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Satellite Photos of Dulce, NM: Secret Base?

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posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 05:20 PM
Some people might remember a thread I started a few months ago where, while looking for ufo evidence in public sat and u-2 photos, I found what I thought might be a 'big black triangle' hanger outside of Holloman AFB. Well, to continue my needle in the haystack search (one of these days I will find a ufo, midair, over some barren stretch of montana) I decided to look at Dulce, NM.

Dulce, as most of you might know, is the center of a UFO legend that originated in the 80s. According to some, the area is the location of a multi-level underground complex that houses alien bio-engineering facilities where 'chimeras' and 'hybrids' are created with alien, human, and animal dna. Access to this base is, according to the story, provided by a small farmhouses that hides an elevator that goes underground.

So... even sat or u-2 pics shouldn't be able to reveal anything about the secret base. However, basic logic would suggest that a giant complex like the one described in the legend would need all sorts of access points for heavy equipment... access that cannot be provided by one small elevator. There would also be a need for local transportation nodes (like helicopter pads). These, if the base does exist, should be apparent in an overhead photo.

So, here, are two. The first pic is of what terraserver lists as the center of dulce, NM (note how microsoft puts a wilderness area as the city center?). The second is of what MS lists as the dulce airport. Can anyone spot unusual activity in these shots (government owned aircraft at the airport, for instance)?

Link One

Link Two

BTW, as I said in the previous thread, I am not one of those people who wants to overthrow the government or help out terrorists. I simply think that the public has the right to know if we are conducting genetic experiments on human beings/citizens. And, before all the snoops chalk me up as a nut, keep in mind that I do not necessarily believe in the dulce legend.

Edit: Fixed link length

[edit on 24-3-2005 by ZeddicusZulZorander]

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 05:26 PM
Sorry, I cant see anything in these pictures.

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 05:44 PM
On the first picture, look at the coordinates -107.05844long, 36.94362 lat.

Tell me if anyone notices anything here. Zoom in all the way if needed. It looks like something in the picture has been changed.

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 05:47 PM
I'm sorry, I looked and looked and looked, I can't find anything abnormal.

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 05:50 PM
That was strange... I barely got that last post of mine off. Right after i clicked the button to send it said that my AOL had encountered some kind of weird error and had to close immediatly. I was afraid it didnt send before AOL shut down. So i quickly logged back on and noticed my history trail was deleted. And i dont have it set in my settings to delete after i sign off. Something deleted it. Ive never seen the error message like the one it gave me. And trust me, i have seen a lot of AOL error messages! lol. *sigh*

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 06:02 PM
Ok, onlyinmydreams...
I have been there... in person... the area that I best estimated to be the center of wierdness, is in fact a very public rock quarry... on Dulce mesa...

the problem is... I couldn't even find the mesa on these pics...
in fact...I couldn't recognize the geography... I can see some "cut and paste" lines that indicate photoshopping, and a distinct difference in resolution in some areas... (while zoomed in fully and roaming)

My thought of this is starting to change... I had previously thought i had debunked the dulce rap... but this gives me cause to speculate...

there is manipulation of the photos... and it is obvious... is it to cover something up, or fix a bad pic?
dont know...

but i did find several "deadend roads with clusters of buildings at the end
that would usually indicate a farm, except no farm... just rocks...

I also don't recognize the road system, but will get my grid maps out and check again...

for those that don't realize... you can click on the pic to zoom in quite close...then search in "bands", like mowing your that you don't miss anything

great idea... why didn't i ever think of checking those sat pics... (do they cost money?)

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 06:25 PM
I used to collect Santa Clara pottery, and spent a lot of time in the Santa-Fe/Pagosa Springs/ Chama / Bandelier area; I drove thorugh Dulce three or four times. I stopped there for a coffee or two, and once I even stayed at the Best Western hotel/casino there.

It's a Jicarilla Apache Reservation town, with a department of HHS office there and some feds running the usual federal things you see on Indian reservations: clinics, alchohol abuse centers, etc.

I can't imagine why, with all the state and national forest land, including all the military gunnery ranges to choose from, the government would invest a bazillion dollars on a Secret Base on an Indian reservation. There're just too many people there to keep something like that a secret.

If you're really hot to trot, you could put in for deer or elk during the season (not with NM Game and Fish, but with the Jicarillas themselves) and then tramp all over the area to your heart's content.

I don't think. you'll see anything except maybe, if you're lucky, a mulie dressing out at about 90 pounds.

[edit on 24-3-2005 by Off_The_Street]

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 06:26 PM

Thats exactly what i was talking about when i told everyone to look at that picture. Especially the spot in the coordinates that i mentioned. Its extremely obvious.

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 11:07 PM
If you zoom in and go to the coordinates that antigov mentioned, it clearly looks edited.

My take is that they replaced a new satellite image with an old one that was taken before anything was changed above ground. I'm probably wrong, but it's a fun thought.

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 11:16 PM
Well I have either found that mesa that the very public rock quarry is on...or an odd cluster of buildings with nothing around them to indicate a farm...hmmm how awsome is it to think this could be something...I mean just speculate what is just below the soil here

note, I only found this after following that barren road that leads to nowhere a long ways.

[edit on 3/24/2005 by UnMature]

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 11:20 PM
And then there is this:

I find it interesting how it is seperated from the town (could this be Dulce even though it's listed at 4km East of Dulce) by a large ridge...

