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Why COVID-19 Was Over-Diagnosed #OverExaggeratedForDummies

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posted on Aug, 6 2021 @ 03:11 PM
Diagnostic Pathologist Dr Clare Craig explains why COVID19 was massively over exaggerated in every possible way, which was the norm/science before CCP lock-downs changed science forever

Basically you need 5,000 particle of a virus, to actually transmit the virus...IE spread... DECADES of research and studies prove this, and remeber lockdowns was never a thing mentioned anywhere post CCP/wuhan, but if you have LESS than 5,000 particles of a virus it never spreads/transmits


Who wants to have a guess how many particles of a virus/COVID19 you need to be sent home from work, or school ? or have your business destroyed? or beaten of the streets ? or to be written down as a covid19 death?

Oh so scary...all those numbers and exponential charts on my TV screen

Hold up... don't read on... lets play a game first... have a guess now quickly before you continue...

3,000 ?

4,670 ?

2,666 ?




Yup just FOUR

Hang on.,... let me just go fetch the PC from the garden, i just threw it out the window

So there you have it, covids a big fraud

Visit to watch the full summit and join our newsletter to be notified of future talks, events and more.

In part 2 of this two-part session Dr Clare Craig examines how Covid 19 was overdiagnosed and the implications of misdiagnosis on the restrictions on communities.

Dr Clare Craig has been a diagnostic pathologist since 2001 working in the NHS and reaching consultant level in 2009. She specialised in cancer diagnostics including diagnostic testing for cancer within mass screening programmes and was the day to day pathology lead for the cancer arm of the 100,000 Genomes Project.

Since the early part of the pandemic, Dr Craig has been vocal about her concerns over the overdiagnosis of COVID using the current testing protocols, as well as the science behind asymptomatic transmission. She has written and presented extensively in journals, press and media.

The ‘Lockdowns Summit’ was hosted by Question Everything on the 17th July 2021 at a prestigious conference centre in London was the first summit to critically assess the global response to covid-19 and explore how the world can responsibly begin to live with the virus.

can somebody get the video to embed?, i cant seem to get it working with a number of attempts and efforts, and im doing the usual procedures

Big thanks to @putnam6 for sorting the link config

edit on 6-8-2021 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2021 @ 03:32 PM
Covid, chinaflu, corona viris, nothing to be worried about. So what if a few people get the sniffils....

posted on Aug, 6 2021 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: olaru12
Covid, chinaflu, corona viris, nothing to be worried about. So what if a few people get the sniffils....

how would we know when autopsy's are banned? lol

if you'd watched the video you know the joke was on you

The fact is... you cant prove that he did, basically you and the propaganda arm are saying he died of rona because he had 4 particles of rona in his system, or put in another way, theyd need to test him only if he was symptomatic, and only with a PCR set to 23/24ct (cycle thresholds) and remember, the sciece also states not only 23ct but that anything beyond 36ct is dead nucleotide, ALL pcrs are tested at 45ct


The fact is he'd Would have needed OVER 5,000 coronavirus particles prior to Wuhan, but since the cold never killed people prior to wuhan, they probably would have never have given him a PCR, he probably died of a virulent flu strain... but we'll never know... because autopsy's are banned currently

So no, all we keep seeing is a few of these scare story's, where somebody gets sick, claims they have rona because of having 4 particles and similar symptoms and thats it? thats it? they died of rona? LOL

You know people might care or pay attention to TEAM APOCALYPSE should the EXCESSIVE DEATHS/ MORTALITY actually ever EXCEEDED 0.01%

And if 0.01% extra deaths on a year CONSTITUTES AND GLOBAL DEADLY PANDEMIC then im honestly living in a nazi eugenics nightmare

listen to the science? what science are you actually providing?

im showing you actual science... and you're posting a 1 in a million death news article to justify global medical fascism

lets just put your news article scare story at the top of the Pseudo Science Chart

edit on 6-8-2021 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2021 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: TritonTaranis

if you'd watched the video you know the joke was on you

The fact is... you cant prove that he did, basically you and the propaganda arm are saying he died of rona because he had 4 particles of rona in his system

I watched it...sorry I have a difficult time taking fake news youtube or anyone promoting it as evidence.

