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Most of Western MSM Outlets haven't Reporting/Showing the Anti Covid Pass Protests.

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+6 more 
posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 04:07 AM
Most of Western MSM Outlets haven't Reporting/Showing the Anti Covid Pass Protests.

I had noticed as there are protests that happened in Italy and with the Italian parliament going agaisnt the green pass and protests in France agaisnt Marcon's Covid Vax Passports.
A number of Western MSM Outlets haven't Reported the news of the protest that happened in the Italian parliament agaisnt the green pass.

As a few members at the parliament shoved and pushed other members in the parliament over the mandate.
The MSM didn't seem to bother on reporting it.

The media didnt seem to report what CDC stated how an vaccinated people who contract the Delta variant of COVID-19 may spread the virus just as easily as unvaccinated people while the media is bringing up "Experts" who almost agree with the same script as the media. With the Covid passports.

edit on 1-8-2021 by HawkEyi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 04:20 AM
a reply to: HawkEyi

How can they, it would take away from the airtime devoted to how close they are to jailing Trump.

+2 more 
posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 04:21 AM
a reply to: HawkEyi

France is getting hot. A lot of places are getting hot. Pay attention to the financial markets. The normie people don't care about the protest but they do care about their 401K's. They are going to want to know what is going on with their money if the market tanks. A coup pop in France would set the markets on fire. Another country breaks, it could spread through Europe. I don't want war but if something breaks the vice grips of this vaccine madness I applaud it. The world is waking up over this damn ruse and it's pissed.

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 06:01 AM
Isn't there protests in Greece and Germany about this as well?

A bunch of countries are in an up roar over mandates like masks and lock downs in addition to vaccine passports. Of course, considering how they have been covering Cuba, who wants the MSM news covering these protests when they will lie and spin it to their desires.
edit on 1-8-2021 by MichiganSwampBuck because: For Clarity

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 06:50 AM
Is Augustus paying attention? I didn't hang around to see if AM apologized for acting like there weren't many protestors after I pointed out last weekends protests in another thread.

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 07:05 AM

originally posted by: HawkEyi
Most of Western MSM Outlets haven't Reporting/Showing the Anti Covid Pass Protests.

I had noticed as there are protests that happened in Italy and with the Italian parliament going agaisnt the green pass and protests in France agaisnt Marcon's Covid Vax Passports.
A number of Western MSM Outlets haven't Reported the news of the protest that happened in the Italian parliament agaisnt the green pass.

As a few members at the parliament shoved and pushed other members in the parliament over the mandate.
The MSM didn't seem to bother on reporting it.

The media didnt seem to report what CDC stated how an vaccinated people who contract the Delta variant of COVID-19 may spread the virus just as easily as unvaccinated people while the media is bringing up "Experts" who almost agree with the same script as the media. With the Covid passports.

The BBC has been reporting on most of the big anti-lockdown, anti vaccine passport protests in Europe and the US.

They're about as MSM as you can get.

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 07:41 AM
Obviously, elements controlling industry are down with the totalitarian, control freak agenda of this rogue government. You know, how pathetic it must be, to be traitors against their own nation, to be compulsive liars and willing to advance evils, such that you wonder how these people can stand what they see in the mirror. In any case, they are to be resisted, in all possible ways, as freedom is what your founders and forefathers found worthy to die for, and what a coward that would surrender freedom, out of ginned-up fear over some glorified flu virus. That is also very pathetic. Preserving freedom trumps all their nonsense, period, or you aren't even an American. The founders had some things very right, and it's called wisdom. Let us not live as fools.

"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."
- William Pitt (the Younger), Speech in the House of Commons, November 18, 1783

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
- Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 07:48 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

The BBC has been reporting on most of the big anti-lockdown, anti vaccine passport protests in Europe and the US.

They're about as MSM as you can get.

Though I have noticed, for many years, the BBC more prone to report what is news domestic news media won't touch, seem to have, at least, a stronger journalistic ethic, to simply report. Only problem is, they seem to only concentrate on a smaller number of stories, but I do trust them more, well, whatever them more, as if any of them can actually be trusted. The UK also seems onboard with the Nazi "Reset" agenda, in spades.

