posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 12:44 PM
First thing that comes to mind are BB gun wars in the local woods.
We would divide up teams, choose territories and have at it.
This was before paintball guns and gear became popular, so our saftey gear consisted of 2 pair pants, and 2 jackets. Safety glasses? Nah.
One fine afternoon I was taking cover behind a tree, getting shot at profusely. I slowly lowered to near ground level and snuck a peek around the
tree, and promptly got headshotted in my left eyebrow. Man it felt like someone hit me in the head with a brick! I felt my brow and could feel the
BB lodged under the skin. Needless to say, that was it for me.
My mom was at work, and when she came home she found me in the bathroom sitting on the vanity with my face up against the mirror trying to dig a bb
out of my face with an x-acto knife.
To say she was unhappy would be like saying water is wet.
So, she takes me to a doctor office where I get an xray, and a little minor in office surgery to get it out. The x ray showed the bb basicly
overlapping by half its diameter into the eye socket. So I'd guess i missed "shooting my eye out" by a millimeter or less. Yeah, mom was not a happy
Bb gun, 50 bucks,
Extra clothes, 35 bucks,
Surgically revoving a bb from your face, 1000 bucks.
Being able to see out of both eyes, priceless.