posted on Jul, 10 2021 @ 06:32 PM
I'm not sure I exactly "get" this whole 'Shark Week' thing. I've watched a few of the programs...begrudgingly (because nothing else was on). Some of
the programs seem to dramatize interacting with sharks, catching sharks and sharks just being, well, sharks.
I don't see any real point to the whole "Shark Week" thing, other than to sell adverts. At first I thought maybe the point of the programs was to
call attention to sharks in a good way, by creating a bunch of drama and then downplaying it with reality. However, this doesn't seem to be the case.
It's almost all 'created' drama, and very little reality.
I'm not some environmentalist, and what I'm about to say may hurt some feelz, but reality sucks sometimes.
As a diver, sharks are majestic and wonderful creatures. They are a necessary part of the ocean ecosystems. Can they injure or kill you? Sure they
can, BUT there's 10,000 other easier ways to get injured and killed in the oceans other than sharks! Mother nature is probably at the top of the food
chain, right next to idiocy. These programs seem to dwell on catching and/or tormenting sharks for the sake of drama.
As a fisherman, who has accidentally caught more than a couple sharks, I can say that catching a shark is an extremely stressful and debilitating
event for the shark. Many don't survive the experience, especially large sharks. Sharks are natural born fighters, and they fight to the death
(whether it's theirs, or their opponent's). That's what they're programmed to do, and that's pretty much ALL they do. So catching a shark is a life
or death event for them, but for some fishermen it's just "fun". Sorry, but that's not cool.
Again, I'm no Tommy Tree-hugger here, but every time I see all the hype for "Shark Week" (on whatever 50 channels it shows on) I keep hoping these
shows will highlight how important this fish is for the overall well being of our oceans.
Sorry...just kind of ranting I guess.