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My concerns are not of this world - thoughts on Simulation Theory; Mandela Effect & Flat Earth.

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posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 10:37 AM
Recent years gave us the Mandela Effect & Flat Earth conspiracies – what are the implications?

Answer = That this world is a simulation.

It's literally the only way that our world could present us with the appearance of being a planet rotating around a Sun, when in actual fact there are clues which point to that not being the case at all, clues that set YouTube on fire for three full years - clues which are not easily controvertible. Such as, the fact that aeroplane pilots never have to think about adjusting their course/altitude based on the outcome of following a horizontal glide path which itself is based purely on gyroscope readings.

Or – though this is trickier in the case of Mandela Effect, as the evidence is purely [subjective/circumstantial] – we could look to the vast numbers of people who share identical 'pseudo-memories' of nostalgic, not easily forgotten TV & film 'memorabilia', in terms of the quotes in various scenes, or the visual dynamics/ archetypal impression of certain characters. Examples include those such as C-3PO having a silver leg in the Star Wars franchise, when millions of people find that to be utterly bizarre, being familiar with his entirely golden body from multiple high-grossing box office smash movies). Or the even more famous line “Luke, I am your father” – which was allegedly never in the script, despite the apparently perfect memories of millions of people. Or the scene in a James Bond movie, I think 'Dr No' in which one of the female characters interacts in a flirtatious scene with metal-mouthed 'Jaws' - as a girl with visually arresting & complex braces on her teeth – at least that is how most remember that scene. The joke doesn't make sense unless she too has a mouth full of metal – yet in the apparently 'real' scene, she has a mouth full of beautiful pearly whites, not a scrap of metal in place.

These matters should not be considered something to be so easily dismissed as the skeptics would claim, when you add up all similar subjective/ circumstantial evidence that has been trawled through over the past several years. But how on Earth could this actually be the case – how could millions of people who are absolutely convinced of C-3PO's appearance, or of the nature of that joke in Bond, even the colour & intensity of our local sun, Sol (which to many seems to have changed from a yellow star to a white one, from mid intensity to unbearable intensity) – how could they all be wrong, when the weight of [subjective/circumstantial] evidence is so overwhelming to native English speakers? And if we're willing to believe that these mysteries are evidence of something 'wrong' with the world, something that makes no logical sense, in terms of how we could have been duped into believing fallacies regarding our environment – then what are the implications?

As we all should know, the 'Simulation Hypothesis' is a fairly solid speculative scientific model which accurately describes many features of our universe. We know also that there's a close tie-in to the 'Holographic Universe Hypothesis posited by such great minds as Dr Michael Talbot - a deeply creative & inspired physicist, who linked the work of David Bohm & Karl Pribram, and his own work, to matters of both science & spirituality, the holographic universe & synchronicity, etc. Many others in modern times have trodden a similar path, such as Prof Roger Penrose & Prof Stuart Hameroff, whose book 'Shadows of the Mind' covering the 'Orch/OR' model of consciousness, positing quantum events in the brain's microtubules as giving rise to sentience, intimately tied in with the holographic/simulation hypotheses. The work of Dr Rupert Sheldrake is phenomenal, and his theory of biological morphogenesis gels neatly with the idea of holographic/simulation hypotheses. And of course we all should be aware of the work of Dr James Gates, at the University of Maryland, who discovered mathematical 'error-correcting codes' in the equations relating to the quantum structure of the Cosmos, which were indistinguishable from similar codes utilised in software programming – indeed, it was that discovery in recent years which put the Simulation Hypothesis on the map, particularly with the alternative research community, though it did indeed become water cooler gossip in the weeks & months that followed the announcement..

