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Is the Danger COVID or Is It the Vaccine?

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posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 01:49 AM

originally posted by: LordAhriman
I went to pass someone on the highway today, left lane lurker. Hate em. Anyway, the magnetism from my left arm slammed their car into mine, and we both died. The vaccine is definitely more deadly than the virus.

Okay if you're gonna start having a sense humor in regards to OUR
situation. I say good on you with apologies. I didn't think you had it
in ya. I've been a hard on around here lately.

My Bad

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 04:24 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04
Coins are magnetic.......well in the UK they are.
Please use a magnet to check in other countries and let me know.

Since 1992, 1ps and 2ps have been made out of copper-plated steel instead of the previous alloy of copper, tin and zinc. Steel is magnetic so pennies made after 1992 will be attracted to the magnet when it is close to them. Pennies made before this will not be magnetic.
Since 2012, 5p and 10p coins are made out of nickel-plated steel. You had magnetic coins in your pockets all along without knowing! 5p and 10p coins made before this date will not be magnetic.
Magnetic Coins Science Experiment - Fun Science UK

Copper has value........and has been stolen out of your pocket.
Even bank notes used to say:
I promise to pay the bearer £5 worth of sterling silver.
Now it says:
I promise to pay the bearer £5 for £5.
edit on 23-6-2021 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

I live in the US, none of our coins are magnetic. I also give the vaccine, and it's not magnetic. The entire idea is really stupid, no idea how anyone heard the hoax and thought it was believable.

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 08:06 AM

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: sevenpod

And have you seen where the vaccinated people also turn magnetic and pieces of metal stick to them, It's all over twitter and utube.

It's horrible...

Pretty sure you’re jesting.

However, you shouldn’t. A person is an idiot if they think the thousands- literally thousands- of videos of “vaccinated” people showing metal objects sticking to them are just a bunch of hoaxes. Really?

A smart person would ask “Wait- why is this happening? Does it indicate something conducive to good health, or is this not a good thing? Why are the media and health agencies and government ‘fact checking’ this issue when it’s obvious that it’s happening?”

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: KansasGirl

I say the opposite, anyone who thinks a person becomes magnetic to the point where metal objects attract to their body is not thinking. How would such a person use an MRI machine? Have you seen what happens with an MRI machine when anything with a magnetic pull gets near it?

These stupid claims have been going on for over 20 years, and they predate Covid. These claims are ridiculous to the point anyone believing it must suspend all logic and reason and become a sheep.

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: KansasGirl
literally thousands- of videos of “vaccinated” people showing metal objects sticking to them are just a bunch of hoaxes. Really?

They are. We shouldn't even have to have this discussion here.

We can thank those videos, and Doctor Smith, for resurrecting out LOL bin forum though. The threads were a good laugh.

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: KansasGirl

I gotta say, the metal sticking stuff is a tad bit ridiculous. There's plenty of legitimate concerns about the vaccine without needing to make up nonsense.

Pretty much every phone has a magnetometer built in. Did any of the metal stickers ever prove they were magnetic in the very simple manner of using a sensor that will show exactly how magnetic they are?

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 02:07 PM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04

originally posted by: litterbaux
If you can answer those questions I might consider getting the vaccine.

The vaccine is 95% effective. That leaves a 5% chance the vaccine will not be effective. Does that answer your question?

Reflecting on this response to litterbaux, this isn't clear to me. The mrna style vaccines are supposed to cut transmission and limit the risk of the more extreme outcomes of coronavirus infection. This isn't 100% so there will always be a chance of infection.

I get the impression that the vaccinated unmasked are just going to spread it, even if they don't experience symptoms. Viral load may be limited, but the strength of an individual's immune system varies. The vaccine should protect most people, idk how different strains have to be before this becomes a major concern.

originally posted by: DragonsDemesne
Unvaccinated people can get sick. Viruses can mutate. Vaccines developed against the original strain(s) can sometimes be less effective against mutations, which can then put the vaccinated at risk.

So the risk is from catching corona variants from the unvaccinated? The vaccine doesn't prevent infection, and should still help with symptoms.

What do you think about dropping the mask requirement for those who have been vaccinated?

People who have suggested vaccination to me usually suggest it as a tool to limit the potential damage from a bad case of coronavirus. I smoke, and they worry about that too. Getting infected from the unvaccinated hasn't.

