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Graphene Oxide: The actual contents inside Pfizer vials exposed

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posted on Jul, 7 2021 @ 05:54 PM
I don't understand what you mean.

originally posted by: SeaWorthy

originally posted by: nonspecific
How can it be sound advice if your not a doctor though?

I'd take your advice on something you have credentials for but you can't expect people to choose random bloke on conspiracy site over medical professionals really can you?

originally posted by: RazorV66
Many members, including myself, have said to stay away from the “vaccine” for a virus that has less than a 1% death rate.
None of them or myself are doctors, but it is sound advice.
I’ll continue to take my chances without the “vaccine’

Same advice given for the creator of the (vaccine)

posted on Jul, 7 2021 @ 06:03 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
How can it be sound advice if your not a doctor though?

I'd take your advice on something you have credentials for but you can't expect people to choose random bloke on conspiracy site over medical professionals really can you?

originally posted by: RazorV66
Many members, including myself, have said to stay away from the “vaccine” for a virus that has less than a 1% death rate.
None of them or myself are doctors, but it is sound advice.
I’ll continue to take my chances without the “vaccine’

I don’t expect anyone to listen to my dumb ass for medical advice.

It’s a fact that people are dying from taking the “vaccine” for what essentially is the flu, go ahead and get the jab.

posted on Jul, 7 2021 @ 06:09 PM
I've already had it a few months ago.

As you may have gathered I did not die from it either.

I'd say your thinking it is essentially the flu is even more reason to dismiss tour advice on the matter.

originally posted by: RazorV66

originally posted by: nonspecific
How can it be sound advice if your not a doctor though?

I'd take your advice on something you have credentials for but you can't expect people to choose random bloke on conspiracy site over medical professionals really can you?

originally posted by: RazorV66
Many members, including myself, have said to stay away from the “vaccine” for a virus that has less than a 1% death rate.
None of them or myself are doctors, but it is sound advice.
I’ll continue to take my chances without the “vaccine’

I don’t expect anyone to listen to my dumb ass for medical advice.

It’s a fact that people are dying from taking the “vaccine” for what essentially is the flu, go ahead and get the jab.

posted on Jul, 7 2021 @ 06:15 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
How can it be sound advice if your not a doctor though?

I'd take your advice on something you have credentials for but you can't expect people to choose random bloke on conspiracy site over medical professionals really can you?

originally posted by: RazorV66
Many members, including myself, have said to stay away from the “vaccine” for a virus that has less than a 1% death rate.
None of them or myself are doctors, but it is sound advice.
I’ll continue to take my chances without the “vaccine’

Being a non-doctor means that, as a lay person, one must base your reaction on observable factors.

Such as the medical centres are no longer in danger of being swamped into oblivion and there is nothing to gain by donning a mask and obeying a politician.

You know. Common sense. Get your heads out of the clouds and recognise the hype for what it is. A media sensation and political football, a horses arse in short, or political/media/pharmacology circle jerk if you will.

There is no thing to fear.
edit on 7-7-2021 by Dalamax because: I can’t confirm the length of a horses arse

posted on Jul, 7 2021 @ 06:20 PM

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
Because people think their opinions are facts.

It's hard to believe but a great many people can not tell the difference.

a reply to: nonspecific

Including doctors and judges. Both of these types of ‘professionals’ make their livings by expressing their opinions not by regarding the facts.

Scientists do the same, the good old scientific consensus
‘we agree that this is our opinion.’

It is hard to believe that a great many people can not tell the difference.

posted on Jul, 7 2021 @ 06:25 PM
You are entitled to think that but It certainly does not make you correct.

I have personally found that most layperson opinions are based not on observable factors but on what they want to be the truth.

The pandemic is getting in the way of people's day to day lives and they don't like it so it's easier to deny or ignore it in the hope they can get back to normality.

Wearing a mask is a bit uncomfortable so it's easier to use human rights or claim they don't work so as to feel justified by not wearing one.

Having an injection is unpleasant so it's far better to claim it's untested or not even a vaccene or that covid is not even dangerous than it is to just have the jab.

People want to go out and spend money they don't have on things they don't need and this pesky pandemic is just getting in the way.

originally posted by: Dalamax

originally posted by: nonspecific
How can it be sound advice if your not a doctor though?

I'd take your advice on something you have credentials for but you can't expect people to choose random bloke on conspiracy site over medical professionals really can you?

originally posted by: RazorV66
Many members, including myself, have said to stay away from the “vaccine” for a virus that has less than a 1% death rate.
None of them or myself are doctors, but it is sound advice.
I’ll continue to take my chances without the “vaccine’

Being a non-doctor means that, as a lay person, one must base your reaction on observable factors.

