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"The Nuclear Demon"

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posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 09:22 AM
The war wasnt illegal I agree the delcaring of war, fighting and "winning" of the war was done completly legit..

The reasons for going there were untrue and the US gov and the UK gov managed to play the population like a bunch poor idiots! You have to give it to the CIA,MI6 and MI5 they played us like fools.

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 01:33 PM

I think you will find that that the war was entered into illegally under international law.

Therefore anything that takes place in an illegal war is by definition illegal.



posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by BillHicksRules

I think you will find that that the war was entered into illegally under international law.

Therefore anything that takes place in an illegal war is by definition illegal.



Yes but you must remember each nation is soverign and so allowed to do what they want, this is a flaw in the UN which I think could be rectified with a new UN idea but acording to some my idea wasnt the best but heh...

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by Siroos

It's your kind of arrogance which has taken over America and all the good it stood for. And it's precisely this kind of cocky arrogance which will lead to the fall of America as a super power. It's never really other countries which cause the fall of a particular super power or empire - It's always the own actions of that super power / empire which leads to its own fall. It seems to me like you have watched to much hollywood - particularly "Rambo". Believe me when I say that the real world is quite different, even though some of your fellow Americans who are in power today are riding a short-lived wave of illusions that they are living the "Rambo dream". It's not going to be painless when you wake up to reality.

This sounds a lot like you are jealous. Is that why Iran wants nuclear weapons? What would they do with them? Admire them in the light? See how they sparkle! Would it be an ISLAMIC BOMB? A gift from Allah himself to deliver you from the infidels and the great satan?

I doubt that all Iran wants is a nuclear power plant. Where will the waste go? Will it be buried? Or will it be enriched to provide an endless supply of terror to like minded people who wish any western people dead.

Why would the great Iran need nuclear power anyway? I thought that Iran was a flourishing civilzation with technology falling out of the trees. Can your thriving civilization teach us a thing or two about clean or alternative sources of power? Find that and your problems would cease overnight. But I am sure that there are no problems in the great Iran. Everyone is employed, and has a home, a car, and has excellent medical care, and a chicken in every pot cooked with free energy.

I know nothing and am living in a dream. I am far too arrogant to see your wisdom of how everyone is evil except Iran. It is everyone else's fault except Iran. Iran's problems are caused by everyone else except Iran. I am beginning to see your wisdom. Give this poor backward thinking fool some time to catch up to your level.

I am afraid you may be right, Siroos that the US will someday crumble. As you say about history, we may be doomed to repeat it. Just remember what happened after Rome fell. The world was such a wonderous place then. All was right and good. The people lived in harmony and tranquility in the Dark Ages.

Who will your enemy be then? Who will you be able to blame then? Who will help you after earthquakes then? When the US falls, the entire world will collapse not because of arrogance, but because we are all connected to each other.

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 04:36 PM
The sad part is not that Israel is going to against Iran (hey, I don't care, I live far away), but that citizens of a democracy vote for a totally undemocratic way to decide on declaring war, in order to support their imperium.

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 07:12 PM
What is with this Imperium BS. Having bases in a sovern and democratic country is Imperialism to you?

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by WestPoint23
The President of the United States has a Constitutional right to declare war on any country with the authorization of Congress. That means more to me than some ridicules rules made up by the U.N., who were getting blood money from Iraq. We go tot he U.N. to ask for support of the war NOT for permission.

So America's laws over-ride all other laws that have been put down to stop illegal practices? Don't forget that the US was an equal partener when the UN was set up, it has to play by the rules as everyone else does or why bother having rules? Even if this was true (which it quite clearly isn't) is it legal to lie to Congress?

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by WestPoint23
What is with this Imperialist BS. Having bases in a sovern and democratic country is Imperialism to you?

Simply put, yes...

Its a clear example of a country excerting its power overseas... They are there for a reason, and in this example, they are used to protect America and its interests...

Guantanamo Bay is an example, its to keep the Commies in check, and store your criminals where they are not protected by any American laws... Real democratic, what right does the US have to be in Cuba!?!

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 10:28 PM

So America's laws over-ride all other laws that have been put down to stop illegal practices? Don't forget that the US was an equal partener when the UN was set up, it has to play by the rules as everyone else does or why bother having rules? Even if this was true (which it quite clearly isn't) is it legal to lie to Congress?

Its not illegal for a sovern and democratic country such as the U.S. to declare war on whoever they like as they have that right as they are sovern. The UN is a joke its nothing but burocracy, the head of the UN was getting illegal money from Saddam and we have to sake them to declare war on Iraq? It ridicules. And no one lied to congress, everyone was unaware that their info was flawed.

Its a clear example of a country excerting its power overseas... They are there for a reason, and in this example, they are used to protect America and its interests...

Guantanamo Bay is an example, its to keep the Commies in check, and store your criminals where they are not protected by any American laws... Real democratic, what right does the US have to be in Cuba!?!?

We have bases in Germany, England, Japan and many other countries around the world most of the time because the country either ha no problem with us having bases there or because we set up bases after a conflict with that country.

