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Viral Shedding by Vaccinated People

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posted on Jun, 22 2021 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: JohnnySpokane
Ive read that saying this “vaccine” is shedding is misrepresented or at least misunderstood, in order for it to be considered shedding the person who is on the receiving end would have to end up with the same virus as the person who is doing the shedding. That’s not what’s happening, the person who is being “shed” on in this case are coming down with completely different symptoms like blood clotting, etc.

Hi JohnnySpokane.

I get the vibe that there is the chance that vaccinated asymptomatic individuals could be spreading infection unaware. I think this has been suggested by others too. You mention the person being "shed" on would have to end up with the same person doing the shedding. Could you please expand that line of thought? Thinking about my own look into that, the symptoms I remember being brought up are similar to the disease coronavirus can cause.

I believe these treatments are thought to dramatically decrease the odds of transmission and the more extreme adverse effects once someone is infected. It's unclear to me atm how the risks brought up spike protein proliferating as a result of receiving an mrna treatment are different then getting infected by the virus itself.

I am still learning more, an there are many great minds in our community. I enjoy the back and forth on ATS, conversations exploring these kinds of topics aren't really my friends cup of tea.

edit on 22-6-2021 by dffrntkndfnml because: misc

posted on Jun, 24 2021 @ 11:46 PM
a reply to: dffrntkndfnml

I believe you are referring a hypothesis posed by Geert Vanden Bossche, amongst others: Virus infects compromised host while mounting antibodies after first dose, virus is pressured to evolve, outcompete, and escape; thus becoming a new and potentially dominant variant.

Interview here.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 01:28 PM
Disingenuous much, Heff?

Allow me to retort...

originally posted by: Hefficide

Y'all really need to keep tabs on the disinfo...

I believe the narrative goes something like this:

Covid is 100% fake. It doesn't exist. It's the common cold or flu rebranded. The narrative is if you stub your toe and get an infection - then the 99.99999% of medical professionals in the world who are in on it are going to lie and report it as Covid.

Unvaccinated people cannot spread Covid because Covid doesn't exist.

Except... If you get the magnetic, nanobot, genetic mutating, death trigger vaccine then you do end up with Covid. It now becomes real - and the vaccine, in addition to all of the above, is designed to make you explode into an invisible geyser of Covid that spreads to everyone within feet of you - at all times.

Until they catch the Covid from your fountain - at which point it returns to being just a hoax virus.

All of the preceding relies on the false notion that everyone that is skeptical of the jabs as well as the numerous extraordinary inconsistencies in the numbers and propaganda spewed by the MSM 24/7 since the insanity started claim or believe that the virus doesn't exist.

This, my friend, is not only not true it is a gross potentially malicious false representation of extremely valid and legitimate concerns.

Also Ivermectin and Hydrochloroquine.

Seriously? You're going to belittle and denigrate real, extremely safe and effective reatments for COVID19, the belittling denigration and vilification of which is responsible for the murder of tens if not hundreds of thousands of people.

So... do you still feel good about your ridiculous, silly little diatribe?

We deserve better from our moderators, even when participating as regular members.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: Hefficide
a reply to: Wide-Eyes

If pointing out the numerous and rampant inconsistencies in a narrative / belief structure leaves you feeling attacked then maybe the issue more lay with you than the person pointing out those inconsistencies?

Please. Don't be absurd.

Everything you said relied on one demonstrably false premise - that we all believe the virus doesn't exist.

So you pile on said false premise with all kinds of ridiculous nonsense, with the sole goal of ridiculing and vilifying those who you disagree with.

How about not engaging in knowingly false and grossly malignant attack on your fellow members?

Just a thought.

Also, my opinions are my opinions and have nothing to do with being a moderator.

Sure. Whatever you say.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

1) There are no peer reviewed studies that I am aware of that indicate either Ivermectin or Hydrochloroquine are either authorized or effective as treatments. Source Source

Stating, bolding and underlining an incorrect assertion does nothing to make it more true.

As to "which is responsible for the murder of tens if not hundreds of thousands of people" - I have no clue what you're referencing. My post or the vaccine? In either case that is also incorrect.

As for my participation here. I have exactly as much right to my opinions and to state and discuss them as any other member of ATS.

And yes, I do still feel good about my post.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: Hefficide
a reply to: tanstaafl

1) There are no peer reviewed studies that I am aware of that indicate either Ivermectin or Hydrochloroquine are either authorized or effective as treatments.