Such as the medical centres are no longer in danger of being swamped into oblivion and there is nothing to gain by donning a mask and obeying a politician.

You know. Common sense. Get your heads out of the clouds and recognise the hype for what it is. A media sensation and political football, a horses arse is short, or political/media/pharmacology circle jerk if you will.

There is no thing to fear.

posted on Jul, 7 2021 @ 06:53 PM
Meh or some people were bored with the old normal and want the latest and greatest.

The same people who ran around in the mid nineties wiggling on about girl power i’d Imagine.

Looking at your comments I’d hazard a guess that your not a doctor, judge or scientist and disregard any laypersons opinion that differs from your own.

In your shoes, I’d probably be taking my advice from more informed lay people, if you unna cuz.

a reply to: nonspecific

posted on Jul, 7 2021 @ 06:58 PM
I don't disregard anyone's opinion layperson or not unless it's baseless or based on obviously false information.

originally posted by: Dalamax
Meh or some people were bored with the old normal and want the latest and greatest.

The same people who ran around in the mid nineties wiggling on about girl power i’d Imagine.

Looking at your comments I’d hazard a guess that your not a doctor, judge or scientist and disregard any laypersons opinion that differs from your own.

In your shoes, I’d probably be taking my advice from more informed lay people, if you unna cuz.

a reply to: nonspecific

posted on Jul, 7 2021 @ 07:53 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
How can it be sound advice if your not a doctor though?

I'd take your advice on something you have credentials for but you can't expect people to choose random bloke on conspiracy site over medical professionals really can you?

originally posted by: RazorV66
Many members, including myself, have said to stay away from the “vaccine” for a virus that has less than a 1% death rate.
None of them or myself are doctors, but it is sound advice.
I’ll continue to take my chances without the “vaccine’
Random bloke here. Any info on why YT took down the Dr. with the Nobel prize for mRNA research and development?

Is that Dr. not qualified to raise objections about something he invented ? Or is he not a Dr.?

A bit confused…..

posted on Jul, 7 2021 @ 08:39 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
I don't understand what you mean.

originally posted by: SeaWorthy

originally posted by: nonspecific
How can it be sound advice if your not a doctor though?

I'd take your advice on something you have credentials for but you can't expect people to choose random bloke on conspiracy site over medical professionals really can you?

originally posted by: RazorV66
Many members, including myself, have said to stay away from the “vaccine” for a virus that has less than a 1% death rate.
None of them or myself are doctors, but it is sound advice.
I’ll continue to take my chances without the “vaccine’

Same advice given for the creator of the (vaccine)

I meant by not for

posted on Jul, 7 2021 @ 08:48 PM
Sh!t. When do I die?

posted on Jul, 7 2021 @ 09:55 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
How can it be sound advice if your not a doctor though?

I'd take your advice on something you have credentials for but you can't expect people to choose random bloke on conspiracy site over medical professionals really can you?

originally posted by: RazorV66
Many members, including myself, have said to stay away from the “vaccine” for a virus that has less than a 1% death rate.
None of them or myself are doctors, but it is sound advice.
I’ll continue to take my chances without the “vaccine’

Life is sooooooooo much easier, when we just blindly accept the advice of the stamped,
approuved, and credentialed ' Experts™ ', that our beneficent overlords happily provide for us.

Can't imagine what this world would be like if any of them was anything less than pure.

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 12:26 AM
a reply to: nonspecific

Jim Malone, a scientist, created the MRNA/DNA gene therapy. Would you listen to him? Please do so. Or maybe you shouldnt, since you already received the injections. My dad is a scientist with many titles. He went to Stanford. He began his medical career in 1945. He is among other things, a bacteriologist, Chemist, Microbiologist, parasitologist, engineer. And several other titles. He was summoned to the White House by a Vice President in the past, and sent over seas on US business. He was pro vaccine his whole life, until last year. He told my sisters and I do not accept it. He is 94, and we are all still alive. It was just like a bad flu. My dad was also concerned about future issues with the vaccine, such as prion disease. There is no way in hell Biden or Trump accepted that vaccine, regardless of what you have seen or heard. Experimental vaccine on a US President? Are you serious? Really?
edit on 8-7-2021 by visitedbythem because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 12:53 AM
Graphene, has so many uses, does anybody want it injected into their bodies?

I actually just purchased some as car polish/protector.
I was thinking if this stuff coated your digestive track you would slowly die because nothing of value could ever be absorbed.
Of coarse it wouldn't happen right away, but slowly and the nutrients you need would be wasted no matter how well you ate.
edit on 8-7-2021 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 01:04 AM
Which Dr are you referring to?

The only Dr I Am aware of who has had some YouTube issues lately regarding this is Dr Malone bit I'm unaware he was given a Nobel prize for his work so maybe you mean someone else?.