So from the above, it can be seen that there is quite a lot of evidence that our universe is a simulation. NOTHING can explain the weirdness of both the Mandela Effect, and the apparently part-evidenced Flat Earth inconsistencies which detract very slightly from an easy slam-dunk for proponents of a simple, non-controversial 'planet Earth is a globe occupying orbital space around a normal star, Sol, in a normal universe into which we can peer & travel at will, should the technology become available to do so. And yet, there is also a wealth of evidence against the supposed ordinary legitimacy of the mission & purpose of space-exploration bodies such as NASA. As just one example of the weirdness, we have never seen a photo of the Earth taken from space, only a composite. And many of the composites we have seen are wildly different one from another, with gargantuan inconsistencies in terms of the shape, size & location of continental landmasses, with schoolboy errors in their obvious use of tools such as Photoshop to clone the cloud shapes which are scattered abroad on the stitched images, proving they are not only composites, they are deceptive constructions. The same deception has been witnessed in their photographic record of the other planets in our solar system, for example, the fake aurora on Saturn, which was cloned on two separate supposed 'from orbit' close-up shots of the planet. All of this (& much, much more) suggests that NASA is not a legitimate space-exploration organisation, instead it is a front for the edifice of planetary science which we all have been taught since the time of our infancy. And it is all a lie – though you would only discover this if you were working at the coal face with actual missions into space. Those who observe only, such as astronomers, see such an overwhelming array of data in their information-gathering missions, such as chemical signatures in the distant stars & planetary systems, would never believe that what they are seeing is a remarkably, astoundingly detailed simulation, an optical illusion which even 'fools' all their instrumentation. Satellites 'rotating' around the Earth wink out of existence & back into existence over the horizon, without even a whisker of lag. Earth/orbit are geometrically WEIRD.

When you get down to brass tacks, this universe is not 'smooth', it is instead 'blocky'. By which I mean that at the very smallest measure you can read, the Planck scale, the universe is pixelated. The anticipated smoothness of an organic universe is missing, instead we see a pixelated limit on the scale at which anything in Creation can appear & be measured. This is another piece of evidence to show that the universe is RENDERED to save processing power.

Continued below...
edit on JuneSaturday2116CDT10America/Chicago-050049 by FlyInTheOintment because: spelling

posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 10:37 AM
All the most modern research we have conducted in our physics of the Cosmos indicates that we are living in a vastly complex, almost infinitely powerful simulation of Reality. It is believed by many physicists & those in other related specialisms that we are in fact living within a simulation, of a simulation, of a simulation – etc.

If this is the case, then it suddenly becomes eminently reasonable to conclude that whomever has administrative access to the 'machine' which renders the simulation, has the ability to literally edit our history, to change facts about the human race & our achievements, both individually & collectively. There seem to be rules in effect that changes made must be minimally disruptive, though the fact of the changes, to those who are able to perceive them, is austere & dramatic, changing the context of one's existence, and abruptly terminating the comfortable model of Reality that they had become accustomed to. Hence, changes in media are most common, with certain changes to the material environment also being possible, except for any that would make obvious some sort of dramatic alteration. It is a liminal experience, being on the borderline of perception, such that those who are convinced are easily convinced by the raw fact of their seared memory being 'incorrect', whereas those who do not perceive the changes, consider the claimed changes to be so minor that the people believing in their experience of a change must be either crazy, or mistaken, or both. Again, though they are relatively 'minor' changes in our experience, they seem visceral to those who are experiencing such changes – there is no question, something fishy is going on. There is a consciousness-related impasse between the two tribes, and nary the twain shall meet. Those who are convinced will remain convinced – those who doubt will continue to doubt.

It is as though the predominantly English-speaking Western world (the dominant members of the human race) suffered a subconscious psychological fracture, which has separated us into sheep & goats. The cynic is driven to mockery, whereas the experiencer has had his or her mind opened to strange & possibly terrifying new realities.. What does this mean, in the grander context? When you compare the Mandela Effect with the 'Research Flat Earth' phenomenon, we see yet another divisive psychological impasse, one which is even more stark & wild-eyed than whatever caused the Mandela Effect. There is just enough weirdness in the data that people are genuinely conflicted by the question, of whether our world truly is some sort of Cosmic Illusion – if Mandela Effect didn't cause a psychotic break in those who experienced it, then becoming aware of the apparent mystery surrounding the Flat Earth theory almost certainly will cause your mind to break down in some way or another.

I've seen so many videos, so much data, so much in the way of human experience when discovering this weird anomaly afflicting a scientifically advanced society, that I began to wonder whether this may be some sort of test we're being put through, to see if we will trust our minds, our experience, and each other, to the degree that we become open to the idea of higher powers interacting with Humanity, leading us to question things at a fundamental level, sufficiently to change our material & spiritual outlook in a positive way, even if we can't wrap our heads around the science of what exactly may be unfolding.

There's a great tool online which I used to use quite a bit, the, in which it is possible to look at all sorts of weather & climate-related patterns of forces acting upon our world at this exact moment. It is the output of a supercomputer, and provides much fascination as one alters the different variables to get different real-time images of what's happening in our weather across the world. What I found exceptionally interesting was to make changes to the type of map projection being used as a base over which the overlays of climate data could be placed. What I saw was a variety of map projections which depend on some really kooky geometry changes, which can provide really illusionary experiences of viewing the Earth in its total extension.

