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Dr. Charles Hoffe: Majority Of Tested Patients Have New Onset Clotting After Vaccine

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posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 02:08 PM

originally posted by: Village Idiot
a reply to: chr0naut

Well, it would make sense that the actual spike protein (from the virus or artificially created/attached in the vaccine) is causing the blood clots. This would explain why different technologies that aim for the replication of the spike protein will in the end cause similar reactions..... some quicker than others.

No, it is believed to be adenovirus used for the delivery system in the AstraZaneca vaccine that may be the cause of blood clots.

The spike protein binds to ACE2 at the cell wall, which gives the virus entry into the cell. The virus, once it is inside the cell, then inhibits ACE2 which allows the newly formed virus particles to exit from the cell. If the ACE2 receptors remained active, the newly made virus particles would get bound chemically to the ACE2 on the surface of the cell on exit, and not get away. It is the inhibition of ACE2 in large numbers of cells that causes the ARDS symptoms that make the virus, but not the spike protein, so deadly.

The spike protein does not cause the ARDS symptoms and probably is not causing blood clots. The protein is really small and very specific in what it does - a whole virus (such as the adenovirus or coronavirus), less so.

The thing is, the incidence blood clots are very infrequent (one in tens of millions?), and so laboratory testing and even phase 3 trials do not provide enough data points to identify this potential adverse effect clearly. It was only on the roll-out of the vaccine that this showed up. There also isn't really even enough data that would justify the belief that the vaccine was the cause of this, but 'an abundance of caution' leads us to suspect it is and to take appropriate action.

edit on 8/7/2021 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 02:34 PM

originally posted by: Doctor Smith

I don't know, I live in a medical university town and all the doctors and staff have been vaccinated months ago.

How do you know you received the real vaccine? Could it have been saline? Don't want too many dead at once. Do you have free press? Would you know?

If I had saline, why would I have flu like symptoms for a couple of days?

So this is going to kill billions?

When? Sooooon?

You are spreading lies and disinformation. Why?

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 02:41 PM

originally posted by: Doctor Smith

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: Doctor Smith

I'm fully vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine.

Definitely had the real vaccine. There aren't any trials still running here. And I had soreness at the injection site 24 hours after both shots. Definitely had an immune reaction there, and I hardly felt the actual injection, both times.

When will I have issues?

I don't know if you ever will have issues. I hear it could be 3 years. Or just shorten your life span. You'll have to ask the doctor that made the claim.

Go ahead and get your booster shot every year until you do have an issue if you would like. It's your right to do so.

I have my doctor recommended IVERMECTIN and supplements ready if I ever get sick. Just don't think you can drag me with you down the bumpy road you have chosen. My body my choice.

Can you explain to me how a medicine which clearly has an effect in the short term, but which you don't take repeatedly, can have such a strong negative effect years after the fact?

Describe the mechanism, based on the actual vaccine contents, what it does, and how it functions, and not upon speculative stuff, or based on other chemicals. Please provide a method of action of such.

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Whatever genuine concerns there maybe surrounding the vaccine and Covid-19 in general have been thoroughly discredited by the absolute nonsense constantly peddled by the OP and people like him.

They have no credibility at all.

I find it nearly as hard to have a reasoned debate and discussion with them as I do with flat earthers.

Its no great surprise that some are both....and creationists.

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: Freeborn

I thought if you post many threads that end up binned you got a ban?

Yet if you call out their nonsense you invariably get your post removed.

Sad to see how many stars they get but I am not a star slut.

posted on Oct, 12 2021 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
Dr. Charles Hoffe goings into detail about how and why these vaccines have and will cause blood clots. These cells that line your blood vessels that are suppose to be smooth. Now have these little spiky bits sticking out. It is absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form.

Dr. Charles Hoffe: Majority Of Tested Patients Have New Onset Clotting After Vaccine

IMPORTANT UPDATE: October 13, 2021

The "Conditioning" of Americans for the increase in blood clots, also involves reducing the "visibility" of these blood clots in our families, and in society, as they form and slowly grow.

To that end, the Medical Community (led by the CDC/HHS) is shifting away from recommending low-dose aspirin as a preventative measure when it comes to certain heart/vascular problems.

ATS thread on the subject from member MichiganSwampBuck:

If you have 1 or more blood-clots adhering to an arterial wall, ASPIRIN can cause the clot(s) to break loose, causing trauma to the brain, lungs, or heart.

If a Covid-19 vaccine causes more blood clots, as suspected, the last thing any of us, or the Pharmaceutical & Government community wants, is for those clots to become "high-profile" in society, by triggering hundreds of thousands more heart attacks, lung embolisms, or strokes.

To that end, one would expect the Federal Government health departments pushing these experimental vaccines to hard, to suddenly begin reversing their preventative recommendations for consuming anything that tends to "thin the blood"... with aspirin being the #1 product over the past 40 years.

And that is exactly what we are beginning to see. Right on Q, here is co-conspirator NBC News with a big warning to consumers.

Don't take Aspirin People! -

Kudos and Thank-you "MichiganSwampBuck" for posting news of this important development in the Covid-19 conspiracy cover-up.

posted on Oct, 12 2021 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Thanks for adding my thread link.

posted on Oct, 12 2021 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: MichiganSwampBuck
a reply to: carewemust

Thanks for adding my thread link.

The overall Covid-19 plan/conspiracy/cover-up is so large, there should be an ATS forum dedicated to the subject. But since there isn't, the best we can do is cross-link threads to each other, when appropriate.

Your "find" dovetails nicely with the vaccine-induced blood-clot coverup by our government and the pharmaceutical industry.

(Ironically, the medical industry likes treating blood clot traumas. Lots of $$. But this is not their rodeo.)

edit on 10/12/2021 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2021 @ 05:24 PM
a reply to: Athetos

They stand out like sore thumbs on a conspiracy site, they are probably AI algorithms.I like them because they are programmed to attack certain memes and they are programmed that way for a reason. They are like the immune defence cell trying to remove what is bad for them.

posted on Oct, 14 2021 @ 01:28 AM

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
Dr. Charles Hoffe goings into detail about how and why these vaccines have and will cause blood clots. These cells that line your blood vessels that are suppose to be smooth. Now have these little spiky bits sticking out. It is absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form.

Dr. Charles Hoffe: Majority Of Tested Patients Have New Onset Clotting After Vaccine

NEW: Additional Scientific evidence that Covid-19 vaccines increase the chances of developing Venous Thrombosis (aka: Blood Clots).

Medical Research paper dated August 1, 2021:

This will be the medical complication that causes mass suffering (in families -and- from violence), if the vaccines are forced upon our children.

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