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Delta variant is becoming the dominant strain

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posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 09:43 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
You have some actual proof that covid 19 is actually just a standard influenza virus I assume?

I await some interesting links and a good long read

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle
a reply to: nonspecific

I have to laugh at this LOL. Yes it is, it's the flu rebranded and Covid by a bunch of dumbass advertising jockies that decided they need to use a focus group to make a scary name.

Next on the bill... Lamda Lamda Lamda, Revenge of NERDS!

Cheers - Dave

Since there is no assay (it has not been released because that would tell everyone this is a scam), for now it can neither be proven nor dis-proven. It is interesting that actual deaths mirror flu deaths from previous years and the flu has miraculously disappeared ;-) Of course in order to boost numbers, the CDC has created a group of diseases called Covid, that being, the Flu, Pneumonia and corona/rhino viri are all listed as covid. Somebody dies in a motorcycle or car accident, test for covid using the useless pcr test cycled 32 times++ so we can lie and call it covid. Far too much BS out there. Do a little scientific extrapolation of existing data eh.

How much do you know about S proteins, genome modification, enzyme splicing tools, CRISPR, genome modeling and repair, chromosome repair, telomerase, etc. I did R&D for the NRC, Military, CI, etc, much longer list... In every model, every modeled subject undergoing mRNA or rDNA genetic treatments to repair and manipulate cell states and existing genomes, died. And they didn't just die quickly, they experienced sepsis, cytokine storms, liver/panceatic/renal failure and thrombotic events like cerebral strokes. It's the immune system, it operates single state using antigen non-specific antibodies that cover a wide range of issues and needs to operate in a dual-mode of existing an new are "friendlies."

If you get the jab and they get it in a primary branch vein, set your watch timer for 30 minutes. The mRNA lipid packets will end up directly in your blood. They will start modifying blood vessel wall cells to produce the spike protein. That will produce viral waste, antibodies will be triggered along with T killers and macrophages will clean up, but it will produce a very tiny clot for each vein wall cell destroyed and there will be billions to trillions. Those clots will join and clump up, next stop will be your heart, then lungs, then brain and then every other organ in your body. Why do you think some people die within 30 minutes? It's because they got it in a vein, even a small branch vein. The smaller the amount that ends up in a vein, the longer you'll last. This is probably one of the most dangerous experiments in our history and relies on the expertise and luck of generally, people who have not been adequately trained.

I have had this thing the ad group branded as covid, so has my wife, we were serum (serology) tested for the antigen specific antibodies at Lifelabs at a cost of $75 each, woohoo! The actual illness lasted 5-6 weeks and ran from late January 2020 to mid-march 2020. It was debilitating like a nasty flu, but I've had staphylococcal pneumonia, almost died from that, so I know what is bad and what isn't. My wife has an enlarged heart and a very high pulmonary pressure gradient and we are both retired. No hospital, no ventilators, no weird drugs and we both lived, OMG! I don't know if using a ton of quinine 30 years ago when I was running around in jungles in africa deploying and commissioning my weapons platforms has anything to do with it (and I used to take my wife to all the games farms and safaris so she had the quinine too). Quinine does collect in the eyes and liver I believe.

So. tell me what you think you know ;-)

Btw, if you have had the jab, you are now GMO and no longer human. You might want to look at the Supreme Court Ruling on trans-humans lol
Supreme Court Ruling

Cheers - Dave
edit on 7/8.2021 by bobs_uruncle because: added Link

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 09:45 PM

originally posted by: Crackalackin
a reply to: bobs_uruncle
I don't remember laying in the bed gasping for air or loosing my sense of smell the several times I've had the flu. It took me several months to get over covid and honestly I still don't feel right. If it is a new flu virus I'm sure that's what everyone would be calling it. Common sense tells me it's not the flu, but a weaponized coronavirus created in Wuhan, China. It was probably supposed to be more deadly but some jackass screwed up.

I do, I have had loss of smell and taste from a few bad flu's and one throat infection.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 09:50 PM
Next strain is Lambda.