Yes, I know, they can't allow that, because then they couldn't get EUA for these jabs or push their $3,000 per dose regimen of the only 'approved' treatment (that also has ZERO peer reviewed studies indicating efficacy).

But they do have an extraordinary amount of observational evidence that they are extremely effective, Ivermectin being so even in the late stages (when patients are close to death).

Stating, bolding and underlining an incorrect assertion does nothing to make it more true.

No, but it does emphasize, which was my intent.

As to "which is responsible for the murder of tens if not hundreds of thousands of people" - I have no clue what you're referencing. My post or the vaccine? In either case that is also incorrect.

The failure to at least try using things that have an extremely well establishes safety record - like HCQ and Ivermectin.

I mean... it is a plandemic, isn't it?

As for my participation here. I have exactly as much right to my opinions and to state and discuss them as any other member of ATS.

I didn't say you didn't - I said 'we deserve better'. I stand by my words.

And yes, I do still feel good about my post.

That is... really, really sad... and disturbing.
edit on 13-7-2021 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 03:22 PM

originally posted by: Hefficide

Y'all really need to keep tabs on the disinfo...

I believe the narrative goes something like this:

Covid is 100% fake. It doesn't exist. It's the common cold or flu rebranded. The narrative is if you stub your toe and get an infection - then the 99.99999% of medical professionals in the world who are in on it are going to lie and report it as Covid.

Unvaccinated people cannot spread Covid because Covid doesn't exist.

Except... If you get the magnetic, nanobot, genetic mutating, death trigger vaccine then you do end up with Covid. It now becomes real - and the vaccine, in addition to all of the above, is designed to make you explode into an invisible geyser of Covid that spreads to everyone within feet of you - at all times.

Until they catch the Covid from your fountain - at which point it returns to being just a hoax virus.

Also Ivermectin and Hydrochloroquine.

Man Google is going to love this post.

Indeed. Deny ignorance passed away on this site some time ago.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Yes, I know, they can't allow that, because then they couldn't get EUA for these jabs or push their $3,000 per dose regimen of the only 'approved' treatment (that also has ZERO peer reviewed studies indicating efficacy).

On March 15, 2021, CMS updated the Medicare payment rates for administering COVID-19 vaccines. For COVID-19 vaccines administered on or after March 15, 2021, Medicare payment rates for administering the vaccines are:

Approximately $40 for single-dose vaccines
For vaccines requiring multiple doses, approximately $40 for each dose in the series

These rates reflect updated information about the costs involved in administering the COVID-19 vaccine for different types of providers and suppliers and the additional resources you need to safely and appropriately administer the vaccine.

We generally implement changes to Medicare payment rates for specific services through notice and comment rulemaking. In this case, however, we implemented the payment rate changes for these specific services to respond quickly to new information during the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE).

For COVID-19 vaccines administered before March 15, 2021, the Medicare payment rates are:

$28.39 for single-dose vaccines
For vaccines requiring a series of 2 or more doses:
$16.94 for the initial dose(s) in the series
$28.39 for the final dose in the series

For all COVID-19 vaccine payment rates listed above, we also geographically adjust the rates based on where you administer the vaccine.


But they do have an extraordinary amount of observational evidence that they are extremely effective, Ivermectin being so even in the late stages (when patients are close to death).

If by "they" you mean Dr Simone Gold? She's a liar. Here's proof.

If you're referencing Dr. Stella Immanuel, then all I can say is that she's not to be taken seriously.

The failure to at least try using things that have an extremely well establishes safety record - like HCQ and Ivermectin.

This is not cogent. A medication having a history of use does not at all mean that it is effective, or safe, for other, off label uses. As far as I know, repeating a point, both drugs and their potential Covid 19 uses, have been and or are being studied.

I mean... it is a plandemic, isn't it?

Wonderful catchphrase but what does it actually mean? "Plandemic"? That the virus is man made? Pre-planned? That multiple adversarial governments colluded to create and release a mutagenic pathogen into the population? That all but a handful of medical professionals, in every nation on Earth, are complicit? That the Governments of nearly every nation on Earth are not only complicit but in agreement and colluding?

Ignoring the extreme political improbability - the logistics involved would be entirely untenable. The outcomes would be nearly impossible to predict - and if their grand plan was to kill off billions - then all that work was for naught because that's not at all what happened.

