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A Conversation with Lord Sumption

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posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 05:08 PM
I highly recommend this interview


Editor-in-Chief, Jay Bhattacharya and Lord Sumption discuss the legal, ethical, and political implications of COVID-19 policy responses

British author, historian, and retired Supreme Court Judge, Lord Sumption, has been vocal throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, questioning the wisdom, necessity, and legality of the British government’s use of the 1984 Public Health Act to implement extraordinary lockdown measures.

In this in-depth conversation, Professor Bhattacharya sits down with Lord Sumption to explore pressing ethical and legal questions raised by the COVID-19 policy response, in addition to examining both the historical context and potential ramifications for the future.

In short, its not about a virus, the virus is simply the mechanism to exploit an agenda

But what is the agenda?

The great reset? - i very much doubt it.. if you want to enslave the public, you better be willing to take the hit, by that i mean, drastically decrease your population and have no standing army in the middle of cold war 2? where you dropped on your head?

you better be willing to carry out genocide, on the tens of millions scale like the soviets and CCP did to gain that level of control over you CUCKED population, just like the zoo mate but far more dangerous... you cant lock up and enslave humans, you're destined to fail, doesn't matter when or how? you're going down, its not a sustainable system, humans will find a way, your ideology of absolute control is KAPUT defunct and dangerous

So NO its only the CCP agenda which seeks that.... it'll fail... and Biden said it, its on like donkey Kong

Its a PsyOps... to see exploited human emotion can become before they rebel and wake up, just look at them rising up all over the world against the CONTROL, mankind has awakened but you needed to learn it

THE PROBLEM IS HUMANS HAVE NEVER EXPERIENCED SUCH METHODS OF CONTROL, they're ignorant of it, we've never been so free, we've never been so happy, we've never experienced such peace in human history for this duration of time.... but still the voices of evil and control will attempt to convince you that absolute power to the ruling class. you... you stupid dumb little sheep, you cant even run a hot bath on your own... you shall listen to our experts, the science... and pay attention or you're going to die

This is the lesson of history you're void off

This is the lesson you need to learn before you rebel, you dont know what is important, and if you want to be ruled over then go join the CCP and be prepared to see mass resistance, your system is disgusting and inhuman and currently genocidal, so you BLM turds? what if we behave like you in an endless circle of revenge ? is that a world you want?

its an unrestricted war, just like the one communist have been waging on the free world for the past 40 years

and this is, (COVID19) LOCK-DOWNS? THIS IS YOUR RESPONSE... So enjoy it

its a war that needs to be fought now, rather than later when we cant fight back

but thats for another thread which i keep putting of because it far to complex to convey, we'd need a lecture for a few hours at this point

but for now enjoy the video and please share your thoughts

but mostly can we leave politics aside and just try to grip with the subject COVID/LOCKDOWNS

Why are you against or for? given the facts? the virus has a 0.004% mortality

for the under 50/60yr group youre 99.997% going to get a mild case or survive

why are we destroying the world?

And we are.. if you're to stupid to understand why lock-downs will absolutely destroy EVERYTHING then i have no hope for you, ill try one more time DO YOU REALIZE LOCK-DOWNS WILL KILL THE WORLD? dude? you need to wake up now? and you need to get into your camp and stay there, because this doesnt end until you scream mercy

Do you realize if were not producing anything there wont be anything?

do you realize somebody has to pay for all this?

who is going to pay for it when the world collapses because sad littler communists wanted to challenge western civilization ?

Ok you're sacred? then look at the DATA?

DO YOU SEE THAT? that says....0.004% ? who knows anybody that got sick of covid below 82 years of ages whose died? and don't lie

since you have nothing, ill just tell you.,..

who relies on the current world system? and whom is abusing it?

who in the next 20 years has an economy (current projections) 4/5 that of the USA ?


you wanna fight them then or now?

Whose economy (unaffected) is based on solid supply chains ?

Whose economy has a $52 TRILLION HOUSING BUBBLE which will make 2008 crash look like a tea party?