This in turn led me to consider that IF the Mandela Effect AND the Flat Earth conspiracies can be asserted as having some legitimate reality, to a degree at least, THEN we must interpret that as someone changing the parameters of the environment at a fundamental level (IE, reshaping the very Earth beneath our feet, and the sky over our heads). And if that be so, we can use this as confirmatory data, proving that 'someone' or some artificial force, is able to exert its will upon the environment (or the will of its programmer/s) in order to effect change that affects humans in a divisive manner, separating them out according to the context & contents of their consciousness. The fact that this universe is some sort of simulation is therefore granted as being de facto Reality. One of the implications does seem to be that this is some sort of test being applied to the leaders of the free world – do they accept the weirdness & investigate, wherever it may lead – or do they shut up the ontological shop & say “No way, this can't be happening, therefore it isn't”...?

To my mind, the fact appears to be that the world we occupy was once a certain way – but then there was a shift of some sort, and we were translated into a Reality (or Reality was translated into a form) which is fundamentally different from the one we used to occupy, from the Sun in the sky to the shape of the world, from the immortal lines of iconic movie characters to the words of a jingle on an American breakfast cereal advertisement. I believe we are being tested – separated into sheep & goats. I believe the test is multi-layered, extending from our personal inner life to our corporate governance & world-shaping decisions. Part of that test appears to involve how we will psychologically respond to evidence that the landscape of our universe is being changed by an unknown agent for unknown reasons, according to the unknown character & drive of its will. Those who are affected by the changes have tended to be more open-minded than those who claim that there has been no discernible effect on their sense of Reality, who tend to be closed-minded, cynical skeptics. This view is coloured by everything I have witnessed over the past ten years on this forum (which offers a subset of alternative thinkers who are unafraid to explore the frontiers of Reality, and those who would shoot down any theory which holds to some aspect of their own definition of weird, unusual, conspiratorial, paranormal, supernatural happenings...)

Continued below...

edit on JuneSaturday2116CDT11America/Chicago-050000 by FlyInTheOintment because: important clarification

posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 10:37 AM
I now consider that the COVID-19 pandemic response has been a PSYOP designed to grab as much control as possible for the advocates for a one world government with a transhumanist future in mind for the world. I believe that their ham-fisted arrogance & inane rush to lay claim to every blade of grass in the world, in a hugely inflated response to a relatively mild but probably 'weaponised' virus (a virus that can enable such people to shut down an entire civilisation without killing anyone who wouldn't have died already from the flu/pneumonia had they been unlucky enough during the winter flu season) demonstrates that they are running scared, unable to perceive quite what is happening to their dream of a NWO control system. The fact that the Flat Earth & Mandela Effect conspiracy events have exploded in the few years prior to their obviously long-planned 'pandemic as a means of seizing control' has them inwardly terrified that they are losing their grip on the control they had already accumulated over the preceding forty years of technological advance in the service of a totalitarian ideology.

Because we know & can deduce from public record all the horrible things that group of NWO elitists & their slaves would have had in store for our world, I therefore believe firmly that the two 'conspiracy events' which I have described are events inculcated by the Divine Author of the Cosmos, and that they are intended as a sign of that Power's opposition to the planned NWO totalitarian, technocratic, biosecurity state. Agenda 2030, Agenda 2050 – bioconvergence, transhumanism, the singularity – all of it is Satanic, in that it opposes the true requirement for Humanity – that they be free, to exert their will upon the circumstances of the world as they find them, without excessive, brutal, perverse control over the detail of their lives at the hands of elitists & their slaves/ pawns/ puppets.

If anything, we who are free in Spirit should now stand with increased faith, knowing that the Mountains have LITERALLY moved in response to prayers against injustice. That TIME ITSELF is in the Hand of the Almighty, and that the actions of the wicked can be undone in a whisper of a heartbeat. That God is Sovereign over the Cosmos – even simulations nested within simulations are under His authoritative control, even at the last post, on the morning after the battle – He is able to undo the works of darkness, and grant freedom to the captives. With open minds we can be assured that He holds us all in the palm of His hand, and we can step forward boldly against the powers that be, against those who would exert a tyrannical state of control over all of humanity, with the now-clear intention of depopulating & reconstructing civilisation in their cold-blooded image.