If it is Dr Malone then you'd have to ask YouTube about that not a random bloke on the the internet as they are best qualified to give you an answer.

You'll have to bear in mind that as a private company YouTube has its own terms and conditions and is allowed to remove any content they choose to.

It's easily done bit try not to confuse the actions of a privately owned company and censorship. The opinions of Dr Malone are still quite readily available for all to see.

originally posted by: slatesteam

originally posted by: nonspecific
How can it be sound advice if your not a doctor though?

I'd take your advice on something you have credentials for but you can't expect people to choose random bloke on conspiracy site over medical professionals really can you?

originally posted by: RazorV66
Many members, including myself, have said to stay away from the “vaccine” for a virus that has less than a 1% death rate.
None of them or myself are doctors, but it is sound advice.
I’ll continue to take my chances without the “vaccine’
Random bloke here. Any info on why YT took down the Dr. with the Nobel prize for mRNA research and development?

Is that Dr. not qualified to raise objections about something he invented ? Or is he not a Dr.?

A bit confused…..

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 01:10 AM
I've read and listened to quite a bit of Dr Malone this past week or so.

He raises some interesting points that are to be honest well out of my range of understanding when it comes to the science.

I am concerned as to his validity and intentions somewhat though given his claims as to being the inventor of mRNA vaccenes as although he made some very important breakthroughs from what I understand he certainly did not invent the vaccene process as it is now.

If the information I have seen is correct what he did do was work on the research and develop the groundwork which later led to others being able to develop them so I find his claims a little cheeky at best.

originally posted by: visitedbythem
a reply to: nonspecific

Jim Malone, a scientist, created the MRNA/DNA gene therapy. Would you listen to him? Please do so. Or maybe you shouldnt, since you already received the injections. My dad is a scientist with many titles. He went to Stanford. He began his medical career in 1945. He is among other things, a bacteriologist, Chemist, Microbiologist, parasitologist, engineer. And several other titles. He was summoned to the White House by a Vice President in the past, and sent over seas on US business. He was pro vaccine his whole life, until last year. He told my sisters and I do not accept it. He is 94, and we are all still alive. It was just like a bad flu. My dad was also concerned about future issues with the vaccine, such as prion disease. There is no way in hell Biden or Trump accepted that vaccine, regardless of what you have seen or heard. Experimental vaccine on a US President? Are you serious? Really?

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 03:46 AM

originally posted by: visitedbythem
a reply to: nonspecific

Jim Malone, a scientist, created the MRNA/DNA gene therapy. Would you listen to him? Please do so. Or maybe you shouldnt, since you already received the injections. My dad is a scientist with many titles. He went to Stanford. He began his medical career in 1945. He is among other things, a bacteriologist, Chemist, Microbiologist, parasitologist, engineer. And several other titles. He was summoned to the White House by a Vice President in the past, and sent over seas on US business. He was pro vaccine his whole life, until last year. He told my sisters and I do not accept it. He is 94, and we are all still alive. It was just like a bad flu. My dad was also concerned about future issues with the vaccine, such as prion disease. There is no way in hell Biden or Trump accepted that vaccine, regardless of what you have seen or heard. Experimental vaccine on a US President? Are you serious? Really?

I’ll accept that.

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 04:02 AM
You will accept that as in you will believe what someone on a conspiracy forum said and there dad used to he a scientist?

That's some faith you have there mate.

a reply to: Dalamax

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 07:38 AM

originally posted by: nonspecific
in reply to RazorV66
How can it be sound advice if your not a doctor though?

Because it doesn't require a medical degree to understand?

Do you require advice from a medical doctor before deciding what to have for breakfast?

I'd take your advice on something you have credentials for but you can't expect people to choose random bloke on conspiracy site over medical professionals really can you?

Again - the ability to engage in logical rational thought does not require credentials of any kind.

It does require facts based in reality in order to reach a factual conclusion though, and that is a big problem here - we are being lied to, by almost everyone in any position of authority, about everything (not just these jabs).

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 07:44 AM

originally posted by: nonspecific
I am concerned as to his validity and intentions somewhat though given his claims as to being the inventor of mRNA vaccenes as although he made some very important breakthroughs from what I understand he certainly did not invent the vaccene process as it is now.

He has never claimed to have invented these particular jabs. that is a fake-news talking point designed solely to attempt to discredit him.

He invented the technology used to create them.

The technology can have any number of essentially unlimited applications, these jabs being just one - or is it just one? Who knows, they could have 150 different versions identified by batch number, as an experiment to see which ones work better for whatever their purpose is.

The bottom line is, the only reason I am anti-vaxx at all, is the same reason I am against these non-vaxx jabs:

I do not trust those who are manufacturing them, or pushing them. At all. Ever. Period.

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