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Shadow person witnessed.

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posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 02:07 PM
What the hell did I just see down here in the bomb shelter of my house? I am still here in the bunker spooked! I saw a shadow person going through the wall! I hope to manage to upload some pictures of this place. It is like a gym with weight lifting stuff in it at the basement of my house. The shadow person flew right through the wall and I tell you it was real! I stopped messing with my phone as I watched it go by. It was kind of that I was not looking directly at it but I saw movement and it flew across the room right through the wall on the right! I hope to get some pictures up loaded.

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 02:12 PM
a reply to: Prowler77

Any windows in the basement? If so, could have been a shadow from someone waking by outside.

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 02:17 PM
This is a sound proof cube made of concrete. This is a house where the old people die very often. I am the youngest here living in this house and I have so much respect for elder people living here.
edit on 19-6-2021 by Prowler77 because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-6-2021 by Prowler77 because: (no reason given)

Can't upload any pictures but I can E mail some. [email protected]
edit on 19-6-2021 by Prowler77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: Prowler77

This is going to sound odd but at about 1am 2 days ago I went outside to smoke a cigar and relax after a busy day and felt a weird sensation and apparently just blacked out.

I did have two light beers that day but was not feeling intoxicated.

I regained consciousness on the grass in the middle of my yard only for my wife to notice I received two 2-3 inch long burns on my neck in the shape of scratches and a similarly shaped bruise on my shoulder.

I didn't want people to think I'm crazy but your story forced me to spill the beans haha.

The burns still hurt and itch in the same way as if you had a warm fire poker rubbed against your skin but not overly so.

It was a strange experience and have considered every theory but there are too many possibilities.

I also saw a similar supposed "shadow person" around the age of 7 years old while getting ready to take a shower for school. The shower was located in the basement and I saw a figure move in the corner before turning on the lights, there were no windows in the room either.

That was freaky, may have imagined it but who knows?

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: Prowler77

Do you know why you can't upload?

It could be that the images are too big. ATS limits the size of images uploaded here. I think the limit may be 2 MB. If you re-size them slightly smaller, it may work.

or IF you tried to upload and got a warning saying something like, "You must upload an image file." then it might be because ATS sometimes has a problem with .JPEG file extensions. IF that is the issue here, then you can just delete the ' E ' and change it to .JPG and it should upload.

OR maybe I'm just making assumptions that have absolutely nothing to do with it.

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: RussianSpy

Your wife is tired of you smoking. She hates the smell of cigars. So she zapped you with a taser.

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 03:53 PM
The computer says: no.

I guess there wasnt nothing special about the pics that I took right after I saw it.

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 03:56 PM
Cool story, bro! 😎 I believe it really happened. Strange days my friend we're living in. Strange days...

originally posted by: RussianSpy
a reply to: Prowler77

This is going to sound odd but at about 1am 2 days ago I went outside to smoke a cigar and relax after a busy day and felt a weird sensation and apparently just blacked out.

I did have two light beers that day but was not feeling intoxicated.

I regained consciousness on the grass in the middle of my yard only for my wife to notice I received two 2-3 inch long burns on my neck in the shape of scratches and a similarly shaped bruise on my shoulder.

I didn't want people to think I'm crazy but your story forced me to spill the beans haha.

The burns still hurt and itch in the same way as if you had a warm fire poker rubbed against your skin but not overly so.

It was a strange experience and have considered every theory but there are too many possibilities.

I also saw a similar supposed "shadow person" around the age of 7 years old while getting ready to take a shower for school. The shower was located in the basement and I saw a figure move in the corner before turning on the lights, there were no windows in the room either.

That was freaky, may have imagined it but who knows?

edit on 19-6-2021 by Prowler77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: Prowler77

Do NOT try to communicate with it, have a priest bless your house.

You do NOT want it to know that you are sensitive as that can be an invitation to some spirits.

Not all shadow beings are evil but best rule of thumb avoid them if possible.

Research the history of the property, how old the place you now live is and what was there before but do not try to contact it.

