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Absolutely SAVAGE, Biden admin exploits Democrat's psychological handicap

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posted on Jun, 24 2021 @ 11:43 PM
After the CDC heart inflammation ruling, how many Democrats will realize the Biden admin is murdering their children to raise herd immunity a few points?

Its only a matter a time before these vaccines are pulled with deaths like Simon Scott and Jacob Clynick

And Biden's own party is going to bear the brunt of it with their blind spot, CDC trust + Covid fear. Most R's arent going to let their children take it now that the MSM is finally publicizing the heart inflammation.

Who does that to their own supporters?!

edit on 25-6-2021 by 111DPKING111 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2021 @ 11:47 PM
a reply to: 111DPKING111


They really believe they're doing the right thing. They've been brainwashed into thinking they'll protect their loved ones if they do this without realizing the stress the side effects will have on their loved ones.

posted on Jun, 24 2021 @ 11:50 PM
a reply to: 111DPKING111

You know you'll be blasted for using RT, but it matters not to me, I have no problem with RT.

And without sounding repetitive, the Left has their Covid scapegoat and that will not change. They'll be blaming him for EVERY Biden failure. Guaranteed.

And in my area, a lot of democrat voters are not getting vaccines. So I do think the party line is blurred when it comes to Covid.

posted on Jun, 24 2021 @ 11:59 PM

Who does that to their own supporters?!

What supporters? I did not see much happening at his election rallies. Joe even said he did not need your support to get elected.

The policy to push these vaccinations fits in with the usual communist, totalitarian takeover of a nation. These kinds of governments do have a historical record of intentionally killing many of it's own citizens. Many have been brainwashed as they trust their media and government, some have been threatened, intimidated and blackmailed into taking the jab.


posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 12:09 AM
You can take your chances with the vaccine, or you can take your chances with getting covid. Death will eventually find you no matter what.

I personally find it hilarious when someone is telling me how terrified of the vaccine they are, while chain smoking. You are literally already killing yourself a hundred ways voluntarily. The only reason this one more matters is because you've bought into this fantasy land where everyone is out to get you. The reality is, you will die an insignificant wage slave, and you'll be lucky if your tombstone doesn't end up buried no matter what you do.

You don't matter enough in the grand scheme of things to conspire against.
edit on 25-6-2021 by cyranis1 because: final thought

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 12:14 AM
Those that got the vaccine are stuck with their choice. They knew it was an experiment and they chose to take it. Same for parents who experimented on their children. The child did not have a choice but the child has a guardian who can legally make these choices (unfortunately sometimes). Those that chose not to take it are also aware of the risks of not taking it.

Hopefully one day we can all look back and respect the choices of each other without bringing politics into it at all. Everyone should be free to decide on their own without consequences. If one feels unsafe around those without it then stay inside, stay home, don't travel. Nobody healthy should have to experiment on themselves to make them feel safer.

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 12:18 AM

originally posted by: cyranis1
You can take your chances with the vaccine, or you can take your chances with getting covid. Death will eventually find you no matter what.

I personally find it hilarious when someone is telling me how terrified of the vaccine they are, while chain smoking. You are literally already killing yourself a hundred ways voluntarily.

People smoke for decades, the heart inflammation and blood clots will kill you in short order. Several countries have backed off vaccinating children, we will be the leade err guinea pigs on this. It wont take too many teen deaths before this is pulled.

Whats crazy is Biden is doing it to his own party..

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 12:41 AM

originally posted by: EdisonintheFM
a reply to: 111DPKING111

You know you'll be blasted for using RT, but it matters not to me, I have no problem with RT.

Yes, very interesting to see who is and isnt covering these stories. Some parents might be interested in knowing a 13 year old dropped dead from heart issues after the vax. It spread around twitter, but the MSM isnt too interested in keeping us informed..

Few searches to check out

yandex you notice gives the most websites, its the only search engine telling the truth(not hiding sites).
edit on 25-6-2021 by 111DPKING111 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 01:43 AM

originally posted by: Stupidsecrets
Those that got the vaccine are stuck with their choice. They knew it was an experiment and they chose to take it. Same for parents who experimented on their children. The child did not have a choice but the child has a guardian who can legally make these choices (unfortunately sometimes). Those that chose not to take it are also aware of the risks of not taking it.

Hopefully one day we can all look back and respect the choices of each other without bringing politics into it at all. Everyone should be free to decide on their own without consequences. If one feels unsafe around those without it then stay inside, stay home, don't travel. Nobody healthy should have to experiment on themselves to make them feel safer.

Choice is an interesting verb in this instance. Luckily all my children are to young to be in this group.
I had to for work reasons. My wife wanted to do it.
We will see how everything plays out.

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 01:59 AM
Thanks for the link.

I've noticed that DuckDuckGo has been omitting results as well, with certain topics.

edit on 05/30/2021 by EdisonintheFM because: Have no idea

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 02:23 AM
Governments are strong arming objective reporting on both Virus and vaccine issues.
In Denmark it is now forbidden by law to utter "untruths" about either, so cencorship is on the rise.

