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So I just tasted this freakn expensive ice cream for the very first time

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posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 12:04 AM
I know what ice milk ice cream taste like, because its the only think I can afford in this country.
But today I tasted the most expensive " real ice cream " on the market .

It's BS . it might be 20% cream, but according to my taste buds, I'd 80% is ice milk. I wish someone would do a chem analazise on this rip off ice cream company.

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 12:12 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

Häagen-Dazs is fine. It's just plain ol' regular expensive ice cream. Blue Bell and HEB store brand are my go to. I am guessing those aren't available in . . . Japan, right?

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 12:12 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

What country are you in?

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 12:22 AM
Blue bunny loaded cones and Ice cream bars are cheaper and way better, trust me.

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 12:37 AM

originally posted by: Alien Abduct
a reply to: musicismagic

What country are you in?

Last we knew MIM is from Japan ... but ... they have recently moved to a safer place, so ....


posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 12:44 AM
I've been a Blue Bunny aficionado for many years (about 25 of them).

I've had the expensive ice-cream and i still think Blue Bunny is over all the best.

But now if you have a Rite Aid, they handle an old time brand that my Dad use to buy for me from "Thrifty's Drug Store". It was an award winning ice-cream and it was heavenly and inexpensive.

Thrifty Ice Cream

Thrifty Ice Cream at Rite Aid

Man back in the day you could get a single-scoop of Thrifty's Ice Cream for just a nickle, it was wonderful.

edit on 7/19/2021 by JohnnyAnonymous because: I made a boo boo

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 01:01 AM
I always buy “sweet tooth” brand.
Stays fresh due to the layer of ice that forms on top.

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 01:36 AM
Try giffords!

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 01:41 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

We used to have guys on refrigerated bikes peddling Ice milk... Purple ghosts with a gum ball for a nose

was my favorite thing in the world when i was young... but hagan das is just fatty ice cream..

NO better or worse then most others

Baskin Robins was the best around these parts long ago.... haven't seen them in years

edit on 19-7-2021 by Akragon because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 01:54 AM
Why not just make your own ?
Some ice , some rock salt , a good ice cream bucket , cream or milk , and your flavor of choice .
And some time and a bit of effort .

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 03:00 AM
If you want decent ice cream you need to go to small production companies, who use traceable milk. There a several small companies in Devon (UK) for example which churn ('scuse the pun) out really nice ice cream, using milk from local herds.

Big multinationals selling stuff described as "luxury" is a joke. It's just that they can pay for good PR and "fool" people into thinking their product full of quality.

One of many... Dartmoor Icecream

We pride ourselves in sourcing only milk and cream from local Dartmoor farms.

edit on 19/7/2021 by paraphi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 03:06 AM
a reply to: Akragon

Dickie Dee !

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 03:31 AM

originally posted by: ShadowLink
a reply to: Akragon

Dickie Dee !

we had them during the summer in our town at 10 cents each

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 03:43 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

In the US, in order to call a product "ice cream" the product must contain not less than 10% milk fat.

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 03:51 AM

originally posted by: Chalcedony
a reply to: musicismagic

In the US, in order to call a product "ice cream" the product must contain not less than 10% milk fat.

so ice cream is as fake as the politician words these days

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 05:01 AM
a reply to: ShadowLink

And theres my ghost on the side!!

grape Ice milk!!

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 06:28 AM
You can determine the quality of milk ice cream by letting it "melt" and then see what disgusting stuff is left in the sink.

The more it keeps shape, the more "dirt" you would have ingested. I rather eat less ice cream and go to one of our local gelato ice-cafes that still have real ice cream and gelato that are not full of fillers and air.

Yes, the strawberry ice isn't as flavor-ish as the artificial flavor, but that's just nature.

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 07:03 AM
Why doesn’t a National Brand produce a Blue Moon ice cream? You’d think Breyer's or at the very least, Ben & Jerry’s or Baskin Robbin’s would do a regular rotation.

But seriously Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry, Peach, Butter Pecan, Rocky Road, Butterscotch, Blue Moon, Cookies and Cream, Mint Chocolate Chip, Pistachio, Orange Sherbet, Raspberry Sherbet, Lemon Sherbet, some sort of cherries and chocolate chunks, then do some odd ball stuff like bubble gum or s’mores for the kids.

I don’t eat pistachio nuts or ice cream but admit people like it enough to keep it on the list. I don’t particularly like mint things either. But Blue Moon is a flavor that you don’t know that you are missing.

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 07:28 AM
a reply to: JohnnyAnonymous

That post takes me back!

Used to get the triple scoop of chocolate malted crunch at Thrifty's all the time when I was in my early teens. I can't recall if it was a nickle or not. I feel like .15 cents per scoop may have been what it cost at the time but I'm not sure either way. I do know it was my absolute favorite ice cream at the time and it was far less expensive than any other option.

I think they also had hand packed pints for .99 cents or something like that? I seem to recall buying that as well.
edit on 7/19/21 by Hefficide because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2021 @ 03:49 PM

originally posted by: pheonix358

originally posted by: Alien Abduct
a reply to: musicismagic

What country are you in?

Last we knew MIM is from Japan ... but ... they have recently moved to a safer place, so ....


Safer? What's dangerous about Japan?

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