Christ is the only way.

In the past there were many forms of spirit, some assumed Shades or shadow people were the spirits of the deceased but others whom are sensitive can sometimes see an aura like mist around people, it's weird like seeing with two sets of eye's the ones seeing the mist and shadow as only peripherally active because they are and are an indication that you are partially already in the spirit world, this may make you vulnerable to negative entity's.

Likewise do not assume that shine or light entities are always good, the truth could not be further, there are likely good on both sides of that, some in the shadow of the Lord and others in his light.

Find out if anyone has practiced any form of sorcery, black magic or new age crap in your home and if they have find the items they used get rid of and of course get a priest in, Orthodox especially Syriac may be best if there is a Syriac church anywhere nearby or a catholic though these day's finding a mainstream priest whom is willing to give your home a visit and blessing especially if you are not part of his congregation may be difficult.

I have seen shadow people in crowds, look just like thin three dimensional shadows of people and come in all the usual human size and shapes, gestalt shadow entity's that were definitely evil these were dense almost three dimensional holes in the air and in my account five of them with tiny red eye's like pinpoint's that did not emit red light but were somehow red among the black shadow of the rest of there form, these five had the largest one at the front and the shortest at the back, the one at the front was about five foot plus tall while the one at the back a little over four foot tall they had over sized heads, short dumpy limbs and a stocky powerful torso and when they walked toward me they moved in a sinuous S snake like path with the front one leading the way and the others following it, I stood my ground but felt terror and evil from them while from a nearby old folk's home grey mist like shapes came and swarmed around me as if trying to protect me, they swarmed upon these five then seemed to swirl around them looking as if some of them were drawn into the black shadow beings in the struggle then drove the five back toward were there is an old capped off mine working from which they had come.

Get in touch with a priest, prayer group, born again Christians are also great to help keep anything like this away.

Sometimes spirit's can be malevolent, other times they care and are good, other times a spirit may visit a place it once lived long ago and for them despite how the place has changed in our time they can still see and remember the place and the people they loved.

First off they are mostly just people but on another plane of existence having left there body's behind.

If it does no harm but a prayer over your home will also do no harm.

Peace and I Pray the lord to watch over you.

Also despite what I have experienced I must stress I am no expert in the field and of course know about as much about the other side as your average person does which is nothing basically, but you can't go wrong with a blessing right?.

One final thought, people that claim spirits can not do harm are wrong.

Be careful it is likely just a person in some other realm going about there business and you may have only partially and incompletely saw there passing along a path that in our world does not or no longer exists but for it does, it may mean no harm and be even less aware of you than you are of it but treat with kid gloves.

edit on 19-6-2021 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 07:51 PM
I refer to these as Wraiths. Though I don't believe seeing them is limited to just before or after their passing

I've seen a wraith in my driveway, standing under the street light at the front gate to my house at night as if they were waiting for me. It was the unmistakable silhouette of a man standing at my gate. No way it was shadow, as it was directly under the street lamp. The hairs on my neck and body stood up, and I started walking down the driveway (about 20 metres away) to get a closer look. As I got closer, I clearly saw it turn it's head from looking over my fence, to look down my street, then start walking away. I ran to the fence, but it had walked out of the street lamp into the darkness, so it was impossible to see

I've had many encounters with wraiths like this over the years. It's not just humans you see, it's animals too

It has something to do with cycles of time. I believe this is often why wraiths are seen just before or after someone passes

It's a echo of a physical being that was either there at some stage in the past, or will be there at some stage in the future

The perspective isn't always perfect though. They could be walking up the stairs, but appear to walk into a wall. This is to do with the transit of the planets relative to the stars. They are in a echo of a relative alignment

Think of them like "time shadows"

Respectfully to those who suggested it; forget thinking about things like this in terms of "good and evil". This is a trap of your own creation, for your own mind

I assure you, there is no such thing as true evil. Only perceived evil

It is empowered by how you see it

I've seen and dealt with some of the worst entities and "supernatural" things you could possibly ever deal with. In this world and beyond. Alive and dead. I've seen things that I can't begin to understand how to explain, and you probably wouldn't believe me even if I told you. I've met all forms of what would/could be referred to as the Christian devil, first hand

