Everyone here seems to misunderstand the important distinction between "
privacy" and "
Privacy is creation of knowing
In possession of privilege
Secrecy is corruption of knowing
In withholding of privilege. Or the self-determination of such, from one made upon another
They are not the same thing
If you withhold from another, because something is personal and yours to decide upon? This is privacy
If you without another, on something they have as much right to know as you do? This is secret
Whether or not their right is "arguable" is irrelevant, because this determination is subjective. But it becomes the distinction in what defines a
secret, that confuses people
The problem is that such arguments are the decay within what defines a secret
People think that if there is an argument as to whether or not another should be allowed to know something, that argument allows them to define it as
something private. Or more correctly, something secret, to be kept as private
This is not the case
Secrecy veils itself as privacy for its own purposes, to become the excuse of willing exclusion and corruption
Secrecy seeds corruption. Privacy does not
But regardless of all this,
I don't know why everyone is so concerned about the Freemasons
During my Initiate process, I asked about the Freemasons. Because I was curious as to why, in 30 years of my life, I had never even heard of these
people, that so many others seemed so concerned about
I was told unequivocally, that there are no true initiates in the Freemasons. Nor have there ever been
They are a symptom of a process they do not understand. They know the nature of things related to the process, and they reflect these in a perception
that the power is within this knowing
But it is not within the knowing. It is within the understanding
You can be taught how to think. It does not mean you can think that way. At least, until you have lived and learned it, to understand why
It is like studying how to drive a car for many years, but nobody amongst you owns a real car for you to drive
Just because you studied how, doesn't mean you can drive. It just means you have the potential to, if the chance were ever offered to you
The experience is the key
I've seen Freemasons say to those who ask things of them, "If I have to tell you, you'll never understand", because they think they understand this
But only because others have told them the same thing. They don't actually understand it. Because if they did, they would also offer the person
asking, a key towards opening the door themselves
This is the difference between knowing the wisdom, and understanding it
It is also more than just being able to offer the person a key towards understanding and opening the door themselves. It is being able to see what the
person needs be given, from what they have offered to you, to reflect it back to them
Any Freemason who does not offer keys to others on the path to their own understanding, from what they have been given "Freely" on the path to their
own understanding, is not a true Freemason
The cost of the knowledge is within the giving
This is not limited to an organisation
The group can be restricted. The knowledge, and the understanding it brings, needs be universal. Or it, and the organisation, is pointless. And
To restrict in such a way is corruption. Not creation. And masons by name, need be rooted in creation
You cannot be leaders of men, if you are simply part of the system and/or machine
They are supposed to make men into something more. Not make them more, of the men they already are
A true "Freemason" is supposed to be able to look at what subtle hints they can tell you, without giving you the answer, so you can find your own path
to the knowledge and understanding. That they may or may not have, or know themselves
Because their knowing, may actually be to know not. Therefore it can't be given, lest it be in detriment to self
To this end, most Freemasons I have encountered online do not understand much, if anything, about the things they are supposed to understand, and/or
be able to offer others
On the contrary,
They act in opposition to understanding and knowledge
This is like having a technician at a computer store, blatantly and rudely telling people they don't know s#$t about computers, when the people are
doing their best to try understand the technology
Which is why they are at the computer store in the first place asking about it
This is arrogance on a level incomparable
It is worse though ...
They do it when they talk to someone who understands more about computers than anyone else they have ever talk to
Imagine a computer store technician talking down to someone with a Doctorate in Information Technology, telling them they don't know s#$t about
Because the person with a Doctorate is talking about things they, themselves, don't understand
It turns the organisation on its head, from what it is supposed to represent, to becoming the very definition of ignorance
But you can't blame the entire organisation for the arrogant within its ranks who are yet to even understand ego (even though they are supposed to be
33 degree, and ego is one of the first steps of the initiate)
Just take it for what it is, and understand by the way they speak, that they do not actually understand anything that can help you, or have anything
to offer others
Those amongst them who do understand, and do have something to offer, are also those who are likely to keep quite, until they have something
constructive worth saying
There is good and bad in anything
Where there is one person alone in name? There you will find either good or bad
Where there is two or more together in name? There you will find balance between good and bad
Where there is three or more together in name? There you will find a relationship between good and bad