posted on Jul, 16 2021 @ 01:51 PM
The following, from Brittanica, is LONG and I do not want to piecemeal it as everyone learns/understands differently. I am not a scientist, perhaps a
SciFientist, though in my next life, I want to be a Research Scientist!!
alternative Title: RNA-directed DNA polymerase
Reverse transcriptase, also called RNA-directed DNA polymerase, an enzyme encoded from the genetic material of retroviruses that catalyzes the
transcription of retrovirus RNA (ribonucleic acid) into DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). This catalyzed transcription is the reverse process of normal
cellular transcription of DNA into RNA, hence the names reverse transcriptase and retrovirus. Reverse transcriptase is central to the infectious
nature of retroviruses, several of which cause disease in humans, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome (AIDS), and human T-cell lymphotrophic virus I (HTLV-I), which causes leukemia. Reverse transcriptase is also a fundamental component of a
laboratory technology known as reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), a powerful tool used in research and in the diagnosis of
diseases such as cancer.
Following retrovirus infection, reverse transcriptase converts viral RNA into proviral DNA, which is then incorporated into the DNA of the host cell
in the nucleus.
Following retrovirus infection, reverse transcriptase converts viral RNA into proviral DNA, which is then incorporated into the DNA of the host cell
in the nucleus.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Reverse transcriptase
David Baltimore
Howard Martin Temin
DNA polymerase
Retroviruses consist of an RNA genome contained within a protein shell that is enclosed in a lipid envelope. The retrovirus genome is typically made
up of three genes: the group-specific antigen gene (gag), the polymerase gene (pol), and the envelope gene (env). The pol gene encodes the three
enzymes—protease, reverse transcriptase, and integrase—that catalyze the steps of retroviral infection. Once a retrovirus is inside a host cell (a
process mediated by protease), it takes over the host’s genetic transcription machinery to construct a DNA provirus. This process, the conversion of
retroviral RNA to proviral DNA, is catalyzed by reverse transcriptase and is necessary for proviral DNA insertion into host DNA—a step initiated by
the integrase enzyme.
cancer-causing retroviruses
cancer-causing retroviruses
Retroviral insertion can convert a proto-oncogene, integral to the control of cell division, into an oncogene, the agent responsible for transforming
a healthy cell into a cancer cell. An acutely transforming retrovirus (shown at top), which produces tumours within weeks of infection, incorporates
genetic material from a host cell into its own genome upon infection, forming a viral oncogene. When the viral oncogene infects another cell, an
enzyme called reverse transcriptase copies the single-stranded genetic material into double-stranded DNA, which is then integrated into the cellular
genome. A slowly transforming retrovirus (shown at bottom), which requires months to elicit tumour growth, does not disrupt cellular function through
the insertion of a viral oncogene. Rather, it carries a promoter gene that is integrated into the cellular genome of the host cell next to or within a
proto-oncogene, allowing conversion of the proto-oncogene to an oncogene.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Early retrovirus observations
For many years there existed a paradigm in molecular biology known as the “central dogma.” This asserted that DNA is first transcribed into RNA,
RNA is translated into amino acids, and amino acids assemble into long chains, called polypeptides, that make up proteins—the functional units of
cellular life. However, while this central dogma is true, as with many paradigms of biology, important exceptions can be found.
The first important observation opposing the central dogma came in the early 20th century. Two Danish researchers, Vilhelm Ellerman and Oluf Bang,
were able to transmit leukemia to six chickens in succession by infecting the first animal with a filterable agent (now known as a virus) and then
infecting each subsequent animal with the blood of the preceding bird. At the time, only palpable malignant tumours were understood to be cancers.
Therefore, this observation was not linked to a viral-induced malignancy because leukemia was not then known to be a cancer. (At the time, leukemia
was thought to be the result of some manner of bacterial infection.)
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In 1911 American pathologist Peyton Rous, working at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (now Rockefeller University), reported that
healthy chickens developed malignant sarcomas (cancers of connective tissues) when infected with tumour cells from other chickens. Rous investigated
the tumour cells further, and from them, he isolated a virus, which was later named Rous sarcoma virus (RSV). However, the concept of infectious
cancer drew little support, and, unable to isolate viruses from other cancers, Rous abandoned the work in 1915 and did not return to it until 1934.
Decades later the significance of his discoveries was realized, and in 1966—more than 55 years after his first experiment, at the age of 87—Rous
was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of tumour-inducing viruses.
DNA provirus hypothesis
In the mid-20th century there were many advances in molecular biology, including the description of DNA in 1953 by American geneticist and
biophysicist James D. Watson and British biophysicists Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins. By the 1960s it was understood that sarcomas are caused by a
mutation that results in uncontrolled cell division. It was also evident that RSV was inherited during the division of cancerous cells. This
inheritance occurred in a manner agreeing with the Mendelian laws of genetic inheritance—laws that heretofore had been understood to apply only to
DNA molecules (see the articles genetics and heredity).
Scientists hypothesized that, in order for such viral inheritance to occur, a virus would need to transcribe its RNA genome into DNA and then insert
this DNA into the host cell genome. Once incorporated into the host genome, the virus would be transcribed as though it were another gene and could
produce more RNA virus from its DNA. This hypothesis, called the “DNA provirus hypothesis,” was developed in the late 1950s by American virologist
Howard Martin Temin, when he was a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Italian virologist Renato Dulbecco at the California Institute of
Technology. Temin’s hypothesis was formally proposed in 1964. The provirus hypothesis came about when experiments demonstrated that an antibiotic
called actinomycin D, which is capable of inhibiting DNA and RNA synthesis, inhibited the reproduction of RSV. However, the concept of an RNA
molecule’s turning itself into DNA drew very few supporters.