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posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 12:43 AM

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: Rainep

As with everything in life, the above isn't a guarantee. It's also translated and very hard to translate because there is an idiom inside the saying.

About your question. You made the perfect example by yourself, besides there are always un-thankful and exploiting people, just have to spot them, you expected something in return. Even if you did it with joy, now you are a bit upset this person never calls you. So you seek appreciation. Did you do it for the person so she get's help and is happy, or did you do it with a sort of second thought? If it's the first, she's happy without you now, if you want that person to be happy and it means you're not in her circle.... You should have no reason to complain.

The core of the above saying is rather different. It says, if you want to do good deeds, do them. Don't wait for opportunity or seek appreciation.

- Picking up garbage. There is no one to thank you for it but most appreciate a tidy nature.

- Going out of your way to remove a danger, like a belt or object on the streets. If it's removed, changes are very low anybody every get's to know I did this, or that it had to be done for starters. I do it so the next person / living being isn't hurt.

- Personal one: When I vacuum and mob in front of my door in the staircase, I often work myself downwards and beyond the space I need to do. Because myself, I find it stupid to just stop in the middle of the floor and the rest stays uncleaned. So I do that too and my landlords wife noticed and notified me I don't have to do it. I told her my reasoning and said it's not much extra work. She thanked me and I will keep doing it anyways. It was a nice thank you, with lot's of appreciation. Yes I notice it still, but I don't seek it.

I don't clean the whole floor so everybody is thankful towards me. I do it because it makes sense for me. Don't half ass things. The above being one of them.

edit on 29.6.2021 by ThatDamnDuckAgain because: formatting + fixed wrong word

edit on 29.6.2021 by ThatDamnDuckAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: Rainep

Had to split the posts.


You love a person, person loves you, relationship, all good. Now the person you love, doesn't love you anymore, even may be unhappy around you. You still love your partner and of course it's breaking your heart.

You still love your partner... for me this would include to be happy that my partner, who loves someone different, is happy. Fullstop. The pain I would feel, the heartbreak is total different topic but I would still love that person, I would be somewhat happy that the person is happier with someone else or without me.

Anything else would be greedy to me and not real love, by my definition. Further more, if there wasn't unjust done like abusing me, cheating on me, gas lighting...I'd still love that person and want it to be happy. Just because I learn to know someone doesn't love me anymore, wouldn't kill the love inside me. It would depend if I was treated fair by circumstances how it exactly goes down, but generally the one shouldn't change the other, if it's real love.
edit on 29.6.2021 by ThatDamnDuckAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

"It's nice to be important but more important to be nice"

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: karl 12

Yes a bit like this

Being good for goods sake, from the heart, not from thought.

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 06:12 PM

originally posted by: ThatDamnDuckAgain
a reply to: Rainep

As with everything in life, the above isn't a guarantee. It's also translated and very hard to translate because there is an idiom inside the saying.

About your question. You made the perfect example by yourself, besides there are always un-thankful and exploiting people, just have to spot them, you expected something in return. Even if you did it with joy, now you are a bit upset this person never calls you. So you seek appreciation. Did you do it for the person so she get's help and is happy, or did you do it with a sort of second thought? If it's the first, she's happy without you now, if you want that person to be happy and it means you're not in her circle.... You should have no reason to complain.

The core of the above saying is rather different. It says, if you want to do good deeds, do them. Don't wait for opportunity or seek appreciation.

I gotta say I don't think she was un-thankful nor exploiting my kindness, and I certainly wasn't exploiting her. Initially no...I didn't expect anything in return, it just sort of happened along the way , what can I say she has a magnetic personality

Yeah I did it with joy, but she made it easy, she was a joy to be around, atleast in my opinion (though not so much in just about everyone else's eyes).

I am very glad she was able to get help and that I was a pivotal part of that, yet It still would be nice to speak to her again. Perhaps if we spoke we could start anew?

She may be happy, though I sometimes wonder if why she left had a lot more to do with her than me, her feeling that she could only wind up hurting me line of thinking.

