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Fully vaccinated people 885 percent more likely to die from COVID-19 than unvaccinated

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posted on Jul, 25 2021 @ 11:26 AM
Hey OP.. (doctor fake news)

Do you love the covid? Is it your dearest friend? Because you sure love defending it.

Are you trying to compromise the ability of the people around you to fight a pandemic?

That's sweet.

Nice job..

Do you get payed to post lies on this forum?

edit on 25-7-2021 by canucks555 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2021 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: Doctor Smith

Perhaps you can cite a specific set of facts from your own video that are not presented elsewhere and how these numbers are in fact calculated. Also which statistics are we supposed to trust the inflated or reduced number that was manipulated by the left day to day? Or do you have your own right sided set of numbers you know are MORE correct?

I just want to be doing the right fake math with the right fake numbers you know.

posted on Jul, 25 2021 @ 05:51 PM
If I was paying someone to spread disinfo I'd expect a better level of service than this.

a reply to: canucks555

posted on Jul, 25 2021 @ 06:41 PM

originally posted by: Poofmander
a reply to: Doctor Smith

Perhaps you can cite a specific set of facts from your own video that are not presented elsewhere and how these numbers are in fact calculated. Also which statistics are we supposed to trust the inflated or reduced number that was manipulated by the left day to day? Or do you have your own right sided set of numbers you know are MORE correct?

I just want to be doing the right fake math with the right fake numbers you know.

That's a good idea. Why don't you do it. I thought it was already explained in the video. Here's a link to a doctor telling you the protein spike goes everywhere. If your provax after this. Nothing can be done. Your brain is to far gone.


posted on Jul, 25 2021 @ 08:20 PM
Doctor Smith’s posts are so poor I wish I could see the author prior to opening them. He’s like the anti, anti -mRNA guy. He gives credence to the pro backer crowd by continually posting this gibberish. I feel like the guy likely belongs in an asylum, not on these boards.

The vaccine has some real concerns, but glowing In the dark, being a human magnet and now this # are not amongst them.

Do everyone with a functioning brain a favour Doctor Smith and please stop posting before you embarrass yourself further

posted on Jul, 25 2021 @ 09:34 PM
a reply to: Doctor Smith

So when he says "we" about making vaccines and not realizing about toxic spike proteins is he alluding to the fact he helped make vaccines?

Cuz I'm pretty certain he doesn't make vaccine, and no one would want him making them because he doesn't really understand them and neither do you, if you are looking to ANYONE to fill in the gaps of this cargo net set of beliefs, you will of course fine the ONE GUY who has nothing to do with any of the people or process of making COVID vaccine.

Find the people that can make it and show me the organ failure it causes in everyone who gets it please.

posted on Jul, 25 2021 @ 09:38 PM
I posted this in another thread, but may be released to this one as well.

Thank you all for any replies

Hi all I just joined and I’m trying to get some answers on a few things related to the mRNA covid treatments and I thought here might be a good place to start with talk of introducing boosters.

Please help answer below, would be greatly appreciated!

A) how does the mRNA treatments work? My understanding is that 40-80 trillion mRNA molecules encoding for the cov-2 spike protein are injected into the body with protective liposomal nano capsules. Are these mRNAs free to travel around the whole body?

B) if the above answer is yes, what happens when they enter a cell? Say a heart cell or a blood vessel cell? My understanding is that the mRNA molecules make their way into the cell and the ribosomes get to work at manufacturing the spike protein, which is then displayed on the membrane of that cell. The immune system then targets the spike protein and does the immune system then destroy that cell?

C) Does anyone know how many spike proteins get displayed on each cell (ball park) and do those spike proteins ever cleave off and re-enter the blood stream to then potentially attach to other cells displaying ace2 receptors?

D) what cells have Ace2 receptors? Does the placenta in pregnant woman have ace2? What about the ovaries or other reproductive organs? Do heart and endothelial cells lining blood vessels have ace2?

E) depending on the answers to above questions, is it a good thing to keep getting booster shots for variants when a portion of the body is essentially being destroyed every injection? Are there cells that could be destroyed which will never grow back?

Thank you all so much!


posted on Jul, 25 2021 @ 09:59 PM

originally posted by: Doctor Smith

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Doctor Smith

Mark my words. More will die from the vaccine than will die from Covide-19

So the mRNA producing a small amount of inert COVID spike proteins to activate your immune system, and the virus does the same except the protein is the building block for more viruses and produces 100s of millions... So what is it in the vaccine that is worst than the virus?

producing a small amount of inert COVID spike proteins to activate your immune system

Small amount? Trillions. And does it ever stop. It goes throughout your body. Your brain, organs, capillaries.

This is a key point. There are about 100 trillion cells in the body. If you’re injecting40- 80 trillion mRNAs and assuming each cell infected gets destroyed by the immune system, doesn’t that kill a bunch of healthy cells each injection? I mean lots of them will get replaced, but there are cells that do not get replaced like heart cells? I believe Pfizer press release stated the mRNAs stay local to the injection site, but the Japanese postmortem analysis showed the vaccine had travelled to every system in the body?

posted on Jul, 27 2021 @ 10:29 PM
a reply to: SeventhChapter

Doesn't sound good to me. The mRNA vaccines are like 40 trillion viruses that can potentially turn cells they come in contact with into a spike protein producing cell. Just like a virus, plus it's synthetic.

