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The most important email of all time.

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posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 03:46 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
It's the same with me.

I also make sure that any written documents are left lying around in a manilla file with "Top secret" written on it"

It's all so comical.

If the email subject line said, "Fauci's Depopulation Agenda Provided To Him By the Hollow Earth Lizard People", the same members wouldn't question it.

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 03:49 PM
I'm not talking to you any more today.

I've only been back a week and already having comments removed pissing about with you.

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: nonspecific
It's the same with me.

I also make sure that any written documents are left lying around in a manilla file with "Top secret" written on it"

It's all so comical.

If the email subject line said, "Fauci's Depopulation Agenda Provided To Him By the Hollow Earth Lizard People", the same members wouldn't question it.

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 03:49 PM
I added the original dump before it became widespread.

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Check the original dump.

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: BlackArrow
Maybe the kung flu is a false flag? What happened to the Supreme Court giving the federal government a dead line on UFOs/UAPs and life outside [or inside] of earth?

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: opethPA

Really? Your going to fact check something that is court ordered in a dumpfile? Just curious, have you looked at who owns both media and pharmacy, and fact check sites? Just curious, cause its all the same 6 groups.. Perhaps you should start there... then get back to me.

Cause if your going to dispute, at least give something more credible.

who owns 1

who owns 2

who owns 3

edit on 12-7-2021 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: BlackArrow
a reply to: bobs_uruncle

Because patent's aren't always 100% verified. You can patent an idea. A theory, so when he gets reminded he can easily claim that the idea had been accomplished.

People patent ideas all the time based on theories. Because when someone comes along and proves that theory they get paid.

So while the patent was a theory, they might not of had the technology to put it together to test it safely enough. Bring it forward 15years, and you got ways to test things that were once theorized.

Patenting something based off of ideas for future use is common. Even game developers pattern labels they might not use for decades before game releases. Technology, and medicine is the same.

I know, I have a number of patents and copyrights ;-) My last few patents I wrote myself, rather than use a firm. Funny thing happened to the CDC on the way to the patent office... The original CDC patent for the coronavirus was put in, I think it was may 23th, 2005 and the mRNA "vaccine" was patented 3 days later on May 26th, 2005. However, the May 23 CDC application was rejected, so how did the company assigned the vaccine patent do it with no information? Unless there was collusion? You can't patent the solution for something you don't know exists yet, right? Watch that m-cam video, the origins of SARS and mRNA, it really opens a can of worms and it gives all the exact dates and patent numbers.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: bobs_uruncle


posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: bobs_uruncle
I mainly posted this, because it came across my desk as I have quite a few people going over his emails.. it's like reading a flipping novel there is so many.

My favorite is when CHINA tells educators to get kids to invent something new as a class project... things only to hand over the papers for them to create.

So I do believe there is massive corruption even in that office.
edit on 12-7-2021 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 04:10 PM

originally posted by: BlackArrow
a reply to: bobs_uruncle


Apologies, I put it up a few times already on different threads, maybe not this one...

Origins of SARS and mRNA

It's really long, I have to transcribe it still as I want a documented written copy with all the pertinent data.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 04:12 PM

originally posted by: BlackArrow
a reply to: bobs_uruncle
I mainly posted this, because it came across my desk as I have quite a few people going over his emails.. it's like reading a flipping novel there is so many.

My favorite is when CHINA tells educators to get kids to invent as a class project... things only to hand over the papers for them to create.

So I do believe there is massive corruption even in that office.

Most definitely, HUGE corruption, but it's systemic. It has totally polluted every aspect of government, all mainstream media, big pHARMa, the MIC and most of the private sector.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: bobs_uruncle

Whoa.. Hillary was a patent lawyer... Based on a comment there.. now it's adding more heat to the fire..

Can anyone confirm?

Hillary Clinton's defends dude who crashes planes...with remote...
lawyer info

edit on 12-7-2021 by BlackArrow because: juicy

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: BlackArrow
She patented the two bullets to the back of the head suicide technique

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: Rekrul


posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 04:50 PM
I saw this doing the rounds well before the 'Fauci Dump', it was debunked then, so can't see how it can/is part of the Fauci files.


posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: BlackArrow

I feel sorry for Bill

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 05:05 PM
Right. This is legit.

Ok, next crazy proof....?

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: Havamal

Monica Lewinsky hand bags

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Don't talk bad about lizard people. We're not all that bad.

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 05:28 PM
Let’s handel this in civil and cosmopolitan manner, think like a Frenchman. I suggest the guillotine for all involved.

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