Week after week and plan goes on and on.


posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 10:18 PM
Can't wait for the final form. The OMEGAAAA strain. That'll be the one for sure.

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 10:19 PM

originally posted by: musicismagic
The Delta variant now seems to be in the headlines. Sadly it has spread like wildfire across the globe. Although in South America a new variant is spreading, but not much facts are being looked into as to whether it is just about people control or people are actually dying in the streets.
What is so much of a miracle is that the numbers of street people and those coming across the border are not dying of the new Delta variant (flu or man made virus ). Really strange I tell ya. Seems like healthy people are getting zonked out of the chance to live.

South Africa's daily coronavirus infections have surged to a record high due to the Delta variant, first identified in India.

South African health authorities say 26,485 new cases were reported on Saturday. The province of Gauteng, where the country's largest city of Johannesburg is located, has been hit hardest.

This may disappear but here is the link:

The province confirmed 16,091 cases, accounting for more than 60 percent of the country's total.

What is really puzzling is that in this country it is actually almost impossible to get tested for Covid 19 .

New kid on the block wants Delta's throne!

Epsilon is da sh'it man:

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 10:22 PM

originally posted by: AutomateThis1v2
Can't wait for the final form. The OMEGAAAA strain. That'll be the one for sure.

Watch the movie "The Omega Man" or "I am Legend" to find out how it ends LOL

Cheers - Dave

posted on Jul, 9 2021 @ 03:24 AM
That's a lot of big words there sir.

I will however take little to no notice of any of them for the simple reason you say that if I've had an mRNA vaccene I am no longer human.

That single statement alone is enough to justify thinking you are deluded to the point of absurdity.

It's a shame as you really were doing quite well up until that point.

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle

originally posted by: nonspecific
You have some actual proof that covid 19 is actually just a standard influenza virus I assume?

I await some interesting links and a good long read

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle
a reply to: nonspecific

I have to laugh at this LOL. Yes it is, it's the flu rebranded and Covid by a bunch of dumbass advertising jockies that decided they need to use a focus group to make a scary name.

Next on the bill... Lamda Lamda Lamda, Revenge of NERDS!

Cheers - Dave

Since there is no assay (it has not been released because that would tell everyone this is a scam), for now it can neither be proven nor dis-proven. It is interesting that actual deaths mirror flu deaths from previous years and the flu has miraculously disappeared ;-) Of course in order to boost numbers, the CDC has created a group of diseases called Covid, that being, the Flu, Pneumonia and corona/rhino viri are all listed as covid. Somebody dies in a motorcycle or car accident, test for covid using the useless pcr test cycled 32 times++ so we can lie and call it covid. Far too much BS out there. Do a little scientific extrapolation of existing data eh.

How much do you know about S proteins, genome modification, enzyme splicing tools, CRISPR, genome modeling and repair, chromosome repair, telomerase, etc. I did R&D for the NRC, Military, CI, etc, much longer list... In every model, every modeled subject undergoing mRNA or rDNA genetic treatments to repair and manipulate cell states and existing genomes, died. And they didn't just die quickly, they experienced sepsis, cytokine storms, liver/panceatic/renal failure and thrombotic events like cerebral strokes. It's the immune system, it operates single state using antigen non-specific antibodies that cover a wide range of issues and needs to operate in a dual-mode of existing an new are "friendlies."

If you get the jab and they get it in a primary branch vein, set your watch timer for 30 minutes. The mRNA lipid packets will end up directly in your blood. They will start modifying blood vessel wall cells to produce the spike protein. That will produce viral waste, antibodies will be triggered along with T killers and macrophages will clean up, but it will produce a very tiny clot for each vein wall cell destroyed and there will be billions to trillions. Those clots will join and clump up, next stop will be your heart, then lungs, then brain and then every other organ in your body. Why do you think some people die within 30 minutes? It's because they got it in a vein, even a small branch vein. The smaller the amount that ends up in a vein, the longer you'll last. This is probably one of the most dangerous experiments in our history and relies on the expertise and luck of generally, people who have not been adequately trained.

