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Your childhood dangerous endeavors

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posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 12:16 PM
We all have stories of our childhood. We all have somethings we did that were
crazy. I imagine most of us even have some things we did that we're crazy and
Dangerous. I know I did STUFF I would whip my kids for doing. So there it is
there. I'd love to your story of something you did as a child. That was truly
dangerous. The kind of thing you shake your head at now. And tell yourself
"Good Lord how did I get away with that?"

I have many that I'll share as we move along. Enjoy!

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: Randyvine2

Went camping in the Mountains, lit a stove to make some tea and a grass fire ensued.
Made the local news and lied to my Mum that we were on a different mountain and perfectly safe.

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 12:44 PM
First thing that comes to mind are BB gun wars in the local woods.
We would divide up teams, choose territories and have at it.
This was before paintball guns and gear became popular, so our saftey gear consisted of 2 pair pants, and 2 jackets. Safety glasses? Nah.

One fine afternoon I was taking cover behind a tree, getting shot at profusely. I slowly lowered to near ground level and snuck a peek around the tree, and promptly got headshotted in my left eyebrow. Man it felt like someone hit me in the head with a brick! I felt my brow and could feel the BB lodged under the skin. Needless to say, that was it for me.

My mom was at work, and when she came home she found me in the bathroom sitting on the vanity with my face up against the mirror trying to dig a bb out of my face with an x-acto knife.

To say she was unhappy would be like saying water is wet.

So, she takes me to a doctor office where I get an xray, and a little minor in office surgery to get it out. The x ray showed the bb basicly overlapping by half its diameter into the eye socket. So I'd guess i missed "shooting my eye out" by a millimeter or less. Yeah, mom was not a happy camper.

Bb gun, 50 bucks,
Extra clothes, 35 bucks,
Surgically revoving a bb from your face, 1000 bucks.
Being able to see out of both eyes, priceless.

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 12:44 PM
Where to start?
Rolled down the road hill, in the rain. We were at least smart enough to have a spotter at the top of the hill.
Jumped off the roof at Halloween, with a REAL machete to scare other kids.
Snuck out at night, and played in the woods, stealing from neighbors gardens for snacks.
Still have the scar from having my sister pull me on her bike, on roller skates, down the road.
Ran out across the road in front of cars in the middle of the night. (Not real close, and also learned not to do it near our own house.)

God we were heathens. And all still alive somehow.

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 12:46 PM
A bunch of us rode dirt bikes when I was a teenager and there was this hill that everybody said was unclimbable.
It was a "hold my beer" moment.
I hit the bottom at full send, made it up the side, only to find that the hill peaked from both sides, so when you got to the top you maybe had 6 ft to stop. Hit the top at full speed and.....

The thumbnail on this video tells you what happened next. Gravity sucks.

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: Cymru

Okay I'll put in one of mine. Lived one block up from the
I-60 freeway in Chino Ca. When they were installing it. I started
sneaking out of my bedroom window at night on the weekends.

I'd meet up with some other guys down my street and we'd
go down to the site and have dirt Claude fights. One night
the heavy equipment was down by us. Back then they left
the keys in everything. I started up an earth mover and my
two friends jumped on and sat on the fenders and we drove
that thing all night long but would always leave when the
sun was about to come up. We did that every weekend
for two months that summer. til one morning after going
all the way up into Diamond Bar and back. We pilled right up
to a CHP setting there waiting for us. I saw him on the radio
L his AO. But when he got out his composer changed. The three
of us didn't see each other for the rest the summer.

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 01:00 PM
A friend and I got hands on an air rifle (7.5J). We put a pointed diabolo pellet in it and of course were cautious, as ten year olds are... to point the muzzle down. Tried to get a better grip on the handle because I had trouble keeping the muzzle out of the dirt, the rifle was so long. But the trigger, you look at it the wrong way and it goes off. I touched the trigger while we tried to look at the ground through the scope.

Trigger went off and I shot myself in the right foot, between the big toe and the next one. It stuck in there and began to bleed, it hurt a lot and I began to jump around in agony, stumbled over a loose stone in the road, still with the air rifle in my left hand. The diabolo in my foot fell out during this.

It had scars and the scope was broken off so we staged that it just fell out of the place where we found it. The only thing we forgot was that I had a handful of those diabolo pellets in my pockets and my mother found it very curious I wore big whool socks in mid summer. She added two and two together with the broken airrifle and I got draconian punishment. Two months no TV, only radio and no pocket money. I kept quite about my friend as it was all my fault and I knew if his name would get involved, his grandmother would beat him and makes his life hell.

Oh and two or three weeks room arrest, means no time outside with friends, during summer holiday!

edit on 2.7.2021 by ThatDamnDuckAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 01:12 PM
When I was a kid we would glue razor blades to bay blades then battle those. It was much funner and the damage to your top was real.