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 12:46 AM

My take is that they replaced a new satellite image with an old one that was taken before anything was changed above ground. I'm probably wrong, but it's a fun thought.

That may not be too far from the truth. There is no way we can tell for sure just by looking at pictures though.

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 01:33 AM
"Thats exactly what i was talking about when i told everyone to look at that picture. Especially the spot in the coordinates that i mentioned. Its extremely obvious."

What you're seeing is not a picture, it is a bunch of pictures taken at different times and dates -- a mosaic.

When the computer stitches the mosaics together, the difference in contrast and lightness inherent in different exposure times is extremely obvious.

Isn't anyone here a Photoshop weenie? You see this all the time when you try to stitch JPEGs or RAWs; that's why most landscape or panorama portrait photographers will lay them outside by side and adjust the gamma, contrast, and saturation, as well as the lightness, before putting them together.

But the satellite guys don't do that; there're just too many different photographs.

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 01:37 AM
Way to ruin our fun Off_The_Street!

lol. Thanks for this knowledge though.

A short time ago, but before i read that post of yours i realized this. I was looking at other sat. images like that one and realized that many of them are like that, thus meaning that one is nothing special.

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 11:52 AM
Here are some mosaics that exhibit some of that same stitching problems.

Do not download these unless you have high-speed Internet access; they are ~4Mb in size!
this one, of Sedona, has three stitches on a diagonal (down to the right).
Petrified forest -- same thing.
Superstition mountains: two stitches, almost vertical.

It took me about three hours to stitch each these boogers together, and it's still not even close to "perfect"! And I put a lot more effort into it than those satellite guys did.

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 12:01 PM

So... even sat or u-2 pics shouldn't be able to reveal anything about the secret base. However, basic logic would suggest that a giant complex like the one described in the legend would need all sorts of access points for heavy equipment... access that cannot be provided by one small elevator. There would also be a need for local transportation nodes (like helicopter pads). These, if the base does exist, should be apparent in an overhead photo.

While I agree wholeheartedly with OTS on this, just wanted to play Devil's Advocate here...

Since Dulce is rumored to be connected to other installations via an underground rail system. Then such access points really wouldn't be needed over the facility itself. It would be accessed via connected points instead. Again though, such an area wouldn't be something you could just trod over with a hunting license, so it seems rather doubtful, and just plain unsound, for the government to have such a facility there. It'd make far more sense to simply have it under an existing base. That way the ingress/egress is EASILY explained, AND you can maintain top security AND secrecy...but hey, that's just my two cents, hehe....

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by UnMature
And then there is this:

I find it interesting how it is seperated from the town (could this be Dulce even though it's listed at 4km East of Dulce) by a large ridge...

worth looking at... the dark plateau? (maybe a pond) looks very artificial... like filler material poored over something else... this is a common practice with mining and quarrys, but since the material is usually the same as surrounding material, it should not look that different...
that looks darker, and could mean it is from deeper digs (such as the underground railways Gaz was mentioning)
if they had underground rail site, there would be air vents at regular intervals and places to dump the slurry from the tunnel.

I have driven many roads East to West in that area, and can tell you that thru much of new mexico, there is a water runoff tunnel that runs in between the roads of I40... with staggered entries every few miles...
I have never actually walked up to them, but got to examine one fairly closely while waiting for traffic to move outside Albuqurque... it looked like steam was rising from it... so it was warmer than surrounding cold air... and didn't look like it had been covered up by snow at all...
these openings seem to be between 2" to 4" in diameter, and usually have a low fence or drainage grate running over them...


posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 03:35 PM
Here's a more likely spot for black triangle craft, the TR-3B is what Edgar Rothschild Fouche calls them (he worked on them). Fouche says they're hangared at the DARC facility, the ten story underground base next to Papoose Dry Lake on Nellis Air Force base--they're in a hangar built into the side of the mountain (Bob Lazar first exposed this site). Also look at Beale Air Force base, near Marysville CA, just north of Sacramento. The X-22A, an "antigravity" two person flying orb, is based there, says Richard Boylan and his sources. Also look at the new Space Command located 70 miles southeast of Salt Lake City, in Utah--in the Wasatch mountains. Boylan's sources say that some of the craft from the DARC site were transferred to the new Space Command site, to spread them out. They appear to land in England, at times and they probably go at night to other bases. But, if the TR-3B is really 600 feet long on each side, it would take a huge hangar. It's not as advanced as you might think. It isn't capable of travel to a distant star. We're still the scum of the universe, not able to go far, because we have a garbage regime of narco dealing privateers, at present. Until we get rid of the worst, we aren't going anywhere, it seems.

Re: Fouche--why is he the first to be able to talk about the TR-3B and more, without being killed? Could it be that he's a Rothschild, from one of those self-dealing money families that has kept this all secret, but is now trying to open up just in time to let the direct "federation" operatives in our ranks capitulate to alien basing here? Fouche's book Alien Rapture features a Fouche-like protagonist who is "the chosen one," who brings the aliens down to "rescue" humans. Very strange. It's Edgar Rothschild Fouche, again. He makes no mention of his family's money background. That's a weird omission, isn't it? If my name was George "Du Pont" Lo Buono, wouldn't that seem suspicious?

posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 01:43 PM

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 02:24 PM
If you look at the picture closely, the right-hand mosaic shows shadows going from the lower tight to the upper left; in other words, the picture was taken on a winter morning.

The left-hand mosaic has the shadows pointing the other way; this indicates that the picture was taken in the summer afternoon.

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