I have had this thing the ad group branded as covid, so has my wife, we were serum (serology) tested for the antigen specific antibodies at Lifelabs at a cost of $75 each, woohoo! The actual illness lasted 5-6 weeks and ran from late January 2020 to mid-march 2020. It was debilitating like a nasty flu, but I've had staphylococcal pneumonia, almost died from that, so I know what is bad and what isn't. My wife has an enlarged heart and a very high pulmonary pressure gradient and we are both retired. No hospital, no ventilators, no weird drugs and we both lived, OMG! I don't know if using a ton of quinine 30 years ago when I was running around in jungles in africa deploying and commissioning my weapons platforms has anything to do with it (and I used to take my wife to all the games farms and safaris so she had the quinine too). Quinine does collect in the eyes and liver I believe.

So. tell me what you think you know ;-)

Btw, if you have had the jab, you are now GMO and no longer human. You might want to look at the Supreme Court Ruling on trans-humans lol
Supreme Court Ruling

Cheers - Dave

posted on Jul, 11 2021 @ 07:52 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
That's a lot of big words there sir.

I will however take little to no notice of any of them for the simple reason you say that if I've had an mRNA vaccene I am no longer human.

That single statement alone is enough to justify thinking you are deluded to the point of absurdity.

It's a shame as you really were doing quite well up until that point.

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle

originally posted by: nonspecific
You have some actual proof that covid 19 is actually just a standard influenza virus I assume?

I await some interesting links and a good long read

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle
a reply to: nonspecific

I have to laugh at this LOL. Yes it is, it's the flu rebranded and Covid by a bunch of dumbass advertising jockies that decided they need to use a focus group to make a scary name.

Next on the bill... Lamda Lamda Lamda, Revenge of NERDS!

Cheers - Dave

Since there is no assay (it has not been released because that would tell everyone this is a scam), for now it can neither be proven nor dis-proven. It is interesting that actual deaths mirror flu deaths from previous years and the flu has miraculously disappeared ;-) Of course in order to boost numbers, the CDC has created a group of diseases called Covid, that being, the Flu, Pneumonia and corona/rhino viri are all listed as covid. Somebody dies in a motorcycle or car accident, test for covid using the useless pcr test cycled 32 times++ so we can lie and call it covid. Far too much BS out there. Do a little scientific extrapolation of existing data eh.

How much do you know about S proteins, genome modification, enzyme splicing tools, CRISPR, genome modeling and repair, chromosome repair, telomerase, etc. I did R&D for the NRC, Military, CI, etc, much longer list... In every model, every modeled subject undergoing mRNA or rDNA genetic treatments to repair and manipulate cell states and existing genomes, died. And they didn't just die quickly, they experienced sepsis, cytokine storms, liver/panceatic/renal failure and thrombotic events like cerebral strokes. It's the immune system, it operates single state using antigen non-specific antibodies that cover a wide range of issues and needs to operate in a dual-mode of existing an new are "friendlies."

If you get the jab and they get it in a primary branch vein, set your watch timer for 30 minutes. The mRNA lipid packets will end up directly in your blood. They will start modifying blood vessel wall cells to produce the spike protein. That will produce viral waste, antibodies will be triggered along with T killers and macrophages will clean up, but it will produce a very tiny clot for each vein wall cell destroyed and there will be billions to trillions. Those clots will join and clump up, next stop will be your heart, then lungs, then brain and then every other organ in your body. Why do you think some people die within 30 minutes? It's because they got it in a vein, even a small branch vein. The smaller the amount that ends up in a vein, the longer you'll last. This is probably one of the most dangerous experiments in our history and relies on the expertise and luck of generally, people who have not been adequately trained.

