posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 11:28 AM
Instead of starting a new thread, decided to post a little mini rant here. Agree completely that the latest strain of covid is basically a cold now.
Stop the insanity.
I understand if someone has medical conditions or is very concerned taking extreme measures but the chance of dying for most people now is about the
same as a bad cold or the flu in prior years. I made the mistake of telling someone at work whom I do not report to that I had a cold or was sick
the other day. He starts saying wear a mask. I’m thinking wtf? This guy is insane and they promoted him to second shift supervisor. He never
wanted to wear a mask and probably never got vaccinated but he wants everyone else to wear a mask for the slightest thing. I remained calm. Just
wished him a happy thanksgiving and walked away. Probably won’t say much to him for at least a week or two.
Had a cold and he tells me wear a mask. He can wear a mask and go get a vaccine shot or two if he is so worried about getting sick. The regular
flu might have a higher death rate than omicron or is running neck and neck or within a tiny percentage of it now. When covid was killing hundreds
of thousands, yes it was scary. Now I agree with the Florida dept of health that in many cases, getting an mRNA vaccine shot is likely more hazardous
than not getting one for covid.
Some or many people are still over reacting.