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US Deputy Marshal dishes out some common sense information about COVID Door Knockers & more

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posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 03:15 AM
This video is for those in the US, that don't want to take the VAXX. But you don't want to do anything stupid. So you need to know exactly what to do if the door knockers become a problem.

In some other countries they go so far as to chase you down and physically force you to take the VAXX. If you're in a care or nursery home, mentally ill and don't know your rights they have forced some in the US.


posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 03:30 AM

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
This video is for those in the US, that don't want to take the VAXX. But you don't want to do anything stupid. So you need to know exactly what to do if the door knockers become a problem.

In some other countries they go so far as to chase you down and physically force you to take the VAXX. If you're in a care or nursery home, mentally ill and don't know your rights they have forced some in the US.


The new " QUICK SAND " is you are either with the new person is charge or you are not. End result is, if not, its been said already, you will suffer the consequences .

posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 03:43 AM
a reply to: Doctor Smith

Actually some very good legal advice given there which aligns with the advice given below.

Whitehead advises people to place “No Trespassing” signs at all entry points to their property.

“You simply ask them to leave,” said Whitehead. “You are under no obligation to answer any of their questions.

“At the point you ask them to leave your property they are trespassing. I am telling people to put up no trespassing signs because that makes it easier but even if you don’t have a sign, they are trespassing once you tell them to leave.”

“I think the problem in America is people, most people, have no idea what their rights are,” he added. “Under the First Amendment you don’t have to speak to government officials, you have a right against unreasonable searches and seizures under the Fourth Amendment and the right to remain silent under the Fifth Amendment.

“Just say, ‘sir I’m calling the police at this point in time,’ but you have to make it clear you want them to leave and they’re violating the law. They’re trespassing. Your health is nobody’s business.”

What Will You Do When The Feds Come Knocking?

Also thought this barrister raised some very important points about International Law and the Nuremberg Code.

posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 04:01 AM
My plan was his first suggestion. Don't answer the door. We live in a condo with a no soliciting policy. If it's a neighbor, they can call first, otherwise I'm not answering.

posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 05:45 AM
Good advice actually. Doing an unpopular job itself isn’t a reason to escalate with them.

Don’t see persistent door knockers being a problem anyway. The Pollyanna volunteers will soon discover the realities of a job which combines the worst of sales, evangelism, and census taking.

posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 05:57 AM
Legal or not, I have to assume that they have a data base of vaccinated citizens and so are hitting up addresses of those not on the vax list. If you answer the door and play along, they will likely use any information you give them to help identify the un-vaxxed and esp. anti-vaxxers. They may even try to include a line of questions fishing for other information like fire arms in the home or for ways to label people as domestic terrorists or other types of political extremists.

From the article . . .

“They’re there for one reason, to collect information on you,” he said. “That can’t be good for you.” They could get that information by questioning you directly, or by asking your neighbors to snitch on you. “Data collection is out of control. Google, Amazon, Facebook are all collecting personal information on their users and they are working with the governments of the world in this,” Whitehead said. “So we have to be really careful here, because the government doesn’t have a good record on how they use the data they collect.”

Then there is the idea that the feds are sending these useful idiots out as cannon fodder, hoping someone pushed to the edge will pull the trigger on some of these volunteers. They'd have a field day with some reports like that.

posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 06:05 AM

originally posted by: MichiganSwampBuck

Then there is the idea that the feds are sending these useful idiots out as cannon fodder, hoping someone pushed to the edge will pull the trigger on some of these volunteers. They'd have a field day with some reports like that.

Yes mate that crossed my mind as well - it's probably inevitable as (apparently) they're using 'far left extremists'.

Needles, syringes and gene therapy shots are following the door knockers to administer on the spot.

Federal law prohibits government paid employees or contractors from canvassing from door to door, but they are being told to ignore the law and apply pressure anyway

It Begins: Biden Uses Far-Left Community Organizer Groups To Door-Knock For Vaccines


posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 08:20 AM

originally posted by: billxam
My plan was his first suggestion. Don't answer the door. We live in a condo with a no soliciting policy. If it's a neighbor, they can call first, otherwise I'm not answering.

What? And miss the opportunity to be entertained by these flashy costumes?