You pop that bubble and its GOOD NIGHT CCP

well.. . they're the target of covid19 AND LOCK-DOWNS

and soon its going to become very apparent

And soon those advocating for lock-downs like scare pathetic low IQ little children or shills wont be laughing

you'll be in WWIII

and you'll be judged just like the Nazis, for supporting an anti human, anti democratic, anti rules based international order of civilizations, genocidal regime that wants nothing but absolute power

That is what you support if you support anti scientific lock-downs

good luck.. you're certainly going to need it

edit on 19-7-2021 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: TritonTaranis

And to think I was just wondering why it costs so damned much for a mcchicken these days, and now I know. Sgt slaughter used to say knowing is half the battle.

I’ll tell you I despise the covid god and it’s mass cult. I hate it, I’ve watched it rot the world around me, now I also watch the alleged “cure” aka “the jab” deteriorating what’s left of things and people. You can see it here you can see it in the real world, yet people want to tell you to be safe etc when they propagate this crap. Covid is a joke, the vax is a joke, the current us administration is a joke and all the bull crap going on in the world is really terrifying. People’s need to think for themselves fast and on their feet.

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 05:22 PM
The delta is hitting now. Sick and dying are 99.5 percent unvaxed.

5 states with low vax rates account for 40 percent of new cases.100 percent of new deaths in CA are unvaxed.

Keep on going you guys.

I have to laugh at how you are taking yourselves out, day by day, and still think you have some point to prove.

You will prove it with tombstones over the next six months.

Been nice knowing ya

(post by TritonTaranis removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 05:26 PM
I'm so over even trying to argue with people and wake them up.
And now, we won't even be able to eat them since they'll be genetically modified. And I won't eat that sh!t.

It's going to be a very dark decade. I expect real estate prices to plummet to 1970 nyc levels. One dollar for a whole building. It'll all be about either living in one of the few cities that are repopulated, or getting a a lot of solar for your 20,000 acre estate.
Millions of cars and never another drop of gas to come.

10 years of chaos followed by 20 years of clean up and restructuring. Only the useless elite and the stubborn geniuses will remain in the shiny new world.

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 05:30 PM

originally posted by: EmmanuelGoldstein
I'm so over even trying to argue with people and wake them up.
And now, we won't even be able to eat them since they'll be genetically modified. And I won't eat that sh!t.

It's going to be a very dark decade. I expect real estate prices to plummet to 1970 nyc levels. One dollar for a whole building. It'll all be about either living in one of the few cities that are repopulated, or getting a a lot of solar for your 20,000 acre estate.
Millions of cars and never another drop of gas to come.

10 years of chaos followed by 20 years of clean up and restructuring. Only the useless elite and the stubborn geniuses will remain in the shiny new world.

Yes unfortunately it will be a very dark decade

but we have to shift those Nazi CCP types, we have to collapse that party... we and dismember and destroy every bit of communism from this planet, or were doomed to be slaves forever to the ruling elites technocracy

might is right?

Nah you'll be burned outside your bunker like Hitler

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 05:30 PM
Everybody thinks they know more than they really do, and I suppose that includes me, too. Which makes me think that you can look all day for an "agenda" but at the end of that day do you really think that people are smart and organized and cooperative enough to pull off a hoax on this scale?

Really? Most people can't agree on where to go for lunch, much less coordinate a worldwide "fake" pandemic that affects billions with the ultimate goal being... what? Further acquisition of wealth by the world's richest people? They already have most of the money. They need people to go to work and buy things to make more.

There's no James Bond villain out there wanting to "rule the world." It's just a fairly bad disease and a whole lot of people being too worried or stupid one way or another and not having enough decent information to act intelligently about it.

I'm betting on stupidity rather than villainy.

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 05:31 PM

originally posted by: Havamal
The delta is hitting now. Sick and dying are 99.5 percent unvaxed.

5 states with low vax rates account for 40 percent of new cases.100 percent of new deaths in CA are unvaxed.

Keep on going you guys.

I have to laugh at how you are taking yourselves out, day by day, and still think you have some point to prove.

You will prove it with tombstones over the next six months.

Been nice knowing ya

Interesting that you watched a 55 minute video in 12 minutes but still can't seem to reply to the actual topic...

The subject is about Covid lockdowns.