Arr! I dunno I just miss the girl with the Kaleidoscope eyes so very much

posted on Jul, 1 2021 @ 09:58 AM

posted on Jul, 1 2021 @ 11:38 AM
When ever you ask yourself "Am I the only one" the answer is always no.

posted on Jul, 1 2021 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: Rainep
First it read like you were just a distant friend, now it reads like you were in a relationship.

..removed for privacy.
edit on 1.7.2021 by ThatDamnDuckAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2021 @ 12:06 PM

originally posted by: ThatDamnDuckAgain
When ever you ask yourself "Am I the only one" the answer is always no.

Am I the only one who thinks Ludwig makes a pretty good point here?

posted on Jul, 1 2021 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: karl 12
Ludwig, the old Haudegen, is spot on.

posted on Jul, 1 2021 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

Ah yes mate good old Ludwig.

Don't know who he is but also thought Michael Ellner raised an interesting point here.

"Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom."

Michael Ellner 

posted on Jul, 1 2021 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: karl 12

Ah yes mate good old Ludwig.

Don't know who he is but also thought Michael Ellner raised an interesting point here.

I don't know either but he has that feisty look of a Haudegen. Originally it means "beating stick", a term for a person that doesn't take crap and isn't afraid to step up.

Ellner's quote is deeper than it seems yet so easy to understand on each level. Religion really destroys spirituality because it's the definition of a set framework and dogma. There's no out of the box thinking encouraged, slowly killing individual spirituality.

Major media destroys information by using it like it's something to be changed, rewritten or disposed off. Doctors are not encouraged to research on their own anymore because they have a list of pills against everything. I've been in doctors waiting rooms a lot because of an accident that needed a lot of after care.

You know what you're worth to the doctor when you have to wait so the tie-suit pharmacy sales man can present his products. I've always found it more than atrocious that patients, not only me, everyone, has to wait in pain and agony because that smug salesman just skipped lines.

Psychiatrists will destroy you so they can build you up as a saner person, whatever that means, for their own careers and learning curve. "It has to get worse before it get's better" has some merit though.

Lawyers will twist the law for money. That's why we call them angle-advocates. It means they advocate from fringe viewpoints and strange angles to win the case, mocking due process, truth and honesty by doing it.

Of course you all know that but it was fun to type it out.

posted on Jul, 1 2021 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

originally posted by: ThatDamnDuckAgain

Of course you all know that but it was fun to type it out.

Fun reading it as well mate - nice post.

Recently did a thread about psychiatry and was surprised to learn that it's not evidence based and basically just drug pushing for big pharma.


edit on 1-7-2021 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2021 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

Hey Ducky thanks for the replies they have given me food for thought and some time to reflect on the situation. That said I think we may want to take the rest of this to pm to avoid off topic drifting if you don't mind anyhow. I tried to pm you myself but wasn't able to? No clue as to why as I saw no rules disallowing pm's to other members so I am at a loss there. Anyways again thanks for the help

posted on Jul, 1 2021 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: Rainep

New members do not have all rights. I think you need 50 posts or so to write private messages.

I deleted 90% of my reply to you because of privacy, you got that right.

posted on Jul, 1 2021 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: ThatDamnDuckAgain
a reply to: Rainep

New members do not have all rights. I think you need 50 posts or so to write private messages.

I deleted 90% of my reply to you because of privacy, you got that right.

I see lol, no need to get angry I was just curious is all. Please don't hurt me and let's pm if you can!

posted on Jul, 1 2021 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: karl 12

I know from own experience and I am not afraid to tell it. It starts innocent but wait for it.

In 2019, I finally took my doctors advice for a six to eight week mother&child cure. The underlying reasons were that because of an old accident that still got me in pain, I started to not take the painkillers because I was sick of them. Both mentally and the stomach. I adopted a statue or way of moving and standing that's called avoidance-stance and that led to other problems elsewhere.

