posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 11:54 PM
If this discovery holds, it clearly shows alongside other discoveries, why quantum computing and A.I. will bring about the technological
We've got another quantum computing milestone to report, with researchers in China unveiling a super-advanced 66-qubit quantum supercomputer called
Zuchongzhi, which by one important metric is the most powerful machine of its kind we've seen to date.
The performance of Zuchongzhi is undoubtedly impressive: it finished a designated quantum benchmark task in around 70 minutes, and its creators
claim the world's most powerful 'classical' (non-quantum) supercomputer to date would need around eight years to get through the same set of
This will be why quantum computers will be so powerful. They can do calculations in a few hours that will take classical computers 10 years to do.
What does that mean for us?
It means, we're close to a technological singularity.
When we discover things, we have years to figure out and process information about the discovery. So we have had years to learn about what the
internet can do. We have had years to learn about General Relativity. We have had years to learn about quantum mechanics.
With A.I. and quantum computers, imagine a General Relativity, internet or quantum mechanics type discovery every year or every 2 years. Humans will
be lost because we don't have time to process all of these discoveries. A.I. and quantum computing could make discoveries that are thousands to
millions of years beyond human understanding.
You will have to have post humans. Humans with brain chips that will allow A.I. to give us some understanding on how to build the technology. We may
not understand it but A.I. will show us how to use it. It's like most people don't understand how a computer or car works but they're still on the
internet and they drive.
The problem there is, you can get an A.I. that reaches the conclusion that 2 billion people have to die. It doesn't mean it's evil, it's just reched a
conclusion based on information and we would have no idea why it reached this conclusion.
It can then say all humans need to take this new pill to avoid any cancer. We make the new pill and billions of people take it and a month later 2
billion people have dropped dead.
We would be at the mercy of this A.I./quantum computer.
edit on 13-7-2021 by neoholographic because: (no reason given)