Not your same old copy/paste that you do in every other thread without being able to even source what you are talking about.

Ah well.

Some get paid by the word, some get paid by the post....

To the OP, thank you for sharing the video.

I'm actually going to watch it before replying to the topic...

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 05:33 PM

originally posted by: Brotherman
a reply to: TritonTaranis

And to think I was just wondering why it costs so damned much for a mcchicken these days, and now I know. Sgt slaughter used to say knowing is half the battle.

I’ll tell you I despise the covid god and it’s mass cult. I hate it, I’ve watched it rot the world around me, now I also watch the alleged “cure” aka “the jab” deteriorating what’s left of things and people. You can see it here you can see it in the real world, yet people want to tell you to be safe etc when they propagate this crap. Covid is a joke, the vax is a joke, the current us administration is a joke and all the bull crap going on in the world is really terrifying. People’s need to think for themselves fast and on their feet.

Don't worry the course is set... the world is agreed... were not turning back now, its ALL OUT WAR with the CCP

You're either with us or against us

edit on 19-7-2021 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)

(post by TritonTaranis removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 05:41 PM
The problem I have with these cartoon bodies is simple: some hack in mom's basement forgets his meds but remembers the camera in the closet, and next thing ya know he has followers?

No vetting. No peer review. No logic.

Ok, follow the cartoon if you like it.

Plenty of room for the dead in the ground.

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: TritonTaranis

Bookmarked for later thanks.

I can say that I've seen a couple of other interviews with Lord Sumption and he seems to have his head screwed on and an interesting perspective on things. Well worth listening to.

(post by TritonTaranis removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: Havamal
One word to say to you,make of it what you like-fool.

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 05:55 PM

originally posted by: Tulpa
a reply to: TritonTaranis

Bookmarked for later thanks.

I can say that I've seen a couple of other interviews with Lord Sumption and he seems to have his head screwed on and an interesting perspective on things. Well worth listening to.

In the CIA we trust

not those commie sympathizers

But we give them the opportunity to chose

enslavement or freedom ?

or manipulate them to chose

either way

they're gonna experience it and choose, the reckoning is coming

BRING IT BACK ? i hear you say? land war in Asia ? i hear you say? anything? anything i hear you say? the cards do not fall inline with technocracy

they very much, once your lesson is over, fall in line with... NARRATIVE NARRATIVE NARRATIVE

FREEDOM... LIBERTY... DEMOCRACY... oh they the CCP thought we wasn't watching them and counter plotting, but did they really release the covid cold? who cares, we care about the CCP burning like an uncontrollable meteorite in the night sky

edit on 19-7-2021 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 06:00 PM

originally posted by: Havamal
The delta is hitting now. Sick and dying are 99.5 percent unvaxed.

5 states with low vax rates account for 40 percent of new cases.100 percent of new deaths in CA are unvaxed.

Keep on going you guys.

I have to laugh at how you are taking yourselves out, day by day, and still think you have some point to prove.

You will prove it with tombstones over the next six months.

Been nice knowing ya

I’d snort the delta variant like co Caine send it

(post by TritonTaranis removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 06:06 PM
a reply to: TritonTaranis

I March to the beat of my own drum. I’m on my side and do what I can for those around me when it is not a detriment to me or others I care about. The world is rotting around us I believe it is best to take care of what I got and those around me before I figure I can take on anything else.

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: Havamal

don't care, still not getting it

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 06:07 PM

originally posted by: TritonTaranis

originally posted by: Brotherman

originally posted by: Havamal
The delta is hitting now. Sick and dying are 99.5 percent unvaxed.

5 states with low vax rates account for 40 percent of new cases.100 percent of new deaths in CA are unvaxed.

Keep on going you guys.

I have to laugh at how you are taking yourselves out, day by day, and still think you have some point to prove.

You will prove it with tombstones over the next six months.

Been nice knowing ya

I’d snort the delta variant like co Caine send it

Hey remember

you cant display that TOXIC MASCULINITY you white supremacist

because the FIGHT BACK begins with TOXIC MASCULINITY

Truth be told I really would, it’s been awhile since I felt sick and actually want to know what this hoe train is all about, send it

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