Baphomet sitting on a throne of human corpses, and his pet dog, made of pure fire. Baphomet as a goat. I say these two were Baphomet, because they literally identified themselves to me. Trying to scare me. Right before I exploded with rage and tried to destroy them both, which returned me to my own body. Baphomet is very literally the personification and empowerment of fear. It's literally what the name means. If you are afraid of that which names itself, it is empowered by the name. If you see it as a pathetic joke, it is, and it has no power

In my case, when something called Baphomet tried to get his dog made of fire to attack me for mocking him on his bloody throne and laughing at him, I've never raged so hard in my life, I ran straight at the fire dog, screaming, intending to rip it apart with my bare hands. When I did, I was pulled into the sky and levitated by invisible electrical bonds, which pulled my arms and legs out and stopped me from moving. And when I woke up I had full chakra activation. It feels like a massive electrical pulse coursing up and down your spine from your head to your tailbone, then back up, then back down, like the lights on the front of night-riders car. Almost like being plugged into a power socket

The other time, the "goat" Baphomet attacked me while awake, meditating. He tried to look me in the eyes and it made me as angry as I've ever been in my life. When whatever "it" was kept trying to attack me even after I opened my eyes, it felt like I exploded with rage. Like fire overtook my body and tried to "eat" him. Afterwards, when it was gone, it felt like my body was covered in invisible flames. I could literally see the glimmering of fire coursing through me and over me in waves. Emotionally, I was stuck in a state between anger and pleasure. Like the waves of flame felt pleasurable. The most amazing part of this experience was that I could close my eyes and still see. I was wide awake. But when I closed my eyes, and moved my arms in front of my face, I could clearly see them outlined in flames. Like they were on fire

Though meditation, dreams and various types of remote-viewing and "out of body" experience I've seen all sorts of creatures, aliens, worlds, sub-dimensions and pre-effygian realms. I've been attacked, probed, operated on, tortured and killed, over and over ... In places "other" than this world, attached to other forms and bodies

I've seen history and cross-over worlds and dimensions "remote viewing" where I've literally been able to consciously take control of the person I'm viewing through, to ask people I see things like "where" and "when" I am

I've experienced (touch, see, taste, smell, emotion, everything) some worlds, realms and even deaths so horrible, that they leave me feeling traumatised when I return to my physical body. I wake up and I can still feel what happened in my body. In one I was stabbed through the chest by a sword and when I woke up, I still felt the sword like it was in my real physical body. I could still feel the pain and I could still taste the steel in the back of my throat

My point is ...

Something I've learned by confronting and challenging the darkest of all there is out there (most of which seem to want to push me towards the Christian God) Is that true evil doesn't exit

There is no evil, only pain

And the actions of those in pain

Anything living has the ability to do bad things, but it isn't inherent evil

If you think in terms of evil, you close your eyes to the source. It's a way of disassociating pain, or the influence of pain

Don't be afraid of any type of phenomenon you see like this. Try to understand it

Religion can't help you understand or deal with the truly dark things in this world, it can only give you a way to disassociate

This isn't the path that is intended

Imagine being left out in the cold, and the entire world wants nothing more than to cut you off

If there is a chance there is some type of soul or intelligence there to be found, or something to be understood that we don't today understand, we need to by duty of who we are, pursue and meet it

No matter how bad, painful or traumatic it is to pass through/over to where it is, to do so

It's our duty to understand ourselves and our world

Don't allow yourself to be afraid of anything

My advice is, if you are afraid of it, it's more reason to do it

More importantly, don't allow the fear of others, to influence your ability to do, and go, where they can't, or won't

Through all I've been through, I've been shown the centre of the Universe, and things too beautiful to put into words or even begin to describe