We have a couple of years to establish an alternative community nested within the world order which presently exists. Later, we may wish to pack up & develop communities away from the new world order being constructed in their heinous image – but until then we must invest & build wisely, to prepare us for a change should the day come when our decision to live separately from the Beast System causes us to become open targets for 'assimilate or lose freedom' orders, when the mask of pretence slips off their vampiric faces, exposing the teeth they had long concealed.

I have spoken elsewhere of the need to create an alternative model of society, a 'protopia' - a constantly evolving, philosophically open-minded community with guiding principles & an agreed direction or methodology for assessment of change - but no fixed 'utopian' rulebook, as utopia is only ever a 'frieze', a moment in time, captured by the imagination of whoever designed the utopian vision, however clever they themselves may think it to be.. Such a vision can never evolve, it can never change its aspect to face the energy of the day – it will only ever devolve & dwindle into a shadow of what had been intended, or worse, become a fascist/marxist totalitarian regime – which is what is happening with the NWO vision..

The alternative social order we should hope to attain, is a democratic society built upon what I have called 'octacore libertariansim', which I believe, building on the work of the Freedom Cells team, is possibly the all-in-all best model for the initial base programming when constructing a nested society – specifically, one which presently interfaces with the current world order, but has the potential to breakaway at a future time - without losing any significant part of its resources, without abandoning a decent level of technological sophistication. Each neighbourhood would have a team of eight participants, who get together regularly, sharing information, expanding networks, developing fresh companies which are committed to assisting the society being built, in addition to ensuring personal prosperity for the owner - also sharing resources & investing in each other at the base level. Each group of eight is nested within a local tier of eight groups of eight participants, and the same principles apply across the divides of neighbourhood groups. The eight neighbourhood groups would be networked within a set of eight other groups to form a regional hub, with geographic hubs (North West, South-East, etc) following at the next level, finally with the national & continental/international groups. By agreement people can swap out & swap in to different cells, always building something productive & positive, with mutual cooperative led on the basis of participatory democracy (votes on the big issues), otherwise run by guiding councils & committees, with teams of civil advisory panels, avoiding conflicts of interest by ensuring total candour & full transparency at every level. Guiding councils/committees would be voted in for cycles of varying lengths depending on the type of role, but no senior (geographic/national etc) role can be held for longer than a year at a time, with 'fallow' of three years between successfully voted-in terms. These are just simple suggestions for an alternative model – I'm not a sociologist. But by setting up our 'octacore' neighbourhood, local & regional groups – we will find them.

Continued below...

posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 10:38 AM
Finally, a note about spirituality & permanence of the soul. It is my firm conviction that our spirituality is legitimate, no matter the absolute mechanics of who & what we are, where we are, and how things have been changing of late. The vast complexity of what we know is only exceeded by that we do not know, and so an outward-focused, ever-evolving viewpoint based in love & mutual respect, with reverence for the beautiful & experiential universe around us, is the only perspective we can cling to as we seek God amidst the chaos & uncertainty, the doubts, the false trails, the deception & the fear. The informational content of the soul is never lost, even if the material brain breaks down (for example, dementia will not obliterate the person you loved, it will only temporarily obscure them - to be seen again one day, according to the Grand Design of your/their life together..) We must be careful not to cling to wishy-washy half-light alleged golden truths being 'channelled' in the New Age movement.

There is ample evidence that most of what we now consider 'New Age' is in fact from very dubious sources with ties to Satanic occult activities in previous centuries, and many New Age authors have espoused some rather horrendous desires that certain demographics be simply 'eliminated by the Cosmos' when it is expedient for the Cosmos to get rid of them, their crime being disbelieving in the channelled voice of Ra, or whatever. Established Christian theology is far deeper & more edifying than anything the New Age has ever produced, and the power of God for redemption, healing & the building of edifices is absolutely real & true, applicable in modern times as well as olden times. The trouble is, two world wars brought on a crisis of faith which obscured everything that was known, and led us to seek alternatives in the wild lifestyle & pseudo-spiritual drug trips of the sixties. Since then, the New Age crept up & overpowered those who still adhered to a compassionate, open-minded Christian faith, the faith which built the empires on which modern civilisation is founded, with all the liberal freedoms we enjoy having their origins in doctrines of Christian compassion, built upon by Renaissance & Enlightenment figures.