I have had this thing the ad group branded as covid, so has my wife, we were serum (serology) tested for the antigen specific antibodies at Lifelabs at a cost of $75 each, woohoo! The actual illness lasted 5-6 weeks and ran from late January 2020 to mid-march 2020. It was debilitating like a nasty flu, but I've had staphylococcal pneumonia, almost died from that, so I know what is bad and what isn't. My wife has an enlarged heart and a very high pulmonary pressure gradient and we are both retired. No hospital, no ventilators, no weird drugs and we both lived, OMG! I don't know if using a ton of quinine 30 years ago when I was running around in jungles in africa deploying and commissioning my weapons platforms has anything to do with it (and I used to take my wife to all the games farms and safaris so she had the quinine too). Quinine does collect in the eyes and liver I believe.

So. tell me what you think you know ;-)

Btw, if you have had the jab, you are now GMO and no longer human. You might want to look at the Supreme Court Ruling on trans-humans lol
Supreme Court Ruling

Cheers - Dave

I suggest you check the Supreme Court ruling on the creation of GMO humans or GMH if you prefer. It seems that a modification to DNA means that one is no longer truly human in which case they have no "human rights". Maybe you can explain why a modified organism that was human originally, still is?

Cheers - Dave

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 03:31 AM
I'm assuming that is the US supreme court?

As an Englishman and a citizen of the UK that legal document has no bearing on my status as a human being.

Medically, legally or otherwise.

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle

originally posted by: nonspecific
That's a lot of big words there sir.

I will however take little to no notice of any of them for the simple reason you say that if I've had an mRNA vaccene I am no longer human.

That single statement alone is enough to justify thinking you are deluded to the point of absurdity.

It's a shame as you really were doing quite well up until that point.

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle

originally posted by: nonspecific
You have some actual proof that covid 19 is actually just a standard influenza virus I assume?

I await some interesting links and a good long read

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle
a reply to: nonspecific

I have to laugh at this LOL. Yes it is, it's the flu rebranded and Covid by a bunch of dumbass advertising jockies that decided they need to use a focus group to make a scary name.

Next on the bill... Lamda Lamda Lamda, Revenge of NERDS!

Cheers - Dave

Since there is no assay (it has not been released because that would tell everyone this is a scam), for now it can neither be proven nor dis-proven. It is interesting that actual deaths mirror flu deaths from previous years and the flu has miraculously disappeared ;-) Of course in order to boost numbers, the CDC has created a group of diseases called Covid, that being, the Flu, Pneumonia and corona/rhino viri are all listed as covid. Somebody dies in a motorcycle or car accident, test for covid using the useless pcr test cycled 32 times++ so we can lie and call it covid. Far too much BS out there. Do a little scientific extrapolation of existing data eh.

How much do you know about S proteins, genome modification, enzyme splicing tools, CRISPR, genome modeling and repair, chromosome repair, telomerase, etc. I did R&D for the NRC, Military, CI, etc, much longer list... In every model, every modeled subject undergoing mRNA or rDNA genetic treatments to repair and manipulate cell states and existing genomes, died. And they didn't just die quickly, they experienced sepsis, cytokine storms, liver/panceatic/renal failure and thrombotic events like cerebral strokes. It's the immune system, it operates single state using antigen non-specific antibodies that cover a wide range of issues and needs to operate in a dual-mode of existing an new are "friendlies."

If you get the jab and they get it in a primary branch vein, set your watch timer for 30 minutes. The mRNA lipid packets will end up directly in your blood. They will start modifying blood vessel wall cells to produce the spike protein. That will produce viral waste, antibodies will be triggered along with T killers and macrophages will clean up, but it will produce a very tiny clot for each vein wall cell destroyed and there will be billions to trillions. Those clots will join and clump up, next stop will be your heart, then lungs, then brain and then every other organ in your body. Why do you think some people die within 30 minutes? It's because they got it in a vein, even a small branch vein. The smaller the amount that ends up in a vein, the longer you'll last. This is probably one of the most dangerous experiments in our history and relies on the expertise and luck of generally, people who have not been adequately trained.