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 08:15 AM
The "news" is nothing more than pharmaceutical propaganda. Every other commercial is for some drug and they will never go against their corporate handlers. It's been that way for years and was very apparent to when it would later come out that a majority of mass shooters turned out to be on pharmaceutical drugs as some treatment for their issues. They never touched those facts but would continue to pound the narratives they were told to push.

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 08:21 AM
At this point in time, people need to realize that "News" of any sort to "Inform" has all but collapsed. Sound bites to rouse the daily interest while ignoring pertinant issues is the norm.
Accept it and understand that, once you do, realize that now it's up to YOU to educate yourselves.

For example, you know how some peope like to use Solar to get off the grid? Or cultivate a small farm in the backyard for sustainability? Researching your own news and information is no different than that, it's a skill you'll have to engage in and utilize on a daily basis to get the facts straight.

Educate your friends and family. Get their heads and noses out of the Mainstream and tell them to "REALLY THINK FOR THEMSELVES".
edit on 1-8-2021 by Arnie123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 08:27 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: HawkEyi
Most of Western MSM Outlets haven't Reporting/Showing the Anti Covid Pass Protests.

I had noticed as there are protests that happened in Italy and with the Italian parliament going agaisnt the green pass and protests in France agaisnt Marcon's Covid Vax Passports.
A number of Western MSM Outlets haven't Reported the news of the protest that happened in the Italian parliament agaisnt the green pass.

As a few members at the parliament shoved and pushed other members in the parliament over the mandate.
The MSM didn't seem to bother on reporting it.

The media didnt seem to report what CDC stated how an vaccinated people who contract the Delta variant of COVID-19 may spread the virus just as easily as unvaccinated people while the media is bringing up "Experts" who almost agree with the same script as the media. With the Covid passports.

The BBC has been reporting on most of the big anti-lockdown, anti vaccine passport protests in Europe and the US.

They're about as MSM as you can get.

Are you serious about the BBC reporting anti-lockdown protests?
No they don't,so much so that a month or two ago the lockdown protest of 100000+ went to their place in London and stood outside shouting 'shame on you' for ignore all previous protests.
Everything out of your mouth is like listening to a Boris Bunter press conference-''eh,lie,eh,lie,eh,eh,eh,lie.''

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 08:28 AM
the mainstream reporting of anything that's not on-message, pandemic wise, is at best extremely sparse. and at worst very censorial indeed.

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 08:29 AM
Whoever is watching the the US MSM for news REPORTING, has not been paying attention for the past Decade.

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 08:39 AM
Many times I see Americans with the opinion that the BBC is far more balanced and less biased than their own..
Yes that is the case-but the BBC are certainly not unbiased.
And they rarely give accurate reports on people protesting covid restrictions.
Oh they will cover the protests,but they usually frame them as "anti vax"or at least mention that phrase a few times during coverage of protests.

the BBC themselves claim they are non biased-yet from what I can deduce what they actually mean is they change their bias to support whoever is in government at the time.

They are the mouthpiece of the establishment.
Their job is to surpress dissent,and give the impression that whatever government is in power must be trusted.
Everything geo/political they report on is through this lens.

Stick to what you are good at BBC-natural history programs.

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: Scrutinizing

The BBC stopped reporting a long time ago,they give you their nice and woke opinion though.
Even their programmes are all about woke.
I happened to see a bit of a programme while at my mothers last night,Casualty I think.
Anyway Imigrant family,young boy in a dress.grandfather telling him boys do not wear dresses,tells father to teach child he is a male,father is secret queer o sexual,father falls out with old 'bigot' grandfather.tells grandfather he has always been a queer o sexual,father goes visit boyfriend,boyfriend knocked down by car,father on train tracks with train approaching,the end.
The only bit I liked was the grandfather telling the father that wearing a dress etc will make the kid grow up to be soft Englishman,the old guy was the truth teller yet make out he's the horrible bigot with his old fashioned ideas that boys become men and not women.
Sickening channel and it'll only get worse while people,may who don't even watch it keep paying the licence tax for it.
Paying to get the woke agenda shoved at you in every programme,be it news or entertainment.
I've never payed for it and won't ever pay for it,keep sending me half the rainforest worth of letters all they like.