Those quotes don't really sway me from taking a wait-and-see attitude with the data or my health options...

edit on 23-6-2021 by dffrntkndfnml because: misc

edit on 23-6-2021 by dffrntkndfnml because: clarity

edit on 23-6-2021 by dffrntkndfnml because: grammar

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

I would say watching the magnetism demonstrated is fairly convincing. Many of those on the various videos come across as being genuine and honest.

They don't come across as being sleezy like Anthony Fauci.

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 04:07 PM
a reply to: Salander

Sorry you are easily led astray by hoaxes.

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 06:24 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
The real danger is mass media, coupled with well researched brainwashing methods, applied on the unaware...

They are a major danger.

But, given they are just the comms arms of even more powerful political and economic forces, they are not the real danger, their masters are.

Calling them the main enemy of the people is like focusing on the marketing department of Chevron.

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 06:31 PM

originally posted by: olaru12

originally posted by: incoserv
The biggest danger is in a public that cannot think critically and simply obeys whatever mandate their overlords send down.

That's what happened in Third Reich Germany.

It's also what's happening now with the trump cult and his boiz, pillow man and Qanon. With help from the Proud boiz, Oathkeepers, and the rest of "unite the right" groups.... The 4th Reich in it.

RIP....Mr. Marrs....our ATS brother!!!

think critically indeed!

Who is trying to centralize power right now, including through federalization? Who is trying to deplatform and censor everyone? Who is trying to remove constitutional rights such as the 2nd Amendment?

Certainly, right wingers have been celebratory of totalitarianism in the past, such as the endless wars and Patriot Act. But you know what, so were establishment Democrats including Biden. To read your post, one would almost think that Clinton, Biden et. al didn't gladly work on the Patriot Act and crime bills (prison-industrial complex), that Kamala Harris didn't put lots of POC in jail in CA, that they all didn't push the endless wars just like the Bushes.

Right now, though, it appears that it is the SAME establishment Republicans and Democrats trying to solidify power and suppress opposition. Just remember, the same establishment has suppressed the real anti-establishment leftists for 60 odd years too.
edit on 23-6-2021 by Madviking because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 07:18 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: sevenpod

And have you seen where the vaccinated people also turn magnetic and pieces of metal stick to them, It's all over twitter and utube.

It's horrible...

I got stuck on a train. I had to ride round for days, ordering takeaways to be delivered all over the city, or I'd starve.

Fortunately, I actually caught the virus, from all the public contact, which apparently negates the vaccine, I think.

... because the magnetic field wiped my credit card's magnetic stripe and the train driver hated me because it was messing up the screen on his portable television. Thank goodness it was over before I caused a magnetic singularity. I personally thank my 5G 'phone for attracting the virus to me...

Et tu, Charlie?

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 08:46 PM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: sevenpod

And have you seen where the vaccinated people also turn magnetic and pieces of metal stick to them, It's all over twitter and utube.

It's horrible...

I got stuck on a train. I had to ride round for days, ordering takeaways to be delivered all over the city, or I'd starve.

Fortunately, I actually caught the virus, from all the public contact, which apparently negates the vaccine, I think.

... because the magnetic field wiped my credit card's magnetic stripe and the train driver hated me because it was messing up the screen on his portable television. Thank goodness it was over before I caused a magnetic singularity. I personally thank my 5G 'phone for attracting the virus to me...

Et tu, Charlie?

I had to...

... make fun of it.

edit on 23/6/2021 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 09:20 PM
a reply to: Madviking

Who is trying to centralize power right now, including through federalization? Who is trying to deplatform and censor everyone? Who is trying to remove constitutional rights such as the 2nd Amendment?

Who is censoring anything. Q and pillowman are still free to express their rightwing BS conspiracy theories on Fox, you are still allowed to express your self on ATS and I and you can still walk into any sporting goods store and buy firearms. I guess I'm just a romantic cause I just bought my GF a pink glock 43 for her birthday.

edit on 23-6-2021 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 09:35 PM

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: Madviking

Who is trying to centralize power right now, including through federalization? Who is trying to deplatform and censor everyone? Who is trying to remove constitutional rights such as the 2nd Amendment?

