I must admit I'm surprised at the number of straight arrow refutations of the hypothesis "These vaccines & the people who made & promote them are
almost certainly not a good thing".
Even if you don't believe in the element of prophetic dreaming (I'm also surprised nobody asked me to validate my claims in this regard) then you can
at least agree that the majority of people on this site are anti-'COVID-19 vaccine'. With the proportion of heavy nay-saying posts in this thread,
with one even telling me to "..stop spreading fear" you'd think we're on the BBC website comments section under a tinfoil hatter hatchet job
This site produces 90% or more anti-COVID-vaxx threads as opposed to support for the mainstream COVID narrative, but around 70% of the comments in
this thread are in opposition to the conspiracy angle. I find that curious.
Does anyone want to know of the events foretold in two very specific prophetic dreams I had, elements of which then came to pass in reality just as
had been predicted? By the fact that I had reported those dreams in this forum (which as we all know is monitored), the predictions made actually
helped the legitimate authorities in charge of military planning & strategic readiness by giving insight into two very specific near-future risks.
Perhaps if you knew about those incidents, you would stand up & say "maybe there's something to this". Bear in mind also that after getting the
second jab, on that 'jab day # 2', I had no negative effects. Instead, I had the dream about booster shots. But I hadn't been thinking or worrying
about the vaccines/ booster shots at all, so this whole situation unfolded 'in my subconscious mind' without any negative thought going into it
whatsoever from my conscious thinking, certainly nothing about booster shots, which weren't even predicted by the British authorities at that time.
Thus the dream came without any thought of the boosters, without any thoughts of a connection to my family - nothing. I eventually went to bed
comfortable & not stressed, then had this very pointedly specific dream which gave a solid forewarning about booster shots. As I've argued elsewhere,
I think the COVID vaccines are a primer for something worse further down the line - a 'variant' which then wreaks havoc & provides just the right sort
of crisis to precipitate a truly 'new normal' NWO, indeed a 'Great Reset', which they've openly discussed in recent times, as we all know -
all of
which is concurrent with a global situation seemingly predicted by Bill Gates when he openly mentioned that "..vaccines will help with controlling the
world's population".
How the actual # does a vaccine help to reduce the population? Unless some literally evil scientists, under the mantle of the evil investor/
propagator of advanced vaccine technology, create a means by which the population can be thinned using clever & deniable biotechnology which causes
unspecified vascular probems in the people who are locked into a schedule of boosters over the course of several years, with a lottery system to
determine who gets the 'kill shot' at which time (every eighth vial of the 'vaccine' is actually a death shot, for example - in the future they will
probably reduce it to every 5th, 4th, 3rd vial). The deaths would always be attributed to co-morbidity, chance, or even COVID-19 variants,
that they have literally named 200 symptoms of COVID-19 - which is patently absurd, as anyone shoudl be able to discern. This announcement means
that now,
every time you have symptoms of anything, you'll be diagnosed with COVID-19, and you'll be given a pill or a booster which allegedly
helps to improve your chances. You will seem to rally at first, but then there's an 'unpredictable' slide into toxic shock of some sort, or blood
clots which lead to embolisms, vascular degeneration which leads to aneurysms & strokes, etc - or being put on a ventilator, which damages your lungs
& causes acute hypoxia - ostensibly you died of COVID-19. Any of these makes for the perfect crime.
Anyone who cannot see that a list of 200 symptoms for a disease which allegedly can be spread by 'asymptomatic transmission' is utterly ridiculous,
cannot be saved..
All with #loads of propaganda to keep the sheeple in line with that vaccination policy, receiving experimental 'therapy' shots from indemnified
vaccine producers who can never be prosecuted in the event of death or disorder as a result of the biological agent entering the body. You know,
Gates referred to his investment in vaccines as the "best investment I ever made" - It caused his fortune to double, from £50,000,000,000 to
£100,000,000,000. Anyone who hoards that much wealth is evil, simple. You cannot look at the world with that much wealth in your hands & decide
that the best thing you could accomplish is to reduce the population by the use of vaccines (again - how? How do you use vaccines to reduce the global
population in a meaningful way? Would you use a shot which kills or sterilises them straight away? Or would you disguise your murder/eugenics weapon
as having caused unspecified, deniable vascular/uterine disorders when they experience contact with the wild virus, or at some time after they receive
a booster shot, potentially tailored to their exact genome?) To decide the death/ sterilisation of millions by vaccine is the best way to spend your
money is abhorrent.
For Heaven's sake, open your eyes & look at the damage that man's vaccines have had on India (he was formally kicked out as 'persona non grata' by the
Indian authorities), and it's recorded that his faulty vaccines led to the deaths of several hundred thousands of African women & children, though of
course, with that much money in your pocket, you know that no major news media corporation is going to cover the story.
There is no question in my mind - those who are perpetrating this crime, who are taking part in the development of the weapons of biological warfare,
those who are embedded in the conspiracy to wreak havoc on the common man's understanding of what's going on by blasting them with doom porn
fear-based conditioning (propaganda) - they will all answer to a higher authority for what they have elected to do. This is on the exact same
wavelength as what the Watchers, the Elohim, decided to do when they determined they would come to the Earth & rule it as Gods, instead of supporting
the biosphere & aiding Mankind to develop knowledge, skills & technologies naturally, in the course of time. They elected to participate in a
conspiracy which artificially enhanced the knowledge of humanity, far beyond where we would have been at without interference, so they could live here
in as much relative comfort as possible, partaking of the pleasures of this world, rather than sticking to their military oaths & duties to guard &
observe/support the biosphere & the people.
What the elites have done, with this planned crisis, is exactly equivalent to what those Watcher Elohim did, and as noted, the people behind this will
answer for what they have done/ are doing. It doesn't quite have the same shape as the Elohim's plan, but it is designed to bring about the exact
same outcome - they intend to rule, as transhumanist Gods, over a much reduced & therefore manageable non-transhumanist slave population. They see
themselves as Gods in waiting.
Thankfully, pride comes before a Fall.
edit on JulyFriday2117CDT10America/Chicago-050006 by FlyInTheOintment because: spelling, clarification