Hey guys, I need help trying to find this website I stumbled on last year. Im really hoping one of you might have it bookmarked or something. The
webpage was a story about a guy who was going cave exploring with his friend, and apparently found some sort of evidence of???monster. I believe this
story is fake, but it is an excellent read, and would love to read it again. He ended the story witha real cliff hanger. Does this sound familiar to
anyone? Thanks!
I was going to toss up the link but Sim beat me to it.
It IS a very good read! Kinda 'Blair Witchy' in nature......
I believe it to be a work of fiction however, but a good read nontheless.
Well, thanks to everyone regardless. I loved reading this the first time, and I really wanted to read it again, maybe share it with my Wife...I really
appreciate this, everyone, thank you...this made my boring day!