posted on Jul, 10 2021 @ 11:29 AM
Humans need regular social interaction, social circles and financial stability
If you attack those two areas then you’re emotionally destabilising a person or group
The pandemic did far more damage than most people realise, because not only did lockdowns destroy peoples social life, circles, support groups, and
interaction eating into their mental well-being and stability, also their businesses or income causing huge stress, but during the lockdowns people
were also sold 24/7 FEAR for nearly two years, and people were masked causing confusion disrupted sensory and perception, it’s no secret masks are
The hardest thing is have all the above done to you and know full well the pandemic is completely overblown and scientific debate or general debate
regarding or surrounding the pandemic or lab leaks shut down by big tech
It is enough to drive people mad unfortunately, but there are many levels to mad
I keep hearing people say… If you were struggling mentally before COVID19 then you’re probably really struggling now, but that’s not entirely
I know some people who suffer with anxiety and they’ve been relatively ok because the none interaction part doesn’t really impact them, it’s the
highly sociable people who need the high constant levels of interaction for mental stability that I’ve observed wobble the most
In general the public does seem to be losing the plot, a lot of crime also at the minute which is probably driven by the mental instability and job
losses etc
I fully expect thing to worsen over the coming decade or so