Of course there will be this temple. I cringe a little at calling it the Third Temple, since it's not the millennial temple of Christ, is really just
Christ-less Judaism of ceremony and sacrifices re-emerging, for a brief time. It will not be a temple of God, in that He would, in fact, be offended
by animal sacrifice, post the Lord Jesus, the last sacrifice, whose temple is also the Holy Spirit in the heart of the believer. Jews going back to
the failed law would be doing just that. But there are no orthodox Jews of Israel, practicing Judaism, without a temple and all its requirements, and
they have some Temple Society or such, with the tools, as one mentioned here, ready to go, a body of Jews in Israel that know they aren't practicing
their faith, without a temple, at all. Would add it's always a mistake to assign private interpretations to scripture, where literal interpretation is
called for, and go around seeking how man's politics must, as if, give its permission. God is not the author of confusion. Unless there is an obvious
symbol, He literally means what He says, and you that think in worldly, flesh terms should know, despite any group to the contrary, God's will is
done, period, in matters of thus saith the Lord. Anywhere, whatsoever, that man rules, if God wishes to overrule, it is done. God is a majority, in
all His pleasure to do. No mosque or flaming Arabs can box with God. He will do all His pleasure, and man has no say in this. In this temple case,
prophecy is Jews are back to doing sacrifice and oblation in a temple that the antichrist puts a halt to. That is not symbology. This is describing
what people are literally doing, at a future time. They shall literally be doing this, and nobody gets a vote in fulfillment of prophecy. Consider
this: the word of the Lord, alone, slays the armies of the world at Armageddon. One preacher once said he mused the Lord would just say, "Drop dead."
The Creator of the universe has the power and knows how to get anything He wants done, when He wants it done. Problem with the modern world is denying
the power of God, 2 Timothy 3:1-5. If God wills, He can turn any plan of man and devils on its head.
Would like to add something. God does not need to overtly will this temple or the antichrist, when reporting what is to be in prophecy. God is not
tempted with evil or tempting any man with evil. Prophecy is like a report of what is going to happen, including the evils that man will come to. God
is omniscient. Giving you tomorrow's news doesn't mean that news is a report on His agenda. Knowing what the evil men and devils will do is not doing,
but if He says thus and such will be, you can take that to the bank that the Lord knows the future, the good and the bad. Your opinions, to the
contrary, aren't even relevant.
edit on 4-7-2021 by Scrutinizing because: (no reason given)