1. It's a missed opportunity. The rise of the Karen phenomena presents an epic chance to drop some comedy gold as we all know about the irritating
Karen epidemic. Karen bedevils us all.
2. It's a horror movie for BET? Is this made for TV? Are they clearly marketing stereotypes to scare blacks with? How is that anything other than
At one point, someone picks up a soap dispenser and it has a confederate flag on it. I know I see stuff like that for sale every day at Target. Don't
you? But if this lady is going to go off on her Karen, she'll get mad at anyone who doesn't take their trash in at precisely the right time, not
just POC. Truthfully, husband and I were getting subtly annoyed by the new tenant neighbor about their lack of mowing. They aren't POC, but they let
theirs go way too long, even for him and he hates mowing!
And most folks generally aren't going to side-eye a neighbor unless they start deserving it. I'm more likely to eyeball the crew across the street
who really, really like their beer and their sports ... loudly ... than I am my neighbor the firefighter. So it seems that behavior is the biggest
determinant over who gets treated weirdly, at least where I'm at.
I'm sure there are some horrorshow racist neighbors in the world, but if it were a common phenomena, it also wouldn't be something that would make
an effective horror movie. After all, it would be reality and not a movie-level fantasy.
There were always Karen's in the world. Now have a forum that hundreds of thousands of people can see their antics, instantly and over and over. The
squeaky wheel might not always get the grease, but it sure gets heard, and ultimately that's all the Karen's of the word crave is for somebody to
listen to them bitch.
Hell, we ought to end social media on the Karen aspect alone.
Having seen many Karen stories recently, that is not Karen. Like everything they have messed it up. While there are Karen elements, that is more a
psychopathic neighbor that is racist and wants to enforce the HOA rules even if the HOA does not exist. This neighborhoods interactions are made into
a horror story concentrating on the racist elements. Just the thing to reinforce the racial hatred that is popular at the moment.
It is more like Karen's racist sister.
Karen demands to see the manager about this post to get the poster fired.
Yes Virginia, people are now holding exorcism's for the remains of trees in the lumber aisle of Home Depot.
There aren't even words for this level of "stupid".