I quess we will have to wait a little longer to see exactly who the "joke" is on....and that's a FACT Jack.

edit on 6-8-2021 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2021 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: TritonTaranis

First, there was a lab in China, then it was big pharma, then it was political gain to take the bad man out of Washington then, it was an opportunity to test the world domination over the masses, then back to china and big pharma profits, then more masses domination, now the globalist can not stop, because if they do their house of cards for pharma will crumble down like london bridge.

I think I got right.

posted on Aug, 6 2021 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: marg6043

then back to china and big pharma profits, then more masses domination, now the globalist can not stop

Well at some point the globalists will have to stop. Without us little middlemen/Middle people they wouldn't be here without us. Some companies/studies wonder why their products they are failing is it because they arent listening to their actual customer base?
edit on 6-8-2021 by HawkEyi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2021 @ 04:17 PM
Fascinating and convincing presentation.
TY for posting.

posted on Aug, 6 2021 @ 04:22 PM
the video from the op...

posted on Aug, 6 2021 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: TritonTaranis

Covert hysteria is very profitable.


posted on Aug, 6 2021 @ 05:13 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: TritonTaranis

First, there was a lab in China, then it was big pharma, then it was political gain to take the bad man out of Washington then, it was an opportunity to test the world domination over the masses, then back to china and big pharma profits, then more masses domination, now the globalist can not stop, because if they do their house of cards for pharma will crumble down like london bridge.

I think I got right.

My understanding right now is this

Prior to COVID19, evidence shows covid19 as we understand it was patented, and saw significant interest from DARAPA, as a Bio Weapon, DARPA...AKA Military Industrial Academic Complex, AKA the Pentagons brain...because who wouldn't want to put a warhead on something as transmissible as a cold? i mean look at how it runs though lock-downs and masks like nothing, and we always knew it would, but lockdwons was a CCP construct... they were never science before that, FACT, its near impossible to defend against, UNLESS you're in a BSL4 setting

So why not look into using covid as an ICBM delivery system?, and then have a spike protein from the more higher mortality, originals such as SARS & MERS had a mortality of 15% - 25%, imagine that on a 3.0 r0 or 6.0 r0

BUT for sure many governments have things with near on 100% mortality in labs, there are a bunch of pox viruses which kill 100% of its hosts

DARPA BTW is the pentagons brain, and lets take a look quickly at the Propaganda multiplier

So at the top of this chain DARPA sits

Hence simultaneously they were working on perfecting the art of propaganda and narrative networks, lots to learn on here

So fast forward to Wuhan

The CCP faked an outbreak and began lock-down science, first time ever, Big Pharma began work on an impossibly fast warp speed vaccine, Democrats publicly attack the vaccine which they're now doubling down on as mandatory, when trump was pushing them they said they'd never take them

see video here of the flip flopping dems

That outbreak was Fake, the swamp picked it up and ran with it

Covid was always in circulation

That's how multi dimensional warfare works... that's how sophisticated propaganda and narrative networks work... remember that old saying? ... the first casualty of war is the truth

Well that died 6 years ago

All im saying is this all points towards WWIII with CCP

I dont know if trump was apart of the show or not, its still evolving, the brightest minds on the planet other than those in the know, and even then they only know limited, compartmentalized information, but i do believe this is DARAPAs baby, and i do know Russia has been pouring hardware into Crimea for months, and i do know NATO is pouring assets into the south china sea, and for me they're all dimensions of a multi dimension war, we cannot understand dimensions and data point from a singularity we have to identify many to even begin stitching it all together, what i sayings we cant just focus on covid, to understand covid

i hope im carrying through ok, and not losing to many people lol

edit on 6-8-2021 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-8-2021 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-8-2021 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2021 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: TritonTaranis

listen to the science? what science are you actually providing?

im showing you actual science... and you're posting a 1 in a million death news article to justify global medical fascism

Call it what ever you want but I call Qanon agenda driven, rightwing inspired, youtube videos Bullsh!t.

Confirmation bias enters in to it....and that's a fact!!

edit on 6-8-2021 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2021 @ 05:35 PM
I love this site. One thread Covid is a big fraud and hoax and on another people a freaking out over illegal immigrants with Covid.

posted on Aug, 6 2021 @ 05:55 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: TritonTaranis

Covert hysteria is very profitable.