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 09:02 AM
They don’t report on it because it’s not the narrative they want. Jesus H Christ the Jan 6th crap is still being stirred by the MSM. What a joke we are.

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 09:07 AM

originally posted by: starshift
The "news" is nothing more than pharmaceutical propaganda. Every other commercial is for some drug and they will never go against their corporate handlers. It's been that way for years and was very apparent to when it would later come out that a majority of mass shooters turned out to be on pharmaceutical drugs as some treatment for their issues. They never touched those facts but would continue to pound the narratives they were told to push.

How often do you see on the "news" how some drug turns out to be a disaster, class action lawsuits forming, over some serious, even lethal, side effect of drugs that were heavily advertised? Pharma owns the media, would simply have to say no more ad revenue, over any bad press on the "news". It's all corrupt as hell. the actual well being of people somewhere down the list, if it's on the list, at all. It's all about their real god: money.

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 09:20 AM

originally posted by: glen200376
Paying to get the woke agenda shoved at you in every programme,be it news or entertainment.
I've never payed for it and won't ever pay for it,keep sending me half the rainforest worth of letters all they like.

Good for you! We should all refuse to patronize evildoers, any way possible. You know, people who are paying, that these evil empires may strengthen and grow, are the problem, too. I think people, the hypocrites, should just shutup, who complain, yet send elective checks to them. Somebody that won't even forego their conveniences, to do what's right, really doesn't deserve anything but evil. This is a reason God will allow bad government, actually, for people, for the rebellious, of what have become evil nations, that should have watched what they asked for. "You like perversion, you like the devil's agenda? Alright, then." Too many of the people are hardly babes in the woods. People that will do nothing to resist evil, will even contribute to it, as they say down on the farm, they're as useless as tits on a boar, and they deserve the fruits of their evils. God is not mocked.

2 John 1:10-11 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 09:39 AM
I can't help comparing the situation to the "great ecs.tasy panic" of the 1990s.
Anyone remember the BBC going mental about how dangerous ecs.tasy was to society?

That was based on an infintesimal amount of deaths-many from water toxicity rather than the evil M.D.M.A(which was omitted from the news).
That was when millions of people were taking the pills every week-actually they still are.

Now I am not saying that drug is healthy-but why is it that now when we are in a situation where people are dropping dead of vaccine related heart attacks/strokes/blood clots,or having serious side effects like amputations and guillian barre...those effects are rarely if ever mentioned on the MSM,the media is telling everyone they must take the experimental MRNA shots.

If one of those deaths does reach the MSM-its always followed up by family members telling everyone they should take the shot anyway.

But its not a psy op,honest!

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 09:41 AM
Notice how they (Nancy) keep shouting "SCIENCE", when we know Science changes with new research/discoveries. Even Albert Einstein is quoted as saying, "No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong." He recognized science must be an open platform free from censorship.

Yet, I wonder if the call for SCIENCE! , is to keep us from focusing on the HISTORY that is being repeated in subtle ways. Remember, Hitler & his Nazi's didn't just come out blazing with their Walthers. It was gradual. Little by little, he had laws changed, took rights/freedoms away. It's as if the people did not revolt until things went so far and so many were killed. Hitler's mistake was that he was going country by country. Had he installed his Nazi's in positions of power throughout the world prior to stifle dissent, he would have been more successful. History can be changed by those who write it. Remember learning about Nikola Tesla in the 70's/80's? Yeah,, neither do I.

There is a big difference between reading history and even living through history versus LEARNING ABOUT History. We are animals with an innate sense of seeing and even looking for patterns to explain what we do not understand.

What patterns do you see forming?

A reply to: HawkEyi

edit on 1-8-2021 by UnRepentantHarlequin because: Emphasis

edit on 1-8-2021 by UnRepentantHarlequin because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-8-2021 by UnRepentantHarlequin because: (no reason given)

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