Who is censoring anything. Q and pillowman are still free to express their rightwing BS conspiracy theories on Fox, you are still allowed to express your self on ATS and I and you can still walk into any sporting goods store and buy firearms. I guess I'm just a romantic cause I just bought my GF a pink glock 43 for her birthday.

What are you talking about? Biden ran on reinstating the Assault Weapons Ban but making it far stricter, with no expiration. It's on his website. It includes many non-assault weapon features. Many states and locations already are trying to institute more gun control.

Secondly, it is demonstrable that organizations from big tech to higher education institutions are deplatforming people and censoring free speech. They are now saying that much free speech is "violence" and hate speech, and needs to be suppressed. Twitter, Google, Youtube, and Facebook frequently collude to remove inconvenient speech too that questions either them or other powerful people. Liberals used to be pro-free speech, even the ACLU.

Liberals used to be against transnational corporate trusts/panoplies, lobbying influence, and corruption. Now many are defending them. It's totally ridiculous, and they are "liberal" in name only.

I note you also didn't address the fact that leading Democrats such as Biden and Clinton engaged in all manners of shenanigans with Republicans such as Bush. You know, illiberal practices such as mass incarceration, the Patriot Act, endless wars, etc.

edit on 23-6-2021 by Madviking because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 09:48 PM

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: Madviking

Who is trying to centralize power right now, including through federalization? Who is trying to deplatform and censor everyone? Who is trying to remove constitutional rights such as the 2nd Amendment?

Who is censoring anything. Q and pillowman are still free to express their rightwing BS conspiracy theories on Fox, you are still allowed to express your self on ATS and I and you can still walk into any sporting goods store and buy firearms. I guess I'm just a romantic cause I just bought my GF a pink glock 43 for her birthday.

Another pink gun for his birthday, very cool of you, what is it now 3 pink guns you bought.


posted on Jun, 24 2021 @ 01:06 AM

originally posted by: DragonsDemesne
Unvaccinated people can get sick. Viruses can mutate. Vaccines developed against the original strain(s) can sometimes be less effective against mutations, which can then put the vaccinated at risk.

So the risk is from catching corona variants from the unvaccinated? The vaccine doesn't prevent infection, and should still help with symptoms.

What do you think about dropping the mask requirement for those who have been vaccinated?

People who have suggested vaccination to me usually suggest it as a tool to limit the potential damage from a bad case of coronavirus. I smoke, and they worry about that too. Getting infected from the unvaccinated hasn't.

Those quotes don't really sway me from taking a wait-and-see attitude with the data or my health options...

Dropping or maintaining the mask requirement should be done on a region by region basis, depending on case counts in the area and other data. I'm fully in favour of returning to a maskless society once it is reasonable to do so. In the meantime, at least locally, our province wants to end some restrictions in a week, but hasn't detailed anything yet. I think it's a bit premature here, but we'll see, I suppose. I'm in favour of proper health precautions regarding distancing, masks, vaccinations, and so on, while they are necessary. I have also been telling my friends how I want to have a mask burning in my neighbour's firepit once this is all over :p

People certainly have the right to decide whether to get vaccinated or not. They also need to be willing to accept the consequences either way, whether it be getting the coronavirus if they don't, or any possible side effects of the vaccine on the other side of the coin. Personally, I think the vaccine is safe, and while extensive testing was done, it was done in a compressed time frame, and I can sympathize somewhat with people who are concerned, although I do think that the concern is unwarranted.
edit on 24-6-2021 by DragonsDemesne because: quote screwup

edit on 24-6-2021 by DragonsDemesne because: quote screwup

posted on Jun, 24 2021 @ 01:42 AM
a reply to: Madviking

A master without his steerable masses is none. Sure, it is easier to blame one individual, but really we are the ones to blame no one put a gun to our head, we just gobble it up.

Funny, I just saw an allegory with the argument of the gun and the wielder. Are you saying propaganda is a good tool, it just depends on whose propaganda.

That might be true for a gun but, I can't get behind it for propaganda, doesn't matter who wants to control the narrative... it always goes against freedom.

posted on Jun, 24 2021 @ 02:34 AM
I can’t help thinking, considering these vaccines are still essentially in a trial phase with the recipients being the open world lab rats, that batches are being adjusted / tinkered with that are then producing new variants or side effects. The blood clot and heart inflammation for instance were not there from day 1 of the vaccines being rolled out, so what was changed?

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