Turning back to the simple & humble faith of the past two thousand years would be a good idea, in the face of the inane, crass, vulgar fallacies being pushed upon & by Millennials & Gen-Z social media sensations. The value of holiness has vanished, the truth of love, care & compassion, forgiveness & unconditional love, has been destroyed by Hollywood & all vices have been sanctified by a swing towards ultimate permissivity, the suggestion that 'anything goes' being somehow virtuous. The broken culture that has produced the first tracings of the NWO should not be elevated, neither should any component part of it, when we realise just how culpable the media empires are for the breakdown in social & moral outlook which we face today. Those powers behind the media throne have actively sought to destroy the moral fabric of the Western world, and they have largely succeeded, meaning that people are disengaged more than ever before - they don't care to such a degree, as long as they're free to get high & fornicate, that the NWO will walk in overnight to occupy the house that should have been their inheritance. And the response to COVID-19 has proven that they're already halfway there. Whatever your beliefs, keep an open mind, but be aware that we only have a few years left to resist & to build an alternative society, one which can remain technologically advanced, where the residents don't have to live in backwoods shacks next to a pig pen & a vegetable patch (though some will want to do so, which is of course fine & helpful in many ways). Octacore Libertarianism – start there, and network to your heart's content. Get something going near you, and link in to what's happening elsewhere – it's time.

posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

This is too funny. ATS strikes again. It is becoming common place for someone to post a thread that compliments something that I have recently experienced.

I had the weirdest dream last night. I have never had this dream before.

I dreamt I was a character in a video game. The weird part was, I knew I was a video character, and I was tying to help the player win the game. I was involved in explaining the game to the player, and made suggestions about what the player should do, and helped with the strategy.

At the end of the dream the player was really upset because their next move would kill me in the game. They did not want to do what I told them to do. I kept trying to convince the player that I had to die. It was the only way to win the game. The player kept resisting. I remember feeling frustrated and angry, because the player would not make the move that would end the game. At the last minute the player made the move. I was over joyed, then I woke up.

posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Recent years gave us the Mandela Effect & Flat Earth conspiracies – what are the implications?

People are dumb....really dumb...

posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 12:26 PM
To carry the simulation theory a little further. Religion and the Christian God concept is still part of the simulation within a simulation paradigm and can be changed at will. There is no controller of the simulation. It's its own entity and doesn't adhere to
to primitive human logic or the time/space continuum; dealing with quantum consciousness gets tricky. The trickster lives....

it's like Deja vu all over again. Thanks for reminding us what ATS can be like or like it used to be!!

edit on 26-6-2021 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-6-2021 by olaru12 because: syntax

posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 12:49 PM

originally posted by: dug88
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Recent years gave us the Mandela Effect & Flat Earth conspiracies – what are the implications?

People are dumb....really dumb...

'There are more things in heaven and earth, dug88, than are dreamt of in your philosophy’
...Bill Shakespeare

posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: ColeYounger

I'm pretty open to believing a lot of dumb stuff if there's no substantial evidence to the contrary...this isn't one of those cases.

posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 01:18 PM
They are called disinformation campaigns and psychological operations/deceptions.

Their purpose is to confuse the minds and perceived realities of the ignorant, lazy and gulible people that would fall for such things, as a way of disadvantaging those people, and under the justification that those people could and should know better if they weren't do ignorant, lazy, and gulible.

posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

There is no simulation. All is real. It feels like simulation sometimes because the constant changes in the timeline confuses the multidimensionality of your conscience. The only way to have the full perception is unchaining the power in your DNA.

People behind the vaccine knows that.

posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 01:25 PM
Holy cow you wrote a book, man. As far as the flat earth theory goes. It is wrong. They do ask some good questions, but the problem is that they then try to come up with thier own answers that don't fit reality. You mentioned pilots not having to account for the rotation of the Earth. This is a good question these flat Earth people ask. The answer seems to be that the plane is still in Earth's strong gravity. This is also why a balloon floats straight up when you let go of it, supposing thier is no wind. Flat Earthers wanted to prove the earth does not spin, so they spent $40,000 on a laser gyroscope. When they turned it on, the device indicated that the Earth spins at the same rate scientists said it did. So again, good questions, bad answers.

As for the rest of the theories you went in to, that is just people trying to understand something that currently can not be understood. We like to think we are so smart in today's world, but the truth is that we still have a long way to go.

posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: Luttsy

I didn't know we had experiments which could detect rotation or movement of the Earth?

Please provide the link.

Disclaimer: I am NOT a flat Earth believer.

