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Vaccinations: No more carrot—bring out the stick, Canada's VAERS Reports Rising.

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posted on Aug, 3 2021 @ 11:42 PM
The tracking chip rumor that they are passing around is probably some rumor planted by some government health agency or a Pharma company so they can make anti-vaxers look nuts. These entities start rumors they can easily debunk then let the news make those who parrot it feel like idiots, that way they feel like they were led to believe a lie and get vaccinated.

It is a ploy to steer us away from looking at the real threats and to make people believe that the real threats are also nonsense. It is a tactic used by more than just medical agencies, Monsanto and other chemical companies have been doing this for half a century or more.

Look how the big cereal companies trashed eggs....their highly processed foods were touted as healthier than eggs for breakfast. They blew up any food poisoning events related to eggs to make their cereals look safer. They tried to make people believe all eggs have food poisoning at one point. They tried to make people think that eggs caused high cholesterol...when in fact real research does not show any increase in cholesterol.

Big corporations have been pulling the wool over our eyes for a long time. Remember, the medical sign we use here in the USA is the sign of commerce, not medicine. Most people cannot fathom that we live in a time of the deceivers, that so much of what we believe is real is just deception.

Not much we can do about it, so learn how to identify deceit.
edit on 3-8-2021 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

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