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The Top Docs, Politicians, MSM Threats of Lockdown if no Covid Vax Passports.

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posted on Jul, 29 2021 @ 01:21 PM
In Canada the politicians are already using the fourth as a excuse to push for Covid Passports. Not just the polticans but it seems according to some news outlets.

Ontario Liberal leader calls for creation of vaccine passport: 'We need a plan to prevent a 4th wave'

Covid Vacccine Passports Are The Best Way to Avoid More Lockdowns.
Vaccination passports are Toronto’s best way to avoid more lockdowns — so why is no one doing anything about it?

I had heard stories like this not just in Canada but elsewhere. No Covid Vax passports? return to lockdowns.

Dr fauci is already making some statements how they would be treating Covid like the Flu. And in favor of booster shots.

Braid: Albertans may be lining up for more COVID-19 shots in the future

Something is weird about this whole thing.

posted on Jul, 29 2021 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: HawkEyi

Too many people are recovering and are not reliant on government, same as in the states.

So they're going to have to do more lock-downs, shut-downs.

posted on Jul, 29 2021 @ 01:26 PM
Look at the all shoving of the covid vaccination campaign. Whenever i see this kind of a vaccination campaign push by the media i question it.

Just like that news story about how a woman became paralyzed after taking the covid vaccine and yet in the video she still urged people to get the covid vaccine?

Yukon woman facing long rehab after coma urges everyone to get COVID-19 vaccine
edit on 29-7-2021 by HawkEyi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2021 @ 01:40 PM
They are going to use this to expand their power and force you to do what they want. Now you can be arrested for not wearing a mask. Today it's the Capitol, tomorrow you won't be able to step out your door without a Covid pass and a mask.

Capitol Police ordered to arrest staff and visitors not wearing masks after new House mandate

posted on Jul, 29 2021 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: HawkEyi

The propaganda is heavy here.

They also have our YouTube recommendations taken over with it ffs.

They are worried because no one who hasn't already received the C-Jab, is going to get the C-Jab.

And they see their control slipping as the numbers plummet. So, they have to make it seem like it's imperative that everyone get the C-Jab.

Or, be ostracized because you refused an injection to pre-cure a bad cold. A questionable injection.

CBC might as well be CBC (China Broadcasting Corporation), probably is what it stands for, I better check.

posted on Jul, 29 2021 @ 03:12 PM

We need a plan to prevent a 4th wave?

So making the useless masks which failed 4 times including lockdowns law will fix it

honestly, i give up, the world deserves everything they get at this point

posted on Jul, 29 2021 @ 03:18 PM
I'm just waiting for the MSM to start finger pointing at the unv@ccinated for the coming lockdowns (autumn/winter). When that 5hit (fear) spreads globally, then the wheels are really going to come off.
I genuinely don't know what I'm going to do when the witch hunt begins 🤷‍♂️

posted on Jul, 29 2021 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: FinallyAwake

What to do?


smile. Rational simple sentences for the sheeple.

Scream shout

Start shooting

posted on Jul, 29 2021 @ 04:09 PM
Yeah in UK me and my Wife are starting to get scared as We both refuse the Jibb Jab out of knowing that it's toxic, we also do not agree with Coercion
Our UK totalitarian party has been slipping some disturbing bills through parliament recently whilst the masses are distracted , unlike our American Brothers and Sisters we have no Firearms to defend ourselves

posted on Jul, 29 2021 @ 04:37 PM

I doubt our polticans even got vaccinated with the same covid vax as with the rest of the population. I am not swayed by the photo ops.

posted on Jul, 29 2021 @ 04:58 PM
Lockdowns = Arm twist

Agree to Passports = Say Uncle

Same thing, at least my brother didnt tell me it was my fault or that it was for my own good.

Same game

posted on Jul, 29 2021 @ 07:43 PM
a reply to: HawkEyi

The fourth wave wasn't predicted, it was planned, so of course they are pushing it. It should be interesting to see how many fall for the "variant" BS, because every wave from here on out, is "not-a-vaccine" driven. All serious cases, hospitalizations and deaths will likely be caused by one of either the mRNA or rDNA cocktails. We could easily lose 5 million people in Canada by Christmas. The states will likely be absolutely brutal and in both Canada and the states, the PTB will expect the healthy to clean up the dead while the PTB hope the healthy die. It's a sick f**kin' world. I have to wonder if there's a psychopath gene that can trigger a payload only in psychopaths. Will have to look at the book of life (genome bible) and CRISPR.

Cheers - Dave
edit on 7/29.2021 by bobs_uruncle because: spelling

posted on Jul, 29 2021 @ 07:51 PM

originally posted by: TritonTaranis

We need a plan to prevent a 4th wave?

So making the useless masks which failed 4 times including lockdowns law will fix it

honestly, i give up, the world deserves everything they get at this point

There's a real simple plan... Turn off your TV and radio, stop listening to the BS propaganda. Then saddle up, get interim governments to put bounties on all these elitist turds, just like Chavez did on CIA agents running drugs through Maracaibo. Head or hands (just to let you know, hands are lighter, smaller and you can carry a lot more). I've been on a lot of hunts, I only used my cameras for animals.....

Cheers - Dave
edit on 7/29.2021 by bobs_uruncle because: spelling

posted on Jul, 30 2021 @ 01:29 AM
As everyone knows, most Federal Directives end up as complicated rules, filled with loopholes.

Here's a good Associated Press analysis of how President Biden's "Vaccination Directive" to Federal Workers and Government Contractors, will likely morph into a complicated mess of Epic proportions.

Biden Goes Too Extreme:

For a virus with a 99.4% survival rate, the Federal/MSM/Expert Covid-19 FEARMONGERING is not only's downright offensive and annoying.

Joe Biden --
playing dictator!

P.S. In a way, the actions from Dictator Joe are good, in that they will help BURY his party in the Nov 2022 nationwide Federal/State/Local elections.

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