We live in a very violent and unstable world. There are far simpler ways of culling or controlling the herd than something that involves an unfathomable number of co-conspirators, so many moving parts and such unpredictable outcomes. Troops and Martial Law come to mind - as does simply totally devaluing currencies.

I didn't say you didn't - I said 'we deserve better'. I stand by my words.
As I do mine.

That is... really, really sad... and disturbing.

Which brings us circled back to my second post in this thread - if my words disturb you it probably says more about you than it does about whatever I might write.
edit on 7/13/21 by Hefficide because: I broke stuff

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Embracing ignorance, superstition and fear is a conditioned response for most of the human race. Thank you Dr. Fauci and mainstream media.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 04:40 PM

originally posted by: Hefficide
a reply to: tanstaafl
"Yes, I know, they can't allow that, because then they couldn't get EUA for these jabs or push their $3,000 per dose regimen of the only 'approved' treatment (that also has ZERO peer reviewed studies indicating efficacy)."

On March 15, 2021, CMS updated the Medicare payment rates for administering COVID-19 vaccines. For COVID-19 vaccines administered on or after March 15, 2021, Medicare payment rates for administering the vaccines are:

You are confused.

These jabs are not a treatment, certainly not the treatment I'm referring to.

I'm talking about the only approved treatment: Remdesivir.

"But they do have an extraordinary amount of observational evidence that they are extremely effective, Ivermectin being so even in the late stages (when patients are close to death)."

If by "they" you mean Dr Simone Gold? She's a liar. Here's proof.

Yeah, except... that doesn't prove she's a liar.

a) that is only about HCQ, and b) HCQ must be used early, before they get bad. Everyone who has ever touted HCQ knows that - except you I guess.

I notice you completely ignored Ivermectin - which is what is focused on at the linked page I provided that you failed or refused to investigate - which works during all stages - as a prophylactic (prevents you from getting sick in the first place even if exposed), as an early treatment (works quickly when you start presenting with symptoms), and most importantly, it works even when someone gets really bad.

If you're referencing Dr. Stella Immanuel, then all I can say is that she's not to be taken seriously.

Yeah, she's whacked, and that makes it easy for you to just ignore what she says about these treatments. Doesn't mean she is wrong when it comes to these treatments. But. Apparently you didn't bother reading the linked page...

I grabbed that from memory, but I was actually talking about another 'frontline doctors' group, a principal of which being Dr. Pierre Kory, who testified before the Senate twice, and whose group have been using Ivermectin with extraordinary success even on extremely sick patients, but if they catch it early, none of their patients go into the hospital.

But by all means, go find something negative about him and use that to keep your head buried in the sand.

"The failure to at least try using things that have an extremely well establishes safety record - like HCQ and Ivermectin."

This is not cogent. A medication having a history of use does not at all mean that it is effective, or safe, for other, off label uses.

If it is safe, it is safe. PERIOD. Has nothing whatsoever to do with what it is being used for.

As far as I know, repeating a point, both drugs and their potential Covid 19 uses, have been and or are being studied.

Being studied... yes... while people are dying... while people are being saved by those using it.

if my words disturb you it probably says more about you than it does about whatever I might write.

Illogic much? That's like suggesting that because I find the words of a mass murderer like Charles Manson disturbing, that means I must be a mass murderer too.
edit on 13-7-2021 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-7-2021 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-7-2021 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-7-2021 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 04:51 PM

originally posted by: Salander
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Embracing ignorance, superstition and fear is a conditioned response for most of the human race. Thank you Dr. Fauci and mainstream media.

Yet you unquestioning believe in hoaxes. And stuff on LOL.
edit on 13-7-2021 by Oldcarpy2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

LOL, yes I've bought into a few hoaxes, including the Covid hoax.

But in my defense, I eventually come to my senses after examining the facts. It took me several months to see what Fauci was doing with his fear-mongering lies, but I did figure it out eventually.

Apparently you cannot say the same about your own experiences.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 05:09 PM

originally posted by: Salander
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

LOL, yes I've bought into a few hoaxes, including the Covid hoax.

But in my defense, I eventually come to my senses after examining the facts. It took me several months to see what Fauci was doing with his fear-mongering lies, but I did figure it out eventually.

Apparently you cannot say the same about your own experiences.

No. You fall for every hoax. Gullible ? Yes.

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