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How will Gen Z emerge from all of this?

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posted on Aug, 12 2021 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: DrumsRfun

most of those kids are along for the ride like the rest of us. Some may have some left leaning views, but thats typical of young people. We raise them to share and all that crap because it comes naturally to have to grow out of it. Honestly, the only real issues that get any of them fired up is their worthless degrees and the crappy economy. Both are tied together.

posted on Aug, 12 2021 @ 11:18 PM
a reply to: Ahabstar

I remember something similar happen with gas prices around the 2008 period of time.

I'm pretty upset with the way the government screwed up the economy. I was planning on starting my own business, and I had several friends lose their businesses last year.

We'll see what happens with the cars. I have a suspicion that it won't pan out. Not by 2030 at least.

posted on Aug, 12 2021 @ 11:26 PM

originally posted by: gb540
Know a handful of Gen Z's who left college and went into vocational trades. They simply couldn't do the video distance learning (don't blame them). But they have excellent work ethic, and are finding real opportunities in unsexy-but-critical stuff like keeping the power on.

Compared to the Millennials who needed playground equipment in the workplace and expected a corner office the first day... absolutely no comparison at all.

I know a lot of "Gen Z" kids who are a bunch of whiny ass triggered bitches who want to force people to use specific pronouns and identify as nonbinary, gender-fluid space fairies and can't stand to work a hard job as well. But go on and keep bashing "millennials." I'll continue bashing the "Gen-X" crowd and "Baby Boomers" for being a bunch of enabling helicopter-parents raising their own pain in the ass thorn children to be what they complain about while telling them their special and pumping them full of amphetamines like Adderall and Ritalin.

ETA if you can't stand Millenials or Gen Z you'll loooove these Gen Alpha kids or whatever the consumer group the economists have dubbed them now.
edit on 12-8-2021 by AutomateThis1v2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2021 @ 11:35 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: JAGStorm
The fear and anxiety is almost etched into them at this point.

Sounds like it is etched into you.

They are not worrying about what things will look like in 10 years, you are. truer words spoken....they don't think about the future at is all about feelings and NOW....just like children.

Hell, I wonder who got us all in this predicament in the first place. Wonder where it all started going down hill. # Infigure it must be some time before the first of the "Millennials" were even conceived.

Now we got a bunch of old folks drenching everyone in their spittle as they point the finger and act like children on a playground, blaming everyone but themselves for the #show we have now.

Why didn't yall give a damn back then? Were yall too busy voting for the "lesser of two evils?" Were yall all about the NIMBY? Did yall give as much of a damn back then about howntaxes were spent? Or were yall too fixated on what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home? Where were yall when crack started flowing through black neighborhoods? How well did that war on drugs do? Damn look what was achieved with the prohibition of alcohol lol. Look at how yall just about let every single one of our rights get diminished.

Oh, but it's the "Millenials" fault. I couldn't even #ing vote until 2008. I got to grow up and watch as the world around me became more polarized, and see how easily people are distracted and pitted against one another. But no yall are right. It's all the #ing Millenials fault.

posted on Aug, 12 2021 @ 11:44 PM
probably the generation to correct our mistakes from the past few generations, from the baby boomers to millennials, they are more willing to accept foreign ideas than we are and lacking the concept of American exceptionalism that has corrupted both political parties and made us arrogant and stubborn.

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 12:07 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

It depends on their parents. While I am not perfect and have failed plenty of times as a parent....

Im a GenXer. I have a kid that is GenZ (almost 18). She is being raised as a Constitutionalist and watching the #show all around her. She has gone to public school her entire life and I have not shielded her from anything and I don't baby her nor go easy on her. I have countered all leftist teaching at school with truth at home. I want her to know leftist ideology and how they think and how they try and manipulate so she knows how to counter it. I want her to be strong and not hide from the world. If she is the one dissenting voice in the classroom, so be it. Maybe she will help others speak up.

I made her watch Trump meet Kim Jong Il at the White House in Korea, on tv, and told her the significance...even though it bores her. I made her watch BLM and Antifa destroy cities around the country. I made her watch Trump rallies. I made her watch Obama, Trump and Biden inaugurations, State of the Unions and various press briefings. I make her watch all kinds of things that most parents of GenZ shield their kids from. I don't hide the news from her. Never did. But I balance out all that other crap with making sure she goes hiking every weekend (I live near the mountains).

I also let her play video games (she is a computer nerd too) and she listens to music like metal and classic rock and hates rap. I teach her about the 80s and show her pictures and videos and tell her how awesome it was....especially compared to now. She also is close to her black belt in Krav Maga and she goes to the gun range to shoot.

I make her watch the insanity of the left like the nutjobs white saviors on TikTok ranting about their self white entitled hatred and BLM and then the gender confused...leftist feminist women who hate men, but its really themselves who they hate.

I think GenZ kids raised by GenX kids are probably some of the most intelligent and well balanced, because us GenXers are the best generation of them all.
I know, I cannot be the only parent raising their GenZ kid like way can I be.

With all that said.........where I live, all the guys her age are sissy boys and if that is how the GenZ males are.......we are in serious trouble. Hopefully our move to Texas, the boys will be more masculine and a better look at our future. Please God, let it be so.
edit on 2021 by shaemac because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 06:34 AM
a reply to: AutomateThis1v2

Easier solution would be to end the ICE and make all not “alternative” into diesel. Then use Hemp Seed Oil (with anti-gelling additives) as the fuel. Renewable, sustainable, domestically produced and adds personal wealth into the system for more people (farmers and consumers as it would become super cheap).

This would lower the price of transportation of goods, “increasing pay” by lowering working expenses. Tourism would increase as transport costs lowered. Overall extra income equals extra spending. Guess where else it could be used? Heating oil to heat homes in the winter. Lower cost per gallon and more environmentally friendly without an expensive conversion?

Don’t have to “build back better” just “work smarter, not harder” for a change.

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