I've sat upon mountain tops in worlds far bigger than Earth. Impossibly high mountains, you wouldn't find anywhere on Earth. I've sailed down rivers next to sparkling cities which don't exist here on Earth. All in vivid detail, as if I were awake and really there to experience it

So, so much. So, so many amazing and beautiful things. So much I've been taught and shown. And I would never have learned, known, seen, touched, tasted, felt or experienced any of it, if I closed myself off because of the darkness along the way
edit on 19 6 21 by Compendium because: Added something and made corrections

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 08:02 PM
a reply to: Prowler77

Cool story, but I doubt it was an actual Shadow Person if the area that it was in was closed off. I'm not saying that you didn't see anything real, but just that I doubt it was a real shadow person.

You said the the bomb shelter is a concrete box?

Then might I toss this idea at you: it might be a residual haunting type of event. If not enough data was stored in the concrete walls to hold a full image, then what you would see could look like a moving shadow.

I've done decades of research into the Shadow Person Phenomena, and have come to the conclusion that they are a real thing, but they also are held to our laws of physic. If you saw it move from a closed in wall area through a another walled in area then you might be looking at a recorded data type of situation, or Residual Haunting as they are commonly called.

For more on Shadow People, you can read me older there on it: HERE

If you have any questions about specifics of my research, or what may be going on in your event feel free to PM me with your questions. I'll help you out with what I have learned.

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 09:29 PM
By the way. Some new neighbours moved in yesterday and I could see from a far that they were nothing but trouble. If that makes any sense into the situation.
edit on 19-6-2021 by Prowler77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 11:34 PM
a reply to: Prowler77

That might have only put you mentally on edge causing you to be more aware of your surroundings. You might have seen that shadowy form many times, but disregarded it until now. Funny how the mind can work.

posted on Jun, 20 2021 @ 12:41 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Maybe they brought the ghost with them. Hehe

posted on Jun, 20 2021 @ 12:47 AM
If there was a thumbs up or a like button on this Forum. I would surely click it. 🙏

originally posted by: Compendium
I refer to these as Wraiths. Though I don't believe seeing them is limited to just before or after their passing

I've seen a wraith in my driveway, standing under the street light at the front gate to my house at night as if they were waiting for me. It was the unmistakable silhouette of a man standing at my gate. No way it was shadow, as it was directly under the street lamp. The hairs on my neck and body stood up, and I started walking down the driveway (about 20 metres away) to get a closer look. As I got closer, I clearly saw it turn it's head from looking over my fence, to look down my street, then start walking away. I ran to the fence, but it had walked out of the street lamp into the darkness, so it was impossible to see

I've had many encounters with wraiths like this over the years. It's not just humans you see, it's animals too

It has something to do with cycles of time. I believe this is often why wraiths are seen just before or after someone passes

It's a echo of a physical being that was either there at some stage in the past, or will be there at some stage in the future

The perspective isn't always perfect though. They could be walking up the stairs, but appear to walk into a wall. This is to do with the transit of the planets relative to the stars. They are in a echo of a relative alignment

Think of them like "time shadows"

Respectfully to those who suggested it; forget thinking about things like this in terms of "good and evil". This is a trap of your own creation, for your own mind

I assure you, there is no such thing as true evil. Only perceived evil

It is empowered by how you see it

I've seen and dealt with some of the worst entities and "supernatural" things you could possibly ever deal with. In this world and beyond. Alive and dead. I've seen things that I can't begin to understand how to explain, and you probably wouldn't believe me even if I told you. I've met all forms of what would/could be referred to as the Christian devil, first hand

Baphomet sitting on a throne of human corpses, and his pet dog, made of pure fire. Baphomet as a goat. I say these two were Baphomet, because they literally identified themselves to me. Trying to scare me. Right before I exploded with rage and tried to destroy them both, which returned me to my own body. Baphomet is very literally the personification and empowerment of fear. It's literally what the name means. If you are afraid of that which names itself, it is empowered by the name. If you see it as a pathetic joke, it is, and it has no power

