw... I have 2 cats and am no stranger to waking up to one of their hunted "presents" near my bed occasionally. And you know how cats are. About a month ago, I was sitting here and heard the little cry/movement over on the other side of my room. I chased the cats away and picked up a little brown bird. All I could do is set him in my nearby window sill of my window that swings open to the outside (and makes my horrible heating bill that much worse.) Wasn't sure he would make it, but in an hour he was fairly recovered and shortly after, disappeared when I wasn't looking. (he was safe from the cats)
The next few days, I would have these almost Disney-like moments as several birds that looked like him would land on the window or the peak of my porch roof. They would sing and flutter about happily for awhile as I sat here.

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 02:23 AM
a reply to: gottaknow

I really like where you're going with Saturn. In fact, it prompted me to look up the next full moon chart on the 22nd. I was fully expecting the moon to be in the early degrees of Pisces, but it's actually our second full moon in Aquarius (with the first being on July 23), and a true blue moon by sign rather than calendar month. And not surprisingly it's at 29° -- the critical degree... the "sink or swim do or die" degree. It's also only a couple degrees of the USA's natal moon in Aquarius (using the Sibley chart).

If we consider Saturn in Libra as the authoritarian figures (Saturn) demanding Covid restrictions due to regard for others (so very Libra), we see a very similar dynamic with the Leo/Aquarius opposition, balancing the needs of the self/individual (Leo) with the needs of humanity/brotherhood (Aquarius).

Let's throw in the USA's first Pluto (in Capricorn) return that's coming up, with the third and final conjunction at the end of December. The first conjunction was late last year... then transiting Pluto went retrograde, passing back over natal Pluto, and Pluto will soon be going direct again, return for the final -- superior -- conjunction December 30. We are definitely at a point of questioning and reconsidering our authoritarianism (Capricorn), and even more, the hidden motivations (Pluto) for doing so.

In fact, right now ALL of the outer planets -- Jupiter on out -- are in retrograde motion right now. We need to be re-evaluating and re-considering lots of things. And not just our authorities and leaders, but the people. We see that with both the USA's natal moon involved and with Leo (which governs the voting populace). With a couple significant events expected to take place in Arizona with regards to the audit the end of this week -- including a preliminary report of the auditor's findings thus far -- I do wonder what part this will play. Now we have both Uranian and Aquarian energies at work, and Arizona is itself ruled by Aquarius! We're back to expecting the unexpected and anything can happen...

It seems to me that the ball will soon be in We The People's court and much will depend on what We The People do. What We the People collectively demand of our authorities and what we accept from our authorities. We The People are not as weak as some might think. I hope we are in for even worse surprises. But at the same time, we seem to need to have some sense knocked into our heads.

I was both chilled and intrigued by your correlations between now and 9/11. Especially the people falling. It was impossible to see the Afghanis falling from the planes and not instinctively recall and feel the same way as the people falling from the towers. Both are absolutely chilling for the same reasons, on a deep visceral level. But the tables have turned and we're on the flip side now. 9/11 was about what they did to us... Today it's about what we have done to them. We were collectively outraged after 9/11, but we were the victims. We feel the same collective outrage today, but we are not the victims. I do think the vast majority of people are absolutely horrified at what Biden ("we") allowed to happen in Afghanistan, and we are all individually and collectively taking a long hard look at how this could happen. This is NOT who We The People think we are... nor who our leaders should be.

I'm sorry... I didn't mean to ramble on so. That's what happens when I get going though!

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 08:20 AM
Here is an easy to use Ephemeris showing daily astrological position for each planet.

Looking at your dates, 3rd and 4th August 2021


The above could have relevance for individuals whose birth charts show compatibility or not between their natal Sun and Mercury - ie, how their existence resonates with their thinking. An astrologer would not be able to provide detailed information to anyone without full natal chart for that person.

Applicable to everyone:

The above planets are 'generational' meaning anyone born within a certain time span will have those planets in the same 'sign'.

Jupiter takes approx. 1 year to traverse it's orbit whereas Saturn takes 29-30 years.

Retrograde is not literal, the planet only appears to travel backwards.

Sorry, cannot do predictions (would anyone trust somebody who said they could?) The people who advise TPTB, ie the people in possession of the 'secret knowledge' and can predict Bull and Bear markets, might be able to help!

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