They thought that since it was only a spike protein being produced that it was safe. But that's the part of the virus that does damage to your body due to inflammation.

edit on 27-7-2021 by Doctor Smith because: added

posted on Jul, 27 2021 @ 11:17 PM

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
a reply to: SeventhChapter

Doesn't sound good to me. The mRNA vaccines are like 40 trillion viruses that can potentially turn cells they come in contact with into a spike protein producing cell. Just like a virus, plus it's synthetic.

They thought that since it was only a spike protein being produced that it was safe. But that's the part of the virus that does damage to your body due to inflammation.

Agreed. We really need to get to the bottom of what these experimental medical treatments really do to the body.
The assumption that every cell infected by 1 of the trillions of individual mRNA molecules is destroyed by the immune system after the antigen is expressed on the membrane of the cell.
Do the spike proteins also cleave off as dr Malone describes? If so they would then run into other ace2 receptors triggering an immune response in other parts of the body.
My concern is the micro clots that some doctors are theorizing, or any tissue that is infected and is not easily replaced, like neurons heart tissue etc...

It’s astonishing that we are rushing into giving the entire human populations these injections, while ignoring the other effective safe therapeutics, without first knowing how they will react in the human body... but what’s even more concerning is how many smart people bought into this plan, and are vehemently defending it.

What a time to be alive.

posted on Jul, 28 2021 @ 12:15 AM

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
If you try and look up the source THE DAILY EXPOSE you will find many fact checker sites that will pop up. Claiming it is a "tin foil hat site". But from my 1st view of the site I don't see anything outlandish. Much more believable than the Mainstream narrative we've all been suffering under.

Mark my words. More will die from the vaccine than will die from Covide-19

Fully vaccinated people 885% more likely to die from COVID-19 than unvaccinated

ALERT FYI - July 28, 2021

California counties with the highest vaccination rates, are also leading the state in the number of new Covid-19 cases.


National news media is HIDING THIS CONNECTION. It's a pleasant surprise to see the Sacramento CBS affiliate have the nerve to go against the wishes of CBS News' New York headquarters, by broadcasting this revelation.

Maybe the goal is for everyone on the planet to be infected with Covid-19, and to either recover, or to die?

posted on Jul, 28 2021 @ 01:37 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
If you try and look up the source THE DAILY EXPOSE you will find many fact checker sites that will pop up. Claiming it is a "tin foil hat site". But from my 1st view of the site I don't see anything outlandish. Much more believable than the Mainstream narrative we've all been suffering under.

Mark my words. More will die from the vaccine than will die from Covide-19

Fully vaccinated people 885% more likely to die from COVID-19 than unvaccinated

ALERT FYI - July 28, 2021

California counties with the highest vaccination rates, are also leading the state in the number of new Covid-19 cases.


National news media is HIDING THIS CONNECTION. It's a pleasant surprise to see the Sacramento CBS affiliate have the nerve to go against the wishes of CBS News' New York headquarters, by broadcasting this revelation.

Maybe the goal is for everyone on the planet to be infected with Covid-19, and to either recover, or to die?

The people that die from the mRNA vaccine will be hidden and said to have died from Covid-19. They"re trying to lock everything down this week in CA. Also citizens are trying to recall the Governor because of the lock downs.

They will blame it on the non vaccinated. Vaccinate at all cost no matter what. It's almost a comedy worthy of popcorn except I'm in the middle of this joke.

posted on Jul, 28 2021 @ 01:55 AM
The establishment is clearly preparing America for another lockdown this fall and winter. There is a coordinated wave of propaganda hitting television audiences everywhere, claiming: “Covid cases are on the rise, and 99% of those affected are unvaccinated.” Nothing could be further from the truth. “Cases” are still based on the bogus PCR test, and hardly anyone testing positive has any symptoms, including the poor, uninformed Olympic athletes in Tokyo that have now lost their chance to compete over this evil test, even when they have no symptoms and were all vaccinated. While it’s irrelevant if those tested positive are unvaxxed or vaxxed (because the test isn’t valid), the actual hospitalizations and deaths attributed to Covid are still at least half from vaccinated people—proving the “vaccine” isn’t effective. And perhaps worse, many are dying not from Covid but from the vaccine itself, which proves it isn’t safe either. All are being labeled “Covid” deaths.
Joel M Skousen

posted on Jul, 28 2021 @ 01:59 AM
Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the “Unvaccinated”

The official government narrative that the U.S. is facing a new "pandemic of the unvaccinated" continued this week, as the corporate media, the White House, and state governors all continued to blame the "unvaccinated" for rising cases of COVID-19 and the "delta" variant. Is there any evidence of all these "unvaccinated" patients that we are being told are all of a sudden filling the nation's hospitals? We keep hearing and reading that "90% of new hospital admissions are among the unvaccinated." Since this is not the kind of story that Big Tech and the corporate media will "fact check," let me please provide that service to the public and "fact check" these claims to see if they are true or not. ties-blame-the-unvaccinated/

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