Thats exactly what Peter Dansak said in 2015

Remember this was prior to Trump, so this game or whatever people want to call it, was in motion before the cluster fk of 2016-2020

go to 4:30

one thing i do know is this... there is nothing better than a counter intelligence operation than letting them feel its welcome to come out of the woodwork and interact

So what do we have there to support that?

edit on 6-8-2021 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2021 @ 06:22 PM

originally posted by: Bunch
I love this site. One thread Covid is a big fraud and hoax and on another people a freaking out over illegal immigrants with Covid.

They're linked though

They're absolutely not at odds with each other

I mean the entire western world (AND NOBODY ELSE) is doing mass immigration, we know the western world is NATO, or WEF or DAVOS they're interlinked economies, and stakeholders of the rule based international order in which the CCP & Russia is trying to change and challenge that status quo

1) mass immigration serves many purposes, mostly economical, it increase cheap labor and population and tried to match or keep up with the CCP who can utilize 1.4b people, essentially a Chinese worker only needs to be as productive a 20% of an american worker, left unchecked? the CCP could potentially become a superpower 5x the size of the US economy

So the next question becomes while theyre threatening to nuke japan, attacking India, stealing huge swaths of other nations economical maritime zones, not including Tibet, Hong Kong, Taiwan, so you want to deal with them now or now?

2) to economical it gives DRAFT AGE men & women

3) it gives narrative propaganda and global allies

Let look at some of those... China is undoubtedly one of the world most racist countries, its probably 99.9% Han-Asian, as is Russia 99% white, this give the propaganda campaign huge weight and we seen what that, image the leverage the diverse CIA assets can leverage globally with that narrative while being diverse nations,

The narrative is if you're not ethnically diverse you're racist

The next narrative? FASCISM everybody has been called it in the past 5 years, but what is fascism? State controlled capitalism, while ccp claims to be communist, they're very much a state controlled capitalist state, communism only controls their social and government population control mechanisms, the fact is the CCP have be far better capitalists than actual capitalist countries... because they control everything and have a workforce/population of 1.4b to exploit

so in every possible way the ccp are a fascist state

great so we have

imperial - land grabs

do you not see how this could be used in wartime? its the ultimate WORLD VS CCP narrative network

through history, the strongest propaganda anybody can have, is the truth, the strongest weapon in your arsenal? is propaganda, they built the CCP up just like the bilderberg Rothschild built up the Nazis, and then you knock them down

posted on Aug, 6 2021 @ 06:59 PM

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: TritonTaranis

listen to the science? what science are you actually providing?

im showing you actual science... and you're posting a 1 in a million death news article to justify global medical fascism

Call it what ever you want but I call Qanon agenda driven, rightwing inspired, youtube videos Bullsh!t.

Confirmation bias enters in to it....and that's a fact!!

What video BS?

Please specify

Just sounding like a leftwing extremist is t helping me answer your question

posted on Aug, 6 2021 @ 07:19 PM
Yo - With all this considered, some say hoax, some say not, and so forth, but as a hypothetical scenario; what would have happened if the governments of the world did nothing and just let Covid19 run its course? No panic on the media. No mandatory mask wearing. No social distancing, etc etc.. What would the world look like now? Would the overall death tolls be significantly higher than they are now? I mean it would seem that the mask wearing made the seasonal flu disappear. Which normally causes roughly 1000 deaths per day worldwide. Pneumonia - 2,200 deaths per day worldwide annually. I mean, SARS, which I think someone mentioned earlier, was supposed to get us all, and before Covid, was killing just a little over 3 people a day worldwide.

So, I'm curious to the total death toll (numbers) per day, per capita, of any given city, or state even, pre Covid, as opposed to post Covid. I only say that as we really don't hear about folk dying of obesity, high blood pressure, (one of the leading causes of pre-mature death in the US) etc any more unless it's Covid "related". It's like everyone that is dying, outside of accidents, etc, is dying from Covid19. Oh wait, wasn't there a rumor that someone that died in a traffic accident was deemed a Covid death?

Sorry, I'm certainly no expert on any of this, just wanted to share some thoughts and hopefully get some reflection on my hypothetical scenario.



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