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Russian warship fires warning shots at British Navy

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posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 04:58 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Zcustosmorum

And I should remind, had the Russians failed on the Eastern front, there's a good chance we'd all be a bunch of racist Germans right now

What beat the Germanys was winter...Just like with Napoleon, once the US entered the war Germany loss no matter what they did. Just like the advantages the Russians have with their winters the US isolation means our war machine just keeps on ticking without bombs or troops on our soil slowing it down unlike Germany.

Actually true, the German vehicles and tank's had narrow wheels and track's that were not able to deal with the fact that once winter came the terrain they were on turned into a swamp land worse than anything they had been designed to cope with, coupled with the fact many Germans were under equipped to deal with the extreme cold which was far more harsh than winters they were used to they became bogged down and demoralized, add to this once the Russians surrounded them there supplies of Pervatin which we know of today as Crystal Meth also ran out and the German soldiers were mostly suffering withdrawal symptom's.

That drug is probably one of the reasons the Germans committed so many atrocity's though as it affected there mind's, yes it made them able to go without sleep for inhuman periods of time and feel invincible and even happy in battle but it eventually destroyed them arguably as much as the Russian winter did.

Napoleon may have taken Russia but the Tsar had ordered a burned earth policy and old Napoleons supply lines were stretched beyond reason and vulnerable, it is odd that the man that stood over his tomb and gloated met the same nemesis in the end.

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Too right Labs................. Add to that the Germans never got a proper tank til right at the end of the war plus they never developed a proper heavy bomber. They also never had a decent aircraft carrier and the thing that ran military conquests in that era the oil was always a bit iffy on the supply side. Include the fact that the Germans always are surrounded and have to fight on multiple fronts. Possibly the greatest reason the Germans lost it was the fact that many of its people clicked on that their nation had been hijacked by a group of nutcases and they were all too ready to give in when the time was right as they knew they were fighting a war that was in essence a wrong, even though foreign powers at the end of WW1 created the perfect scenario in so called reparations which were totally unfair for the rise of something like the Nazi party. This can been seen by little to no insurgency following the surrender in 1945.

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 05:59 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: Peeple

We constantly have to chase Russian aircraft out of UK airspace.
It's all part of 'the game'.

If push came to shove I'm sure Defender would hold its own against Russian aircraft.
But it won't come to that.
Its all just part of 'the game' designed for public consumption.

Do you honestly think Russia would risk a major confrontation over something so trivial?

The Russian aircraft are not in UK airspace. They are flying in international airspace. This is explained time after time to the media by the UK Ministry of Defence but they can't quite seem to grasp it. The RAF are intercepting and shadowing the Russian aircraft in the UK Flight Information Regions. These are outside of the UK's 12 nautical mile limit. The Russians do exactly the same for their Flight Information Regions.

posted on Jun, 24 2021 @ 03:22 AM

originally posted by: gortex

In a curious twist the BBC's defence correspondent Jonathan Beale is on board HMS Defender and heard the shots..

Goof catch mate and that is rather curious.

Here's an updated article from TheDrive.

Russia Claims Bombs Dropped To Warn Off British Warship, Royal Navy Says It Never Happened (Updated)

posted on Jun, 24 2021 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: tommyjo

Well there Bears would be shot out the sky long before they ever reached there intended targets.

There Backfire bombers might present more of a significate challenge to our air defence network all the same but our Typhoons can still take them out.

End of the day Russia is never ever going to attack the UK with anything other than an ICBM, because they simply don't have the will and we are not the Ukraine.

posted on Jun, 24 2021 @ 05:42 AM
Strange story.

It sounds like a political stunt by No 10.

'Russia occupied the Crimea but it's not internationally recognised so we'll sail a ship into its waters as a protest'.

A tit for tat over the Skripal affair.

posted on Jun, 24 2021 @ 07:15 AM

originally posted by: CJCrawley
Strange story.

It sounds like a political stunt by No 10.

'Russia occupied the Crimea but it's not internationally recognised so we'll sail a ship into its waters as a protest'.

A tit for tat over the Skripal affair.

Yeah for sure yet at the same time the Russians have repelled British adventures into their territories on a number of occasions, one of them in the very region the ship tried coaxing a response at Balaclava plus a second intervention in the immediate period post WW1 on the side of Capitalism trying to destroy the Commie experiment. From a Russian perspective Britain has invaded their state a number of times in the past 200 years and if it had the chance would do it again.

posted on Jun, 24 2021 @ 12:44 PM
loll week after mighty joe biden visiting UK the british navy provoking the russians haha
biden should have sendend an US carrier instead if he had the guts for it

posted on Jun, 24 2021 @ 03:59 PM

originally posted by: CJCrawley
Strange story.

It sounds like a political stunt by No 10.

'Russia occupied the Crimea but it's not internationally recognised so we'll sail a ship into its waters as a protest'.

A tit for tat over the Skripal affair.

I think you have hit the nail on the head, that is exactly what it is and the more we learn the more clear that is becoming.

Also given that the reports are conflicting I suspect the Russians are also making political capital out of it at home for there public consumption.

It was absolutely wrong what the Russian's did in the Skripal case and they know it but they were willing to play dirty thinking that there would be no repercussions, they found out that there would be, it was a rash act on there part that other than the Bulgarians with the Umbrella incident during the cold war the OLD soviet's would never have done themselves as it was too likely to create international tensions which is exactly what it did.

That said there are always two sides to every argument.

I do not like they firing at a Royal Navy Warship but likewise from there perspective I would not like a foreign power that does not recognize my claim to sovereignty over a region sailing in waters I also claim.