In my case, when something called Baphomet tried to get his dog made of fire to attack me for mocking him on his bloody throne and laughing at him, I've never raged so hard in my life, I ran straight at the fire dog, screaming, intending to rip it apart with my bare hands. When I did, I was pulled into the sky and levitated by invisible electrical bonds, which pulled my arms and legs out and stopped me from moving. And when I woke up I had full chakra activation. It feels like a massive electrical pulse coursing up and down your spine from your head to your tailbone, then back up, then back down, like the lights on the front of night-riders car. Almost like being plugged into a power socket

The other time, the "goat" Baphomet attacked me while awake, meditating. He tried to look me in the eyes and it made me as angry as I've ever been in my life. When whatever "it" was kept trying to attack me even after I opened my eyes, it felt like I exploded with rage. Like fire overtook my body and tried to "eat" him. Afterwards, when it was gone, it felt like my body was covered in invisible flames. I could literally see the glimmering of fire coursing through me and over me in waves. Emotionally, I was stuck in a state between anger and pleasure. Like the waves of flame felt pleasurable. The most amazing part of this experience was that I could close my eyes and still see. I was wide awake. But when I closed my eyes, and moved my arms in front of my face, I could clearly see them outlined in flames. Like they were on fire

Though meditation, dreams and various types of remote-viewing and "out of body" experience I've seen all sorts of creatures, aliens, worlds, sub-dimensions and pre-effygian realms. I've been attacked, probed, operated on, tortured and killed, over and over ... In places "other" than this world, attached to other forms and bodies

I've seen history and cross-over worlds and dimensions "remote viewing" where I've literally been able to consciously take control of the person I'm viewing through, to ask people I see things like "where" and "when" I am

I've experienced (touch, see, taste, smell, emotion, everything) some worlds, realms and even deaths so horrible, that they leave me feeling traumatised when I return to my physical body. I wake up and I can still feel what happened in my body. In one I was stabbed through the chest by a sword and when I woke up, I still felt the sword like it was in my real physical body. I could still feel the pain and I could still taste the steel in the back of my throat

My point is ...

Something I've learned by confronting and challenging the darkest of all there is out there (most of which seem to want to push me towards the Christian God) Is that true evil doesn't exit

There is no evil, only pain

And the actions of those in pain

Anything living has the ability to do bad things, but it isn't inherent evil

If you think in terms of evil, you close your eyes to the source. It's a way of disassociating pain, or the influence of pain

Don't be afraid of any type of phenomenon you see like this. Try to understand it

Religion can't help you understand or deal with the truly dark things in this world, it can only give you a way to disassociate

This isn't the path that is intended

Imagine being left out in the cold, and the entire world wants nothing more than to cut you off

If there is a chance there is some type of soul or intelligence there to be found, or something to be understood that we don't today understand, we need to by duty of who we are, pursue and meet it

No matter how bad, painful or traumatic it is to pass through/over to where it is, to do so

It's our duty to understand ourselves and our world

Don't allow yourself to be afraid of anything

My advice is, if you are afraid of it, it's more reason to do it

More importantly, don't allow the fear of others, to influence your ability to do, and go, where they can't, or won't

Through all I've been through, I've been shown the centre of the Universe, and things too beautiful to put into words or even begin to describe

I've sat upon mountain tops in worlds far bigger than Earth. Impossibly high mountains, you wouldn't find anywhere on Earth. I've sailed down rivers next to sparkling cities which don't exist here on Earth. All in vivid detail, as if I were awake and really there to experience it

So, so much. So, so many amazing and beautiful things. So much I've been taught and shown. And I would never have learned, known, seen, touched, tasted, felt or experienced any of it, if I closed myself off because of the darkness along the way

posted on Jun, 20 2021 @ 02:24 AM

originally posted by: Prowler77
If there was a thumbs up or a like button on this Forum. I would surely click it. 🙏

I'm pretty sure you click the little star at the top of the persons post if you like it

posted on Jun, 20 2021 @ 04:28 AM
a reply to: Prowler77

I don't if the T&Cs have changed, yeah I should read them I know, but I once did something that kept me up for four days and on the fourth day me and a friend walked out his apartment building and were going across the street to the store when I saw a human shaped shadow peek around the tree at me.