I have had this thing the ad group branded as covid, so has my wife, we were serum (serology) tested for the antigen specific antibodies at Lifelabs at a cost of $75 each, woohoo! The actual illness lasted 5-6 weeks and ran from late January 2020 to mid-march 2020. It was debilitating like a nasty flu, but I've had staphylococcal pneumonia, almost died from that, so I know what is bad and what isn't. My wife has an enlarged heart and a very high pulmonary pressure gradient and we are both retired. No hospital, no ventilators, no weird drugs and we both lived, OMG! I don't know if using a ton of quinine 30 years ago when I was running around in jungles in africa deploying and commissioning my weapons platforms has anything to do with it (and I used to take my wife to all the games farms and safaris so she had the quinine too). Quinine does collect in the eyes and liver I believe.

So. tell me what you think you know ;-)

Btw, if you have had the jab, you are now GMO and no longer human. You might want to look at the Supreme Court Ruling on trans-humans lol
Supreme Court Ruling

Cheers - Dave

I suggest you check the Supreme Court ruling on the creation of GMO humans or GMH if you prefer. It seems that a modification to DNA means that one is no longer truly human in which case they have no "human rights". Maybe you can explain why a modified organism that was human originally, still is?

Cheers - Dave

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 09:01 AM
a reply to: SaneThinking

I totally agree I did the same thing, I was seeing oh thousands are sick, blah, blah, blah! When i asked peoole I knew, no was sick at the time.The only person who did end up with Covid was my son's girlfriend, and she had both vaccinations before she got sick. She was an essential worker and didn't get it for over a year. My son has not had Covid, no one in family has had Covid. I think it's been blwon out of proportion at this point. No I am worried about the Delta variant, I am like meh!

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

This is the propaganda to push for the boosters starting in August for the "covid winter season, the Flu" and then six months later the "covid summer season The common cold" but now all branded "covid".

And people are starting to see the deception behind shots every six months.

And lets me remind all, viruses can not be killed and vaccines do not kill viruses.

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 10:48 AM

originally posted by: nonspecific
I'm assuming that is the US supreme court?

As an Englishman and a citizen of the UK that legal document has no bearing on my status as a human being.

Medically, legally or otherwise.

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle

originally posted by: nonspecific
That's a lot of big words there sir.

I will however take little to no notice of any of them for the simple reason you say that if I've had an mRNA vaccene I am no longer human.

That single statement alone is enough to justify thinking you are deluded to the point of absurdity.

It's a shame as you really were doing quite well up until that point.

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle

originally posted by: nonspecific
You have some actual proof that covid 19 is actually just a standard influenza virus I assume?

I await some interesting links and a good long read

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle
a reply to: nonspecific

I have to laugh at this LOL. Yes it is, it's the flu rebranded and Covid by a bunch of dumbass advertising jockies that decided they need to use a focus group to make a scary name.

Next on the bill... Lamda Lamda Lamda, Revenge of NERDS!

Cheers - Dave

Since there is no assay (it has not been released because that would tell everyone this is a scam), for now it can neither be proven nor dis-proven. It is interesting that actual deaths mirror flu deaths from previous years and the flu has miraculously disappeared ;-) Of course in order to boost numbers, the CDC has created a group of diseases called Covid, that being, the Flu, Pneumonia and corona/rhino viri are all listed as covid. Somebody dies in a motorcycle or car accident, test for covid using the useless pcr test cycled 32 times++ so we can lie and call it covid. Far too much BS out there. Do a little scientific extrapolation of existing data eh.

How much do you know about S proteins, genome modification, enzyme splicing tools, CRISPR, genome modeling and repair, chromosome repair, telomerase, etc. I did R&D for the NRC, Military, CI, etc, much longer list... In every model, every modeled subject undergoing mRNA or rDNA genetic treatments to repair and manipulate cell states and existing genomes, died. And they didn't just die quickly, they experienced sepsis, cytokine storms, liver/panceatic/renal failure and thrombotic events like cerebral strokes. It's the immune system, it operates single state using antigen non-specific antibodies that cover a wide range of issues and needs to operate in a dual-mode of existing an new are "friendlies."

