posted on May, 28 2008 @ 12:57 AM
This has me wondering. I seem have this strange obsession as well. It is just strange. the past 3 days now, I have looked at a clock, or checked the
time randomly at 2:22pm and am. I have been seeing this number EVERYWHERE! (reciept printouts, mailbox numbers, prices for things i have been
interested in...) it could go on. This originally happened, and this will sound pretty lame, when i met my ex. I hadn't noticed anything, or don't
remember noticing anything until I met her. From then on, the both of us have seen the number 222 everywhere. together. We thought it was our lucky
thing because we only saw it when we were together. Now, not together, I still see that number. Everywhere. It makes forgetting hard. Maybe it's like
when someone looks at something and says "cool" that is a memory that sticks. Whenever this randomly happens, we say "cool...but i've seen that
before" After this goes on, people begin to see it more and more, just because of having this "strange but cool" sequence personally programmed
into our subconscious.