And Guantanamo Bay is not to “keep the commies in check” but yeah it is a good place to keep the terrorist. Also if you must know guantanmo was won by the U.S. in the Spanish American war as Cuba was controlled by Spain. We won the battle and as war booty we signed a contact with Cuba for that piece of land. The U.S. owns that piece of land as we even pay 8 Grand a year to Cuba as it was part of the contract. Look it up and educate yourself.

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 01:45 AM

"Look it up and educate yourself"

A piece of friendly advice for you. Try learning to spell all the words in your posts correctly before demanding that someone else educate themselves.



posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by ghostsoldier
I agree with skippytjc to a certain extent...

I beleive that Israel will play quite a big role in this invasion, but I beleive that US Soldiers will play an equal role in the ground invasion, maybe even more so, considering the fact that as soon a Palastine finds out that Israel is attacking another Arab state, tempers will probably flair up again...

for the record Ok Iran is not Arab. Does that show how much you know about the situation? or how much you think you know ?

IRan + Islamic Government + people + nuclear technology ====bad
Iran +people + nuclear technology====notbad

Does anyone see what needs to go? and who the enemy is?

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 05:15 AM

Who will your enemy be then? Who will you be able to blame then? Who will help you after earthquakes then? When the US falls, the entire world will collapse not because of arrogance, but because we are all connected to each other.

Now that is arrogante.

On the other hand i would love to watch the new American movies on CNN (Blitzkrieg-Iran, Coming Home in the Bodybag, Nuke'm, Saving Private Habib...)

Nice thead.

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 05:59 AM
there no denying Iraq had weapons of mass destruction we UK and USA and Germany, France sold them to Iraq, so we knew they did have them but what happened to them before gulf war 2 is a mystery some say Russian spetnaz (dunno if spealt correct) removed WMD to bordering Countrys and shipped em out to sea............. so no we wouldnt find any wmd cause they were moved makeing our country look the fools.....

as for Iran should they really wait till they lob a nuke at Isreal??? Iran repeatdly said they want to mass destroy Israel and now they going to be building nukes hmm huh huh.

Personally i feel that all Middle East country involved with terrorism no matter how slight will be targeted, and annihilated as terrorism is not being tollerated with now days like we did in the past, the 9/11 was the last straw, and we will win as we are more powerfull so if they wanted to bite us on the ass they succecded in doing so, and now they will reap what they have sown for so long..... it pay back day baby....

attacking a much more powerfull country is not a good idea as they will retaliate back in force, as for future terror attacks im sure we will reply in KIND to what ever they do be it nuke or bio, WE will for sure use same back on them dont think we wouldnt use nukes and bio weps WE WOULD but only if the terrorists used them first. All allie country reserve the right to attack in kind the attackers. Personally i think we are waiting for the next terrorist attack, then we have an excuse for all out attack on all terrorists with no kid gloves on and all out it would be full scale war on them, they think we at war now pfff we just doing recon's and intel just wait and see what happens when terrorists attack again....... that will be their last and final staw.

[edit on 29-3-2005 by blobby]

[edit on 29-3-2005 by blobby]

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 07:55 AM
Yes weapons are just not a nuclear weapon as was stated by both CIA,MI6 and GRU.
Checmical weapons where ther but the majority of sadams chemical and biological weapons where destroyed and the rest where being destroyed. Remember these were left overs from GW1

The missiles that "could" have hit other countries where also being destroyed by JCB's running over them....yes I have seen the footage and to quote the man , "these are expensive weapons being crushed here not simple rifles"

Might I also add that if the US is going after every country then the US should look at itself....

[edit on 26/02/2005 by devilwasp]

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 08:42 AM

I have to say I agree with you with regards to US WMD's.

I feel the US's moral standpoint would be a lot easier to swallow were it not for the fact that they have the greatest stockpile of NBC weapons anywhere in the world.

I think that the US should publicly destroy all its WMDs. There is no justification for them. Never has been. Never will be.



posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 09:14 AM
Its actually a double edged sword, we can take them away and leave ourselves open to getting bombed as well as removeing our belief in destroying each other.

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 09:16 AM
hey Bill tell that to the Russians, they got more WMDs then we do which makes us very envious since the politicians are cutting our own stockpiles of WMD

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by deltaboy
hey Bill tell that to the Russians, they got more WMDs then we do which makes us very envious since the politicians are cutting our own stockpiles of WMD

Oh so its now the "he has more than me so we should have more"arguement?

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 09:31 AM
Bill thinks that we should destroy our stockpiles but he never mention how other countries should do with theirs. Gotta be more realistic here people.

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by deltaboy
Bill thinks that we should destroy our stockpiles but he never mention how other countries should do with theirs. Gotta be more realistic here people.

Oh so its okay as long as they have them?
If we use that logic I suppose its okay for us to anthrax and napalm?
Or how about the TULAREMIA pathagens designed by the CIA?
Yeah those really are "peace keeping weapons"..

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