As I said personally I believe that the Russian claim on Crimea IS valid as it only became part of the Ukraine during the Cold War Soviet era as an Administrative boundary change and not an international border change, during the confusion of the break up of the Soviet union however it then fell under international recognition as Ukrainian territory.

Arguably though NEITHER side as the right to it as the ethnic Tartars were the original inhabitants and majority until old Stalin shipped them off - mostly to gulag's in an act of ethnic cleansing.

There are now very few Ethnic Tartars in that region and despite there adoption of Islam as there religion they may have had a much longer and LARGER presence in Russia at one time, indeed many Russians AND Ukrainians may actually also be Tartars but not know it.

While we view Tartars as Islamic invaders in reality they were probably more colonizers and brought there religon with the people under there rule then converting to it, in fact this may mean that the Mysterious Empire of Tartaria may have been many religions at one time including Zoroastrian, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian and of course later Islamic before the Russians drove them back and re-conquered the territory or did they?.

There is indeed an entire chapter of history missing and Russia is sitting on a gold mine of lost human history that is not only Islamic invaders but cultures we have never even heard about yet that may very well be more important to the founding of western civilization than the Greeks.

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 05:08 AM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
I do not like they firing at a Royal Navy Warship but likewise from there perspective I would not like a foreign power that does not recognize my claim to sovereignty over a region sailing in waters I also claim.

The Russians did not fire on the Royal Navy destroyer. It's all hype. It's an example of how Russia seeks to control the narrative and how lazy Western media lap it up!

This analysis may help...

In reality, a NATO ally did something very bold today — and Russia couldn’t stop it. NATO (or at least, the UK) stood up for Ukraine, and it stood up to Russia. It did it without firing shots. The significance of this is important.

HMS Defender goes for a pleasure cruise

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 05:14 AM
Just more dick-waving by both sides. All fun and games until someone accidentally brushes their helmet off someone else's chin.

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 05:15 AM

originally posted by: ressiv
biden should have sendend an US carrier instead if he had the guts for it

Difficulty in getting an aircraft carrier through the Bosporus, but that's a small problem, eh?

Fact is that the Black Sea does not belong to Russia. They can whine about it, cry about it and be an arse about it, but if the Rwandan navy wanted to sail aroind the Black Sea it is of no business to Russia. Sad face

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 08:02 AM
Wonderfully lucky that a BBC Correspondent was on board. Without his footage we would not know anything about this terrible act of Russian aggression

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: tommyjo

As they are military aircraft who are potentially armed with nuclear weapons the boundaries are different, I would suggest you keep quiet unless you know what you are talking about .

You are on about then minimal threat boundaries.

Please don't push false crap.

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: paraphi

You know what the worst thing about this is, I actually like the Russians for the most part, they are just people like us no different and I think all this game play by crooks in charge of all sides is dangerous and damned stupid.

Oh they have there morons just like we do, there football hooligan idiot's that attack innocent family's in restaurants etc but when all is said and done people are people, every son is some mothers baby and if we spoke the same language we would see one another much clearer and find we had a lot more in common, remember that waterboys song.

A little remembered fact is that Churchill nearly went to war against Russia to stop them wiping the Germans out as that is what Stalin wanted, he actually walked out of a meeting with Roosevelt and Stalin in rage in which Stalin said he wanted to do that, he was intended to settle Germany with Russians and Roosevelt had to calm the situation but with the deals Roosevelt made with Stalin Churchill felt doubly betrayed but was in a catch twenty two, the British AND Americans were fully aware of the rapes that were happening even against little boy's and girls as the angry and hate filled Russian soldiers took revenge upon the innocent.

But while the Germans had indeed acted in an absolutely horrible and inhumane fashion and while many did not pity them the fact was that just as the Germans had been brainwashed with Nazi Propaganda so too were the Soviet soldiers, you could argue that the Russians were at least partially justified but nothing justified murdering a young innocent child like that.

And it was not ONLY Germans that the Russians raped, in fact much of the anger and hatred toward them (which we brits never having experienced it do not share) is because of that generation and it's actions at the end of and shortly after the war.

Such scars do not heal quickly.

edit on 25-6-2021 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

The Russians and Germans were as brutal and nasty as each other. They brutalised civilians of all shapes and colours. Plus, often forgotten, but the Russians and Nazis had a pact for the first two years of WW2.

The Ukranian's have a good reason to dislike and distrust the Russians for genocide and years of repression, both before, during and for decades after WW2.

edit on 26/6/2021 by paraphi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2021 @ 07:35 AM

originally posted by: tekn1cal
a reply to: tommyjo

As they are military aircraft who are potentially armed with nuclear weapons the boundaries are different, I would suggest you keep quiet unless you know what you are talking about .

You are on about then minimal threat boundaries.

Please don't push false crap.

Well it appears this was discussed at high levels.
Strange these supposed papers were found so soon after and behind a bus stop. Seriously?!

Top Secret papers found

posted on Jun, 27 2021 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: Cymru

Saw it too.

Alongside the military planning, officials anticipated competing versions of events.

"We have a strong, legitimate narrative", they said, noting that the presence of the embedded journalists (from the BBC and Daily Mail) on board the destroyer "provides an option for independent verification of HMS Defender's action".

Following the controversy generated by HMS Defender's mission, the documents discovered in Kent confirm that passage through the TSS was a calculated decision by the British government to make a show of support for Ukraine, despite the possible risks involved.

'Accidentally' left behind... hm guess I wasn't the only one who wasn't getting it. Now I do.

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 06:49 AM
It is subject of many predictions that Russia will attack the west it is only the question when.

I found out one new video about this topic that is interesting

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