We would also toss cards which was fun until people at school started tossing card shaped cut out sheet tin and metal. I remember they would stick an inch into the dry wall sometimes.

Also potato guns lots of potato guns.
a reply to: Randyvine2

edit on 2-7-2021 by Athetos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: Randyvine2

Kid in my class complained to the teacher after morning pre-class playground time, that he had a pain in the side of the head, and it was bleeding.
They took him to the emergency ward, and removed a pellet.
He had been shot it the head, by somebody in the woods.

Guess who was back in class in the afternoon, with a white bandage on his head ?

Could you imagine that happening today ?

Toys were much safer in the old days :

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: Randyvine2

Ahh hell! I love these types of threads.

We played in the woods - every single day. Which meant, someone was stealing a lighter from their parents so the fire could get lit. More than a handful of times having the fire trucks show up.

We played on the train tracks. Convinced that if we laid rocks on the rails we would derail that SOB.
For some reason we decided to stick around in close proximity thinking if this train derailed we wanted to see it.
We laid 3 or 4 child fist sized rocks on the rails and stood back probably 40 feet.

I still remember the kids I was with that time.
The train showed up and I think it was an act of karma.
But the train ran over the rocks without any issue of course, however one of the rocks somehow shot out and took my friend Chris out. ahaha
it shot out and hit him in thigh - instantly dropping him.
We had to carry the lil bugger home crying his eyes out.
Chris never wanted to play around the train tracks again.
Different times man.
But wonderful times.

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: Athetos
Ear cleaning swab with hollow plastic shaft, a scissor, a needle, a firelighter and your thumbs.

Today they are made out of paper so it doesn't work anymore.
edit on 2.7.2021 by ThatDamnDuckAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: caterpillage

Holy crap cater you kids didn't have no sense at all.

BB guns got boring for us to after we killed everything one can kill
with them. By fourteen we were doing the same thing but we all
wore shades at least. One of our guys was blessed with one the
guns that the more you pump it. The more velocity behind the BB.

We all made a rule he could only use three pumps. He agreed and
immediately after that he didn't see me watching him. But he pumped
that damn thing 10 times at least. Raised up over this chicken coop
and shot one the other guys right in the chest trying to run from tree
to tree. He went down like he was shot dead. Scared the crap out of me.

I yelled at the kid and ran over to our friend to see if he was still breathing.

He had that bb lodged so deep in his sternum the doctor left a scar digging
it out. That was the end of all that.

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: Randyvine2

OMG another childhood memory just popped up.

We were playing Indian & Cowboy in the garden. I was the cowgirl and had a blank cap revolver, a broom as a horse and grandpas cornstalk hat. A friend was the Indian, with a longbow and feathered arrow put in but no pointy tip. We used what I know today know are balsa-wood sticks for handicraft as arrows and hen feathers as guides.

He wanted to fired a shot in front of me while I circled him on my imaginary horse and hit me right at the throat. There must have been an angel guarding over me because I did not even had a scratch.

If he had used one of the other arrows in his quiver, the metal tipped ones, I think I wouldn't live to type this!
edit on 2.7.2021 by ThatDamnDuckAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: Randyvine2

I worked for my Uncle Sam for 2 years in the mountains, we used to drink Rip It energy drinks all day and shoot rifles all night long. We even made a music video about it. I look back on those lost dangerous summers in the mountains and wonder how I ever made it out alive.

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: Randyvine2

We used to jump off the roof of the house onto the trampoline. My mom said we could. I think she wanted us to kill ourselves

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: chiefsmom

Ran out across the road in front of cars in the middle of the night. (Not real close, and also learned not to do it near our own house.)

So you guys were into car dodging? Never tried that one. lol
But we would toss the football across the street to each other
and try pass it right front of the car.

If any kids are reading this you guys just stick to your video
games and don't try any this at home.

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: Randyvine2

My older brother was into sling-shotting windows. He graduated from car windows to the elephant-sized single-sheet pain glass window at the local McDonald's. He said when the pellet hit the glass, the whole sheet turned white and then fell like the Twin Towers. Fries and lettuce crisscrossed the air as people ran and hid under the tables in terror.

Fun times.

edit on 2-7-2021 by NightVision because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: DAVID64

Good lord this makes for great reading. I'm LMAO.
You went up a hill without even worrying about the other side?
You're a maniac!

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

it hurt a lot and I began to jump around in agony,

On the floor! "It hurt a lot!" lol
you damned fool if it would of hit a toe it would've shattered it for sure.

It hurt a lot no sh1t brother! lmao

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: Randyvine2

Women have double the nerve density in their skin than man have.

Woman up!

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