Crist... even Reuters so called fact squad is being used as a propagande machine.

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 03:20 AM

originally posted by: EdisonintheFM
a reply to: 111DPKING111

You know you'll be blasted for using RT, but it matters not to me, I have no problem with RT.

And without sounding repetitive, the Left has their Covid scapegoat and that will not change. They'll be blaming him for EVERY Biden failure. Guaranteed.

And in my area, a lot of democrat voters are not getting vaccines. So I do think the party line is blurred when it comes to Covid.

What i always noticed is they will blast any source that is not CNN/MSNBC etc or Facebook Twitter or specific YT channels. Yet none of them admit watching CNN and friends and even straight up claim they never watch it yet the claims they make are 1:1 the same as on those channels.

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 04:18 AM
a reply to: everyone

Back in the day, every news story had to be approved by Ted Turner......yeah there's no bias with CNN. √

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 04:29 AM
ONCE AGAIN, ONLY those of you who won't get the vaccine are afraid. The rest of us who got the vaccine are not. Otherwise we would have not gotten it.

SO, trying to convince those of us who got the vaccine that we are going to suffer some horrible problems ISN'T GOING TO WORK, but if it make those of you who haven't gotten the vaccine feel better, so be it.

When I actually SEE FOR MYSELF people dropping right and left, then I will believe you.

And by the way, people fly in airplanes. Once in a while people die in airplanes. If you are on the plane that goes down, you don't care how many people flew without incident. However, that doesn't make airplanes any less safe.

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: MiddleInsite

ONLY those of you who won't get the vaccine are afraid.

Au contraire!

I haven't taken the vaccine, and I'm not afraid... of it or the Chinese virus. I'm just not going to take a new, experimental vaccine, when I avoid medicine anyway, over a virus with less than a 1% death rate. I also have never had a flu shot... not worth my time. Instead I have this thing called "human immunity" which is well-developed.

You take it if you want.

The rest of us who got the vaccine are not. Otherwise we would have not gotten it.

So let me get this straight... you took the vaccine, so now you aren't afraid. That means you were afraid before you took it. And now you're projecting that fear onto me?

Nancy Pelosi, is that you?

And by the way, people fly in airplanes.

I don't. Never been on a commercial flight. Too much hassle.

I did take private flying lessons some time back. Does that count?


posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 05:14 AM

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
ONCE AGAIN, ONLY those of you who won't get the vaccine are afraid. The rest of us who got the vaccine are not. Otherwise we would have not gotten it.

SO, trying to convince those of us who got the vaccine that we are going to suffer some horrible problems ISN'T GOING TO WORK, but if it make those of you who haven't gotten the vaccine feel better, so be it.

When I actually SEE FOR MYSELF people dropping right and left, then I will believe you.

And by the way, people fly in airplanes. Once in a while people die in airplanes. If you are on the plane that goes down, you don't care how many people flew without incident. However, that doesn't make airplanes any less safe.

Cause your government told you , right ?
Wow .

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 05:19 AM
Worst. Genocide. Ever.

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 05:47 AM
a reply to: MiddleInsite

When I actually SEE FOR MYSELF people dropping right and left, then I will believe you.

I never saw people dropping right and left from COVID either.

In fact, while the news media was telling us that the local hospital was overflowing with COVID patients, the maintenance workers there were ripping out the temporary negative pressure equipment they had recently installed in rooms in preparation for the mass influx of COVID patients that never came.
The local media told stories about the refrigerated trucks that were positioned at the hospital to take the overflow from the hospital morgue... the trucks were in fact for food storage and food deliveries.

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 07:26 AM

originally posted by: randomtangentsrme

originally posted by: Stupidsecrets
Those that got the vaccine are stuck with their choice. They knew it was an experiment and they chose to take it. Same for parents who experimented on their children. The child did not have a choice but the child has a guardian who can legally make these choices (unfortunately sometimes). Those that chose not to take it are also aware of the risks of not taking it.

Hopefully one day we can all look back and respect the choices of each other without bringing politics into it at all. Everyone should be free to decide on their own without consequences. If one feels unsafe around those without it then stay inside, stay home, don't travel. Nobody healthy should have to experiment on themselves to make them feel safer.

Choice is an interesting verb in this instance. Luckily all my children are to young to be in this group.
I had to for work reasons. My wife wanted to do it.
We will see how everything plays out.

You did not have to do it. Their are legal options you could have taken and you can get another job in the meantime. There are many jobs that do not require it. Nobody made you do anything. You chose not to take those options.

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 07:35 AM
The other day in my job I went to the office to report another F# up by one of the guys there, screwing the production as many times. I know he's a democrat.

The manager was also there, I said : "It's Biden's fault".

The democrat guy said : "No, it's not Biden's fault".

I said : "Then you choose, if it's not Biden's fault, it's yours".

He remained in silence, like taking the blame for Biden.

I know he waited for me to leave the office to start blaming someone else.

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