Its good to hear from someone 'on the ground' so to speak.
Cyril Ramaphosa is a good man with an impossible job - I don't envy him, he has inherited the rotten legacy of Jacob Zuma.
As far as I'm aware there's little doubting the latter part of that but isn't Ramaphosa a fierce proponent of the Land Grabs carried out by the South
African government seizing white farmers lands and giving them no compensation whatsoever?
Shame to see this. Always wanted to visit South Africa, sadly that will not be able to happen for quite some time it seems. Same as the major US
Its good to hear from someone 'on the ground' so to speak.
Cyril Ramaphosa is a good man with an impossible job - I don't envy him, he has inherited the rotten legacy of Jacob Zuma.
As far as I'm aware there's little doubting the latter part of that but isn't Ramaphosa a fierce proponent of the Land Grabs carried out by the South
African government seizing white farmers lands and giving them no compensation whatsoever?
Remember, he is also President of the ANC, and the ANC has powerful opposing factions. Cyril came to power through a compromise in order to force out
Zuma and needs to appease the extremists within his party, even though he is a moderate and a businessman.
The current thinking around farm murders is to force farmers off their lands by murder or threats, because the law is on the side of the person
occupying the land - as soon as the farmer is off the land, then the squatters rush in as it is now unutilized land. No need to drag things out in the
originally posted by: carewemust
BIG picture: Replace Trump with Biden and the whole world starts to decline, massively.
I saw an article this morning that said inflation is at its highest in 15 years. Notice this always seems to be the trend when democrats are in full
control of Congress?
Thank you for this thread. I have family and friends in the RSA; so, I hope to follow this thread for ongoing developments. I do fear for their
safety, though they are in Elim (a very remote location near Louis Trichard in the game park northeastern part of the RSA, which hopefully should be
relatively safe), and also Johannesburg, which is looking less than safe at the moment.
I will add this info to the thread, and hope others too can link relevant news over the time to follow:
And now it looks like infrastructure is shutting down in South Africa, which is really going to disrupt their supply lines. Their largest oil
refinery has been shuttered:
And now it looks like infrastructure is shutting down in South Africa, which is really going to disrupt their supply lines. Their largest oil
refinery has been shuttered:
This is the same link as before actually, but ZH is updating it. Thanks, ZH.
I am in Johannesburg - Filled up both our cars today, queues were starting to form. Some panic buying in the shops, and things like bread and milk
already running out.
Kwazulu Natal is broken, billions of rands of stock and infrastructure damage. Lots of Indian friends are getting death threats as well (many
communities banded together and blocked looters). There are already serious food and fuel shortages there.
I just got home and had a message from a concerned member, and I can mark myself as safe here in the Western Cape (WC) Province of South Africa.
Here's a map of the areas most affected at present by the riots/looting/insurrection/civil war (many possible names for it) currently gripping SA:
That is to say, nowhere in SA is it really peaceful (in the Cape we also have taxi violence, and criminality is everywhere).
But for now we haven't had the unprecedented proportions of anarchy and horror we saw in KZN and Gauteng.
So far most of the violence and looting has been in the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) and Gauteng Provinces (KZN being the traditional homeland of the Zulu
nation - SA's biggest tribal group - but also sizeable minorities of whites and Indians). There are certainly concerns that the violence could spread
to provinces like the Eastern Cape (which includes the homelands of the Xhosa tribes) and the WC (which has sizeable colored, white and Xhosa people,
but is run by the Democratic Alliance, and not the fractured ANC). There has been some attempts at looting by criminal elements, but so far citizens
have joined the police and security to protect the malls and other infrastructure. Never mind that we are still in a level 4 coronavirus lock-down,
during which you still can't buy a legal bottle of alcohol, which has clearly added to frustrations, and just one of the many absurdities of the ANC
faction of President Cyril Ramaphosa, and their continual unscientific lock-down rules that are economically disastrous, and personally offensive to a
population with an unemployment rate of 40-60 percent (varying a bit by age groups, but the powder-keg was just waiting to explode for a while). Until
last Sunday the entire services industry wasn't allowed to operate for two weeks at all (except take-away) and after last year's lengthy alcohol and
tobacco Prohibition, the local restaurants and wine industry are on their last legs.
So what began as protests in KZN between the ANC factions led respectively by President Ramaphosa (a Venda, one of the smallest tribes in SA) and
former President Jacob Zuma (who enjoys considerably support amongst the mighty Zulus) turned into illegal mass gatherings, that already outnumbered
the capacities of the local police. The mass illegal gatherings (under the lock-down) of Zulu warriors and factions like the MK (essentially veterans
of the ANC's supposedly defunct former military-wing) at Zuma's rural homestead in Nkandla should have sent alarm bells ringing last week already.
Then came the arrest of Zuma for refusing to appear before the state capture commission and the looting and burning of over 40 trucks along KZN's
highways began.