As to the simulation hypothesis, it's very convincing although requires deep abstract thinking in order to even begin understanding the concept.

posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 02:23 PM
Simulation or not, it’s your reality. Therefore, to you. It is reality.

posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: Grenade

I didn't know we had experiments which could detect rotation or movement of the Earth?

It’s not really an experiment. We have instrumentation that flat out detects the earth movement.

When Flat Earthers Spent $20,000 Trying To Prove Earth Is Flat And Accidentally Proved It's Round

One of those Flat Earthers is Bob Knodel, who hosts a YouTube channel entirely dedicated to the theory and who is one of the team relying on a $20,000 laser gyroscope to prove the Earth doesn't actually rotate.

Except... It does.

Flat Earthers spend $20,000 to prove the Earth is flat, end up proving it’s round

One of the more jaw-dropping segments of the documentary comes when Bob Knodel, one of the hosts on a popular Flat Earth YouTube channel, walks viewers through an experiment involving a laser gyroscope. As the Earth rotates, the gyroscope appears to lean off-axis, staying in its original position as the Earth’s curvature changes in relation. “What we found is, is when we turned on that gyroscope we found that we were picking up a drift. A 15 degree per hour drift,” Knodel says, acknowledging that the gyroscope’s behavior confirmed to exactly what you’d expect from a gyroscope on a rotating globe. “Now, obviously we were taken aback by that. ‘Wow, that’s kind of a problem,’” Knodel says. “We obviously were not willing to accept that, and so we started looking for ways to disprove it was actually registering the motion of the Earth.”

posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment


All the most modern research we have conducted in our physics of the Cosmos indicates that we are living in a vastly complex, almost infinitely powerful simulation of Reality. I

I must have missed that scientific law. Please cite and link to source?

posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: neutronflux

Interesting, has the experiment been verified and repeated?

posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 02:54 PM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: neutronflux

Interesting, has the experiment been verified and repeated?

It’s not really an experiment. The earth rotates 36o degrees in 24 hours. The gyroscope drifts 15 degrees. 15 x 24 = 360.

The earth’s rotation is known to cause drift in gyroscopes, and causes them to need calibration.

Earth rotation measured by a chip-scale ring laser gyroscope

Optical gyroscopes are among the most accurate rotation measuring devices and are widely used for navigation and accurate pointing. Since the advent of photonic integrated components for communications, and with their increasing complexity, there has been interest in the possibility of chip-scale optical gyroscopes1. Besides the potential benefits of integration, such solid-state systems would be robust and resistant to shock. Here, we report a gyroscope using Brillouin ring lasers on a silicon chip. Its stability and sensitivity enable measurement of Earth’s rotation, representing a major milestone for this new class of gyroscope.

Earth Rate Precession

Earth rate precession is caused by the rotation of the earth while the spin axis of the gyro remains aligned with a fixed point in space. Earth rate precession is divided into two components. The tendency of the spin axis to tilt up or down from the horizontal plane of the observer is called the vertical component. The tendency of the spin axis to drift around laterally; that is, to change in azimuth, is called the horizontal component. Generally, when earth rate is mentioned, it is the horizontal component that is referred to, since the vertical component is of little concern.

A gyro located at the North Pole, with its spin axis initially aligned with a meridian, appears to turn 15.04° per hour in the horizontal plane because the earth turns 15.04° per hour. [Figure 14-10] As shown in Figure 14-10A, the apparent relationship between the Greenwich meridian and the gyro spin axis changes by 90° in 6 hours, though the spin axis is still oriented to the same point in space. Thus, apparent precession at the pole equals the rate of earth rotation. At the equator, as shown in Figure 14-10B, no earth rate precession occurs in the horizontal plane if the gyro spin axis is still aligned with a meridian and is parallel to the earth’s spin axis.

posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: Grenade

Like most flat earthers. Instead of ignoring actual science and thinking everything is a lie, and rushing out to buy a $20,000 gyroscope. If they just did a bit of research, and talked to individuals in the gyroscope instrumentation industry, as in the people that did field testing and research. “Experiments” if you will. They would have proof the earth rotates. And saved $20,000.

edit on 26-6-2021 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: Grenade

It’s funny the lie of one culture like flat earth is just part of everyday life in something like the navigation system industry…..

Flat earth. No proof the earth rotates.

Navigation system usage and engineering. Deals with the effects of earth’s rotation in every day life, and system design.

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