If you get the jab and they get it in a primary branch vein, set your watch timer for 30 minutes. The mRNA lipid packets will end up directly in your blood. They will start modifying blood vessel wall cells to produce the spike protein. That will produce viral waste, antibodies will be triggered along with T killers and macrophages will clean up, but it will produce a very tiny clot for each vein wall cell destroyed and there will be billions to trillions. Those clots will join and clump up, next stop will be your heart, then lungs, then brain and then every other organ in your body. Why do you think some people die within 30 minutes? It's because they got it in a vein, even a small branch vein. The smaller the amount that ends up in a vein, the longer you'll last. This is probably one of the most dangerous experiments in our history and relies on the expertise and luck of generally, people who have not been adequately trained.

I have had this thing the ad group branded as covid, so has my wife, we were serum (serology) tested for the antigen specific antibodies at Lifelabs at a cost of $75 each, woohoo! The actual illness lasted 5-6 weeks and ran from late January 2020 to mid-march 2020. It was debilitating like a nasty flu, but I've had staphylococcal pneumonia, almost died from that, so I know what is bad and what isn't. My wife has an enlarged heart and a very high pulmonary pressure gradient and we are both retired. No hospital, no ventilators, no weird drugs and we both lived, OMG! I don't know if using a ton of quinine 30 years ago when I was running around in jungles in africa deploying and commissioning my weapons platforms has anything to do with it (and I used to take my wife to all the games farms and safaris so she had the quinine too). Quinine does collect in the eyes and liver I believe.

So. tell me what you think you know ;-)

Btw, if you have had the jab, you are now GMO and no longer human. You might want to look at the Supreme Court Ruling on trans-humans lol
Supreme Court Ruling

Cheers - Dave

I suggest you check the Supreme Court ruling on the creation of GMO humans or GMH if you prefer. It seems that a modification to DNA means that one is no longer truly human in which case they have no "human rights". Maybe you can explain why a modified organism that was human originally, still is?

Cheers - Dave

We'll see what happens in The House of Twats then I guess ;-) But generally, they will all follow the same "ruling" and it will be passed through admiralty law to make sure all countries are in lock step. Oh, where have we heard about lock step before? lol

Cheers - Dave

posted on Jul, 18 2021 @ 03:56 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

The Delta strain is being overshadowed by monkeypox!

posted on Jul, 20 2021 @ 11:31 AM
Update 7.20.2021

This is of interest regarding the Covid-19 Delta variant and the build-up to "Lockdown 2.0".

From Think Tank Ingersoll Lockwood:

posted on Jul, 20 2021 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic
What is so much of a miracle is that the numbers of street people and those coming across the border are not dying of the new Delta variant (flu or man made virus ). Really strange I tell ya. Seems like healthy people are getting zonked out of the chance to live.

It seems Delta is less dangerous but more infectious. Simple things like bacteria and viruses give up things to gain other things. They now use bacteria to kill off bacteria that is highly resistant then kill the the controlled bacteria with simple penicillin, as example.

posted on Dec, 1 2021 @ 02:08 PM

originally posted by: musicismagic
The Delta variant now seems to be in the headlines. Sadly it has spread like wildfire across the globe. Although in South America a new variant is spreading, but not much facts are being looked into as to whether it is just about people control or people are actually dying in the streets.
What is so much of a miracle is that the numbers of street people and those coming across the border are not dying of the new Delta variant (flu or man made virus ). Really strange I tell ya. Seems like healthy people are getting zonked out of the chance to live.

South Africa's daily coronavirus infections have surged to a record high due to the Delta variant, first identified in India.

South African health authorities say 26,485 new cases were reported on Saturday. The province of Gauteng, where the country's largest city of Johannesburg is located, has been hit hardest.

This may disappear but here is the link:

The province confirmed 16,091 cases, accounting for more than 60 percent of the country's total.

What is really puzzling is that in this country it is actually almost impossible to get tested for Covid 19 .

No bodies in U.S. streets from Delta, so now they're giving Omicron a shot.

Omicron arrives in the USA:

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