I stopped, gave my friend cash, told him what I wanted and went back to his apartment. After drinking the soda and eating the chips he got me I went to sleep.

Point is I believe shadow people are real and that you saw one.

By chance had you been awake for more than normal?

edit on 05/30/2021 by EdisonintheFM because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2021 @ 07:28 AM

originally posted by: EdisonintheFM
a reply to: Prowler77

I don't if the T&Cs have changed, yeah I should read them I know, but I once did something that kept me up for four days and on the fourth day me and a friend walked out his apartment building and were going across the street to the store when I saw a human shaped shadow peek around the tree at me.

I stopped, gave my friend cash, told him what I wanted and went back to his apartment. After drinking the soda and eating the chips he got me I went to sleep.

Point is I believe shadow people are real and that you saw one.

By chance had you been awake for more than normal?

Yes,I havent slept enough I think. Like six hours a night. Now I'm back in the bunker to see if the ghost comes back

posted on Jun, 20 2021 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: Prowler77

When you are sleep deprived and see "The Shadow People" it is different. There is a scientific explanation for this one. Though I haven't been able to find any specific studies or scientific documentation related to the phenomenon when I did research into it, I can tell you exactly what it is

When your body has been awake for 48-72 hours without sleep, it starts to shutdown non-essential bodily functions to preserve energy

Peripheral vision is part of this

Vision draws a massive amount of brainpower and requires an equally massive amount amount of energy to process

What happens, is the body shuts down things like peripheral vision and you for the most part don't notice

You essentially start seeing in tunnel vision, but you are consciously completely unaware

Until you are

When you consciously become aware of the fact that your peripheral "defense system" vision is shutdown, it immediately switches itself back on

When this happens your brain immediately looks for, and identifies any (possible) immediate threats in the vicinity. This is the whole purpose of peripheral vision

Things that don't properly compute can then be mistranslated momentarily by the brain to be human "threat" shapes

The form of tree, might be momentarily mistranslated as a person

Only for the moment, which is long enough to force your attention and active consciousness into focusing on whatever it is, to identify it. Again, natural defense system

It is only the split-second that you see a human form, because to your brain that isn't sure, "it could be" a human form, which means it could be a threat

You react fast enough to this phenomena, that when you realise that your attention jumped to a possible danger that actually wasn't there, you attempt to rationalise whether it is your mind that is lying to you, or it is reality that is lying to you

Your consciousness is torn between trusting perception, or the perceiver

It weighs middle ground between the two, to tell you that something was there, that couldn't possibly have been there

These are visual hallucinations, similar to auditory hallucinations which can also be the result of sleep deprivation, for almost identical reasons

These phenomena can also be caused by (massive) over-stimulation of the auditory and visual systems

For example, if you are glued to a bright TV screen in a darkened room, then quickly go outside into the bright sun, and then go into a darkened cellar. Your eyes are adjusted to electrical (non-thermal) light in darkened peripheral, then go to bright thermal light view and peripheral, to a room with little lighting ...

You will also certainly get some type of visual distortion or hallucination

It would however, be very rare for you to visualise a physical form in direct focused, non-peripheral vision, that lasts for more than a split-second

Light behaves in ways we don't yet fully understand

Very few waking, focused hallucinations are actually 100% imagined. There is almost certainly always influencing factors that can be explained

The one thing I can tell you for certain is, if you saw it clearly enough to consciously perceive it, you didn't "just imagine it" like allot of people would suggest. There is guaranteed to be explainable influencing factors behind what you saw and how

Even if it was a wraith, entity, what some people would call a "spirit", or something else similar, there is still a way to understand what is happening and how we are seeing it
edit on 20 6 21 by Compendium because: Correcting auto-correct changing my words

posted on Jun, 20 2021 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Christ is the only way.

Agree so maybe cut out the priest part many of them are on the wrong side and just make things worse.
pray, God is always there and will help in Jesus name.

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