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Dr Judy Mikovits no longer believes the statement attributed to Nobel Laureate (all will die)

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posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 06:32 AM

originally posted by: TXRabbit
Is she the one that said the COVID 19 Virus originated at Fort Dietrich before being sent to Wuhan for further "work"? Has this been proven false?

I believe she did say that and no way has that been proven false or real This is biowar and all we have are clues. She appears to be a good clue IMO. The other clues would seem to be the WuHan flu did come from that lab to the world. If it started in America as a bioweapon when 44 was POTUS is probably what this boils down to when this all shakes out, then there are lots of reasons to lie. It sure seems Dr Mikovits is brave to be telling her version of the truth. They are apparently squirming about many of the lies we are catching the DS in and their sycophants exposed for whose they are.

edit on 18-6-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 06:32 AM
a reply to: SeaWorthy

I agree with you. I've seen the video and I speak and understand the French language. I must say it was not 100 percent clear to me. The translators words covered the words of the professor now and then, but I'm fairly sure he said those words. What is going on here? The longer it takes the less I understand. Why saying he didn't say what he said when everybody could see him saying it?
We have to wait. It is as simple as that. Antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) is something that can take years to occur.
As long as there are antibodies in our bodies there is a chance that some of those antibodies will stick to the virus and help the virus to enter our blood cells and multiply (very fast). I think covid could be prone to ADE because of the fact that too much virusses seem to escape our immune system. Probably some antibodies don't do the job as they should do. It's a long story and a difficult one to me. But the more i read about it the more I get convinced of the fact that we are not out of the woods. Nobody knows if ADE will occur. Fact is: something like that is very worrying...

posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 06:51 AM

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
Forecasting isn't that hard.

For example, we are all going to die someday. See that wasn't that hard.

Not from the vaccine though.

Time to find a new conspiracy. Vaccines aren't it.

a reply to: kwakakev

a totally valueless post, as to be expected by those unable to question authority. Plenty of attitude in their usual # and run MO, no facts science or basic understanding though.
edit on 18-6-2021 by Neobucket because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 07:57 AM
Some of the clues we have lean toward this being able to allow entry into people's immune system of other virus or virus like molecules. These will be such that our body won't be able to focus on because so much of the system has been converted to CV types. I am inclined to think the long game is to get people to take it and the reasons have to be nefarious when it is an experimental Vax on a very low death rate disease.

Seems more and more ARE showing bad reactions to this series of Vax. Eric Clapton is really down about taking his.
Clapton on his experience from the DM

edit on 18-6-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: Doctor Smith

i got a thing to say about the engineered COVID delivered by way of Spike-Protein platform,,,

see: the video below. Dr Judy Mikovits no longer believes that Nobel Laureate said the statement about the vaccines being %100 fatal.
He wouldn't make that type of statement.
No scientist would ever say that "they will all die".
And you wouldn't want to cremate them as it would destroy the evidence.


the spike-protein, with a coating of nano-particles on the proteins... were meant to target the autonomous individual, genomes of the human beings that were originated in the Adam-&-Eve Story in the Biblical 'Eden'

that's the targeted people or Tribes of peoples that the COVID19 & Corona-Virus was meant to 'cull' thru various comorbidity ailments

the Earthly, indigenous peoples which developed naturally by way of Evolution...who populated the whole Earth at the same time as the 'Garden-of-Eden' scientific compound where Adam & Eve were engineered by the Triune-God teams of Genetic Scientists from an Alien Civilization called Heaven-realm

Eugenics is afoot by both Lucifer and the Angelic Watchers... in this current Corona-virus pandemic drama

and humans are the collateral damage victims... the wheat and the chaff are being Sifted by the unseen entities

posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: St Udio

So it looks like she never would have said that he believed that from watching it too. Good to see Udio on here.

posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 08:52 PM

originally posted by: zandra
a reply to: SeaWorthy

I agree with you. I've seen the video and I speak and understand the French language. I must say it was not 100 percent clear to me. The translators words covered the words of the professor now and then, but I'm fairly sure he said those words. What is going on here? The longer it takes the less I understand. Why saying he didn't say what he said when everybody could see him saying it?
We have to wait. It is as simple as that. Antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) is something that can take years to occur.
As long as there are antibodies in our bodies there is a chance that some of those antibodies will stick to the virus and help the virus to enter our blood cells and multiply (very fast). I think covid could be prone to ADE because of the fact that too much virusses seem to escape our immune system. Probably some antibodies don't do the job as they should do. It's a long story and a difficult one to me. But the more i read about it the more I get convinced of the fact that we are not out of the woods. Nobody knows if ADE will occur. Fact is: something like that is very worrying...

Maybe she was threatened or bribed.

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