I ended up with heavy insomnia because of the pain and my body was revolting. So although there were underlying physical issues, complete written in text like above, my doctor chose a reputable place for this mother & child cure.

There, we tackled the physical problems but that'S not the real focus of that cure place. As the other places were all overfilled and this one was recommended, a place was free for immediate starting the cure... My employee agreed so I did it.

Okay after three weeks of physical training and also teachings about pain and it's mechanism, we started to focus on my mental wellbeing. And that's when it all went south. The first catch for them was that I see colors when I hear music and they tested that in another hospital with EEG and I got it black on white that I am not crazy but it's synesthesia.

However, one day I was so tired I took a little break while waiting for the local kindergarten to close so I can pick up my daughter. I fell to sleep and started to talk in my sleep, something I was never aware off.

And that's when we discovered a very ugly thing in my past. The first thing they did after I literally freaked out, was to drug me up. I had a royal panic attack, was disoriented from the sudden change and so they felt the need to calm me down. I was still a bit aware of my surroundings and no one explained that they are going to calm me down with a syringe, I snapped when I saw them preparing one. Two men and if the therapist would have intervened, her too.... I am sorry for what I did to them, when my self defense reflexes kicked in. I later apologized for it, they admitted that the situation was unlucky circumstances. I was on a different floor for a few days though. Where the zombies roam.

In order for me to continue my physical therapy there and after what they seen I have done when pushed too much... my mental state after discovering that all my life my brain has told me to like pain in order to protect me... I opted for their "calm-downers" actually it was Mirtacipin. They said it would take a week to feel any effects, I felt them a few minutes after I took the first one. Next morning I looked in the mirror and didn't know myself anymore. This wasn't me looking back and since they didn't check on me, I threw them into the toilet.

They eagerly prescribed me more of it and were so happy I was "compliant" and "giving in" to the therapy. I admit that I learned a lot about myself after that, it wasn't a bad place in general. However I was not one week out of that place when a different, non medical related thing happened but they helped me later in court to righten what was done wrong to me and I got full custody back and two restrain orders against the perps.

I also got a fat slap on the wrist, got to do social hours and probation. The ones that wanted to slip me a crime got it double back but I still got sentenced for growing herbs (that I never sold and not even consumed 1% of the overal amount.

When my foster dad and uncle died, I took calmness in what he did: Grow, but I didn't consume it except a few times. Urine samples proved it and the charges were dropped to possession. But if not for the psychologist's statement in court about my mental state (traumatized twice, growing as a mourning practice) I would not be typing this now and be in jail.

Point being, the first solution is the drug and then they start to break you to build you up again but they believe in it too. There's no bad intent coming from them, they just don't know better and go by standard scheme D.

The D stands for drugs.

posted on Jul, 1 2021 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: Rainep

I am a direct person and English isn't the language I grew up with. I am not angry at all.

But I have to tell you that the envelope symbol is broken. It won't light up if you get a private message. Click on the chat bubble symbol in the ribbon above and then a page loads where you read "private messages".

There you click on the arrow that is pointing down, that's your inbox. There should be a message named "1st", the content is "I am the first one to message you"

Let's see if you can answer, I am not sure if you can.

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 02:49 PM

originally posted by: ThatDamnDuckAgain
a reply to: Rainep

I am a direct person and English isn't the language I grew up with. I am not angry at all.

But I have to tell you that the envelope symbol is broken. It won't light up if you get a private message. Click on the chat bubble symbol in the ribbon above and then a page loads where you read "private messages".

There you click on the arrow that is pointing down, that's your inbox. There should be a message named "1st", the content is "I am the first one to message you"

Let's see if you can answer, I am not sure if you can.

You are quite a talented bi-linguist then *tips hat*.
I figured it out after a few minutes I am still getting used to how this layout differs from the non-member screen (A lot!). I got your message, thanks :3
I couldn't reply but that is something I can look forward to in the future. I do wish I could talk to you more about this as you seem like you have been through similar or are just empathetic, either way it is comforting to hear from you. Have a magnificient day young lass!

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