Very persuasive approach. LOL

edit on 15-7-2021 by loam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: karl 12

That's it right there. There is one entrance onto my property, a 1/4 mile driveway. At the start of the driveway there are clearly marked no soliciting and no trespassing signs on both sides of the driveway. If one makes their way up here I will be polite, ask them if they're unable to see the signs, and I will inform them they are trespassing. Upon informing them I will be contacting my sheriff's office if they do not comply with leaving the property. No being rude and no discussion of of any other topic, because you don't just end up at this house by accident.

posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: karl 12

I think the advice is a bit melodramatic. Until they start showing up with police or trying to vax you against your will I think everybody should just chill. Yes the program is worthless and troubling, but it doesn't mean people need to panic.

There's an easy way to handle it that would quickly make the door to door campaign fail.

Oh, I'm sorry, I only discuss medical information with my personal physician. Have a nice day!

If they start reporting back that the people visited are displaying aggressive behavior and forcefully ejecting door knockers it will be reported as "anti-government" and "radicalization". This is like music to their ears.

Remember January 6th and don't take the bait. They want you to harass the door knockers. They want you to act in a way that allows them to paint those who choose to remain unvaccinated as dangerous conspiracy theorists. Do not, under any circumstances, play this game. It isn't one you can win by being difficult to random door knockers. Just don't answer the door or tell them politely that you only discuss that with your doctor.

They want you to panic and act irrationally, that's their whole gambit with COVID. Fear.

If you want to really take one for the team you should occupy as much of their time as possible. Ask them questions in a sincerely curious manner. Don't present it as an interrogation, it's just a conversation. Who hired them? How is the program funded? Are they still hiring and how can you apply? What did they do before this work? Do they like the job? When is the data available for public review? What areas are they assigned? Are they local? When did they get their vaccinations and where? Where do their lists come from? Can you see a copy of the questions and reporting form? What kind of shampoo do they use? Does it come in other scents? Have they had lunch yet? Would they like to get some lunch?
edit on 7/15/21 by Ksihkehe because: Typo

posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 12:09 PM
To my american friends across the pond

Are you considering the VAXX ?

Then you should be informed, you're not getting informed consent, you're just getting peer pressure campaigns and threats of job loss for not complying

Please share this far and wide with your friends and family

edit on 15-7-2021 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 12:24 PM
Let me put it this way. Even if you've been vaxed, if you don't comply in any way, even not answering the door, you WILL be logged as a "trouble" maker. And in consequence you will be watched.

posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 03:54 PM
a reply to: crayzeed

I will tell them I do not deny or confirm. Goodbye.

posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 04:40 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
Let me put it this way. Even if you've been vaxed, if you don't comply in any way, even not answering the door, you WILL be logged as a "trouble" maker. And in consequence you will be watched.

Sounds like you're enjoying writing that.

posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 06:06 PM
Another recommendation is to record the encounter at your door way. I have a front and back door CCTV camera. The one at the front door has a speaker and a microphone, so I could talk to them through the camera while it records their response. Even if I answer the door, the conversation is recorded with the video. A game camera can catch the activity at the driveway entrance, an entrance that will soon have a gate and a large, easily read sign.

I'm tempted to ask a few questions of them though, like can I see their vaccine card, what is their political affiliation, do they live in the area and if not where are they from, are they members of a local church or have family and friends here? Then I'd warn them to check off properties with no trespassing signs because of how many felons live around here, that meth is a big problem and how dogs are left to run loose.
edit on 15-7-2021 by MichiganSwampBuck because: Typo

posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 06:10 PM
I am sure that appressed states where Democrats rules, will have no problem inviting this gestapo agents into their homes and even sharing coffee and tea with a nice plate of cookies.

But in Republican states I doubt we will see any of this door to door around, darn people here in my neck of the wood answer their doors with their hunting rifles in hands.

edit on 15-7-2021 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2021 @ 12:02 AM
If I know it's these door knockers, i will answer the door nude.


posted on Jul, 17 2021 @ 08:36 AM

originally posted by: crayzeed
Let me put it this way. Even if you've been vaxed, if you don't comply in any way, even not answering the door, you WILL be logged as a "trouble" maker. And in consequence you will be watched.

They can watch all they want. Just don't try and inject me with the obvious eugenics slow kill shot.

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