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Washington Post publishes article advocating for children to be exposed to BDSM fetishes

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posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 01:48 PM

edit on 2-7-2021 by BarbaraTheEnlightened1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 01:51 PM

originally posted by: everyone
a reply to: BarbaraTheEnlightened1

In this day and age i have to ask. That was sarcasm right?

Hell no! You Biden supporters would have everything banned and have us confined back to the missionary position. Darn snowflakes!

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: everyone
I wish I could unread this because I don't think this was a typical nude beach situation :sick:

Nakedness itself is not something evil but the context matters a lot when children are around. I would never walk around naked in my house when there's a playover friend or similar.

Going to the nude beach / lakes often and I tell you that creeps of any kind are spotted very easy there. The ones that just go there to be able to be naked in nature only establish and keep eye contact, if at all. Not muster you from head to toe like some creeps.

There are children around too and I think the sane persons do not even think about sex there at all. I think someone that immediately thinks about sex when they see a bit of skin is not a mental healthy person. We're born naked it's the most natural state we can be in, when naked.

Body shaming is doing so much damage to the youth too. The TV paints an ideal picture but in reality nobody looks perfect like that.

Meet "BRAVO", the German weekly magazine that is aimed towards teenagers 16+ and the shop owners would not sell it to younger ones. Sometimes it came with cheap sunglasses and similar, posters, stories.... and there was one section where 16-18 year old would be naked to see but put their hands over the nipples and sexual organs. It was called "Dr. Summer". Even in prude Germany there was no outrage even though the questions from the reader that the Dr. Summer team printed with their answer, was very often was sex or masturbation.

It always had emphasis on consent and "you are you", to wait for the right moment and never push it, never do something you do not want to do. Most of the times, the depicted naked would tell a story, like their first time. It's still a thing in 2021.

In retrospective it was great because it taught us that everyone is different, has a different pace and no one needs to be ashamed of their body. I don't think it spoiled anyone, the word "sex" was still a giggle factor.

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 02:50 PM
It's like when women get mad about being objectified and men asking for their nudes, then they go and create an OnlyFans account where they post their nudes and sexual activities for $20 a month while they pat themselves on the back about how they know their worth.

That's pretty cheap. I used to take women out and blow a good chunk of money on them in a single night for a nice dinner and event to maybe see some tiddies or get some, and maybe hit it off to be in a relationship.

Now women just want to objectify themselves, sell images and videos of themselves cheaply, and only spend actual time with a guy if he has a boat or will take them to exotic places so they can post more photos of just themselves to give the facade they're successful.

Speaking of "Pride" parades they're not for children, and I cringe everytime I see children at those parades. I don't go to them anymore. I've only been to a few, but the last one was the final straw for me, and I say that as someone who is very kink friendly and sex-positive.

Someone had brought their young son like 10-12 years old in some shortshorts, and nothing else, and he was being manhandled by a bunch of dudes. That wasn't even the worst part of it. The kid started twerking on one of the dudes, and then another dude picked the kid up and kissed him on the lips, and then they all walked off with him with no obvious parents in sight.

Made me sick. And that goes without the rest of the young high schoolers walking around with barely any clothes on making out in the streets with almost anyone.

The first couple I had gone to weren't like that. Sure there were some adults in bondage gear, and shjrtless dudes, and body oainted women, but they're weren't any children that I saw.

Which brings me to another point that has always bugged me. Since when does being supportive of LGBT+/GSM people have anything to do with the BDSM/kink/sex-positive crowd?

When was the last time a gay person ever had to fear getting arrested and being put into jail? When was the last time gay people had to resist and throw rocks at police officers?

The "pride" parade in it's current iteration has taken what should be a parade about civil rights and turn it into a pedo-enticing environment.

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: BarbaraTheEnlightened1

originally posted by: everyone
a reply to: BarbaraTheEnlightened1

In this day and age i have to ask. That was sarcasm right?

Hell no! You Biden supporters would have everything banned and have us confined back to the missionary position. Darn snowflakes!

Me a Biden supporter? xD

You got me ALL wrong. MAGA

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

No m8, that shot that i had to describe because it cannot be posted here was from a "Pride pardade".

They are subjecting toddlers to this everywhere. transgenders with all colors and beard in woman clothing in the most monsterous ways in preschool classes and all. They ARE coming for our children and have been doing so for some years now,.

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: AutomateThis1v2
Hey AutomateThis,

parents bringing their children isn't the only reason why I find the behavior highly critical.

These parades are happening on streets, surrounded by houses where children live too.

One would think, and I have that opinion, that in order to gain acceptance by the broad public, one should not act out like this and even prove it to the biased that they are *insert some terms that I read in this thread*.

I would think, for a sane person this would be obvious, that leads me to the conclusion that you don't see the "normal" crowd but the craziest of the craziest. Some normal one's sprinkled in, though.

As someone who has been into BDSM (more the self bondage part) since I didn't even knew about sex or BDSM.. There's that feeling that the pride crowd adopted it mostly to act out and being provocative.

I can't see the spirit of BDSM nor identify myself with them. But who am I to tell others how BDSM works, you surely have discovered this ugly side too. And if someone types it into google, they mostly get porn and stereotypes.

If you know the term "vanilla", that's one ugly term that shows the self centered bias of everyone using it in the context of describing a person, not the practice.

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 04:41 PM
a reply to: everyone
Agenda and money.

If it provocates, people talk about it, that makes it popular and in return spawns opportunity for cashing in big time.

Quotes, Toys, everything the marketing wanks can dream up, will be available for the consumers to buy.

Showing the kink in public was funny with the ring of the O (a prominent book here but I found it barbaric and sick) because no one knew except the ones into the topic.

posted on Jul, 3 2021 @ 05:16 PM

originally posted by: Edumakated
This has always been my issue with Gay pride parades. They are often just overtly sexualized. I have no problem with what people do in their own bedrooms, but there is no need to advertise your kinks and fetishes in a parade. If we had a heterosexual parade and had a TigBitties float or some other obviously overly sexualized theme, I think people would be abhorred.

Didn't you know...

Heterosexuality is the devils work..

Well, it is according to the LGBTQP-XYZ community anyway..

posted on Jul, 3 2021 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: Ironclad1964
When you write LGBTQP-XYZ community, do you mean everyone that's lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (...) or do you mean those that actively associate themselves with that term?

Because as always, what you see on TV, on parades, are the extremes.

And serious, I never heard or read this

Heterosexuality is the devils work..

it's certainly a fringe thing to say even for someone "LGBTYP-XYZ" community.

Your try at ridicule is cheap and childish.

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