a reply to:
You do come up with your own words and "chants"
You may even start to speak your own language. Or even dead languages. I believe this is some type of primal language built into us that is accessible
through learned and understood language. We just need to learn how to enable it
Another reason it's important to study languages as bi-directional
I call this language true Phonecian, because of it's Phonetic congruence
My advice if you start speaking in languages you don't understand (usually outbursts linked to strong emotion like anger), is not to resist it. Let it
out, then think about, and try to understand, what it was you said
It is compatible with your own mind and language, it is just a little hard to come to terms with what, or how, you are speaking it
To speak it fluently can be a little disconcerting. But it won't hurt you in the long run. It will actually help you speak any language you want, if
and when you need to. This is usually instinct
It's hard to explain, because I don't fully understand how it works (or how it's possible) but if it happens to you, you'll understand
Be aware that Hebrew and Greek are bridge languages. That is why they are used by the Bible
You need to realise that allot of the definitions in the accepted modern versions of their language are not quite right. It doesn't matter how many
people speak those words and think they are correct. They are not quite right. Some of them are almost completely backwards
Imagine a word which means "Traffic lights"
Turned around to mean "Street lighting"
Then turned around again to mean "Car Headlights"
The original meaning has been turned around to mean something completely different, by using a common meaning and transition translation in the
This is a bridge language
Also. Ignore Latin. Latin is a bastard language designed to hide the true links between languages
My name Samuel, means "I AM THE". It can be directly related to "El" meaning "The" in other languages. As well as "Sam" in Russian which means
Instead, it is said to be Latin of the Hebrew Shemiel meaning "The name of God"
Sam "Myself" becomes the opposite "Name", meaning someone other than yourself. And "The" as designation for perspective and position, is turned around
to mean "God"
The meaning of the name has been completely reversed. This is the purpose that Latin was created for. To legitimise the bridge languages and hide true
links between meanings in other languages
People think that true links in meaning between common words in modern languages are "coincidental", when this is not the case
If you find the same word meaning 2 different things in 2 different modern languages, look to see if they hold a common "bridge meaning" or if they
are downright polar opposites
You can thank the abuse of languages like Hebrew and Greek for this
Anyone that practices Latin as a measure of linguistics, should be completely disregarded out of turn. They practice bridged language. The blockages
between linguistic history
And I practice astral projection through dynamic concentration or lucid dreaming (non-conscious realms and states). I have in the past meditated up to
days at a time. Sometimes barely moving for up to 12 hours. But my conscious state has heavily shifted since then. I can't do this any more. I try
meditate, I go non-conscious too easily. It seems I have reversed somehow, because I can sleep up to 20 hours at a time
Frequency can be a trigger for meditation, if you are interested in going down this path, but I would suggest water is a far better way to tune your
body within relaxation. Clean as possible. Either a bath or the ocean. Avoid chlorinated pools if you can
If you want a example of how this works (what I'm talking about) submerge your body in water, so your ears are completely underwater (and full of
water), then speak
You will hear your words resonate through your entire body
If you start humming at different tones and pitches, you will eventually find particular hummed sounds that will make your entire body resonate like
Because water is a resonant bridge. It'll tune you in meditation much quicker than out of water. Whether you use tones or not