And now it is a cluster-disaster of multiple layers, explanations, causes, factions and players.
Sure poverty and the lock-down resentments created a context of immense resentment, with no end in sight (when the next Covid-variety strikes, the
whole thing just repeats itself, until no businesses are left). These kinds of lock-downs are not a solution.
I honestly can't think of many countries where you can't even buy a bottle of wine to drink at home, while blogging, for example.
We had looting and riots before, in fact instigated and imposed on SA by the ANC, and other far-left so-called "liberation movements", since they
unleashed their "people's war" around 1980. Spurred on post-liberation by deluded leftist academic know-nothing careerists who want to turn SA into a
virtually de-industrialized Soviet style collective farm without property rights, along with a version of history they thumb-sucked that could only be
described as propagandist, the resulting disinvestment and reduced commercial farming didn't help either.
And never being coy to let some good chaos go to waste, the race merchants amongst the black political elite reared their hate speech against Indians
and whites, when groups (actually panicked citizens of all races) began defending their suburbs, food sources, shops and homes.
So yeah, all the South African ethnic fault-lines and social fractures are currently exposed.
And yet, it's also not a simultaneous uprising, or a race-war as such.
The instigation seems to have some political factions within the ANC and their off-shoots, since communications were targeted (cellular-phone towers
and 5 radio stations in KZN).
Blood-banks were destroyed, vaccines stolen, and along with the looting came deliberate burning and destruction of infrastructure that can barely be
blamed on poverty alone.
Clearly some instigators here have a well-planned strategy.
Whenever the ANC refer to a "third force" since apartheid, or right-wing conspiracy, you can be sure this is a diversion for crap going on in their
own ranks.
Well the latest is the government will deploy 25 000 soldiers.
I just hope they know the loyalty of these soldiers, and while many in the police did try to protect property and the citizenry, others were also
looting themselves.
And yip, many are badly trained and underpaid, while parts of the army have been subjected to barracks that can only be described as crumbling health
Meanwhile millions of taxpayer's money has not just been looted by party functionaries since 1994, but substantial amounts have been siphoned to Cuba,
with commie vanity projects, like paying for Cuban doctors since last year.
This while hundreds of local interns and qualified doctors with sought-after European degrees (they couldn't study here due to the ANC's anti-white
race quotas at universities) are simply unregistered and ignored.
I'm not sure how happy all those soldiers feel with Mr. Ramaphosa?
A common sentiment I share is that Ramaphosa should actually pack his bags and get out of SA while he can.
And yeah, I mean that sincerely well and concerned for him.
Well, there you have it, that's my word on our little doo-doo show.
For more of the latest and brilliant commentary, please see the Chris Wyatt Africa channel on YouTube, for example: (from last night, but updated regularly).
And here are the latest, and always cogent insights of Big Daddy Liberty:
edit on 14-7-2021 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)
a reply to: ufoorbhunterYou are counting on this remaining a regional outbreak far North of you but I would wager this is going
to spread throughout the country in the coming weeks. i hope i am wrong but all trends and the past seem to point that direction. I hope to God I am
SA was always very high on my list of places to visit.
Sadly, it was crossed off my list several years ago.
That's like saying I'm not visiting the rest of the USA because of what's going on in the rust belt.
Western Cape is amazing as it good as it gets all the way north to Namibia and up further north where it just is the same.
This stuff going on is all up north east well away from other regions and confined to there............... Hopefully a Saffer will confirm at some
The media worldwide loves to blow things out of proportion when it comes to South Africa and it's neighbourhood while never reporting anything good
from the region and that's a real conspiracy and I have no idea why they do this.
Bruh. You aren't there.
You're talking like it's the 1990's in SA.
It isn't. I'm not sure why so many people have starred your post.
Just to add to my above, millions of legal firearm owners (I can't even find the exact figure) were conned into handing in their firearms at local
police-stations, while they were falsely told at first it was just while they would be speedily re-registered.
My parents paid some professional company that promised to sort out all the forms and legalities to get theirs back.
But then came Covid last year and it's all on hold indefinitely.
They've both been licensed since the 1980's.
The paper-work is reaching miles for us law-abiding citizens, and stacked to the ceiling, and guns go missing all the time at police stations.
Furthermore, police minister Bheki Cele recently announced that self-defense is no longer a reason to own a firearm in SA!
So the chances of getting them back are zero.
But I can tell you now, globalist pressure groups like "Gun-free South Africa" can take a hike after this.
There's no way citizens who still have their guns will hand them in after this.
And those who lost their legal guns due to false promises and forked commie tongues better start looking for other places to replace them.
Armed citizens were the only thing that stopped the looting and violence from entering the suburbs so far, and groups of thugs going house-to-house
with what will then become an orgy of theft, rape and massacre.
edit on 14-7-2021 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)