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On the distillation of a dream - the need for a parallel society, ASAP.

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posted on Jun, 16 2021 @ 07:35 PM
Someone asked me in another thread what I meant when I said that we need to reclaim the true glory of Mankind, in the face of all this nonsense about a 'Great Reset', the ongoing saga of the greatly exagerrated risk of the pandemic, and so on. I decided that my response merited its own thread, with enhanced commentary at the end. Over the past few months I've been trying to figure out what sort of philosophical stance we should take, in the face of everything which threatens to further disrupt, change & even destroy the very fabric of life as we have known it in the West (and yes, we've been very fortunate overall, but that's no excuse for the World Economic Forum to come along & take it all away from us, in the name of knocking us down a peg rather than building society in a more constructive manner - that's not equity, it's corporate restructuring with no heart & no sense...) And so:

The true glory of Mankind is, I suppose, a partly subjective thing, though there is a transcendental, greater glory that we all share at some level. I think I had a stab in this direction when I said in the OP, right there at the top of the page:

We should all have access to basic imperatives of shelter, education, health & welfare of a basic, reasonable standard - and then give us an opportunity, and we'll tame nature, heal the world, bridge the divides, and conquer the mountains.

In essence, if we can all agree that the world should be made equitable on a basic level, as in, a simple welfare state model providing to all at the point of need, with no frills, yet granting dignity - then the goal of all of us should be to further develop, build & promote systems which grant everyone with a desire to create, the opportunity to innovate, to 'dream the impossible dream' - then make it happen. We naturally seek to manifest something of our inner dreams as the output of our life's work, and to reach out with a charitable hand, to achieve something marvellous that makes the world a better place - that is the true glory of Mankind. And if we can find God/ spiritual fulfilment somewhere in the details, then that's wonderful too.

Our society should reflect a constant striving to solve the problems that greed & corporate narcissism have created, and the problems that aren't really anyone's fault, such as the population expansion. Given the biological, emotional & spiritual imperative to procreate, nobody can be blamed for wanting to grow a little family during their time here. After all, it's terrible to be alone in this world, with all it's hard edges & painful trials along the way.

Our society should, at every level, aim for 'PROTOPIA' - a proactive, continual striving to improve, step by step. Most definitely what we do NOT need, is some sort of 'GREAT RESET' in which we are expected to accept a huge amount of change in a very short amount of time, in order to create a supposed 'UTOPIA'. No matter how clever the minds that devise a utopia, it can only ever be a fixed, inflexible, immutable frieze of the dream of a relatively few people, no possible type of which can ever be truly good, beautiful or sustainable (& that's a true & proper use of the word).

To claim the true glory of Mankind firstly involves each one of us, as many of us as possible, doing whatever we can to resist & deny breathing room to the anti-human (anti-average human), technocratic, corporate-government (fascist) biosecurity control agenda which has been unfolding at pace since the 'pandemic' (real numbers may vary) began, through bodies such as the World Health Organisation (& their finance director, a certain Mr Gates), and the Davos crowd with their World Economic Forum & their 'Great Reset' (you may not know that Claus Schwab & his biological heirs will run that organisation in perpetuity.. it's not the progressive institution it purports to be, it's a little fiefdom all his own). The always benevolent (pseudo-charitable), supra-national PR agency for the New World Order, the cronies of Davos. All such activities & organisations are working towards a flawed dream, a 'utopian' dream, which can never truly succeed, and which will result only in a social flash in the pan - which otherwise causes pain, loss, failure & ultimately, rebellion.

More gradual change is required - and the 'plan' can NEVER be set into stone. Only DIRECTION can be agreed & workable, and direction must be reappraised regularly, democratically, yes with some sort of guiding council, but absolutely it must be with the informed consent & will of the people. What's happening presently is unacceptable, and it must be stopped - or rather, redefined & redirected. Nobody has to lose anything (no synthetic beef thank you kindly, Monsiuer Gates) - we just need to start building platforms for visionary, distributed innovation, opportunity & encouragement towards solutions, at every level of society.

Concluding thoughts ~

We may need to start crafting a parallel society - an alternative to the force-fed utopian pipe dream.. That wouldn't mean tramping off to live in a shed in the forest, but rather a careful, well-planned & legally backed distributed community, unhooking from the control grid even while we still live in regular society. Gradually shifting away from practices & habits which feed the beast, trying to harmonise with as many people locally & regionally (even nationally) who agree that a Great Reset is a godawful, terrible idea - working together to find solutions which help to bring a parallel society into being, one in which we provide mutual support, sharing our resources to develop projects that are commercially viable, perhaps even creating a charitable body to oversee the development of the legal framework for just such a society, perhaps representing ourselves as a philosophically-driven community of libertarians, not going back to medieval times by any stretch of the imagination - instead, setting up networks of businesses which provide employment for members & feed the 'new & much improved beast' of our own making.

If things do take a turn for the worse in the mid-term future (I think we have a few years to act as yet) then we could start considering planting actual village communities where we remove ourselves further from the control system, by physical relocation. But first comes the philosophical & resource gathering/ legal development. The proposed communities wouldn't necessarily be totally off-grid, but they could be tethered to the charitable foundation granting us rights as a movement similar to the Quakers, a body which shares philosophical values, not necessarily religiously-minded, but a shared interest community with rights, as self-sufficient as possible.

But decoupling, even in an administrative sense, from a fully integrated industrial society, will take time, and it will take good legal minds to develop the basis of the movement & the framework in which to operate. This is already happening in Germany, and I sincerely hope & pray that they develop momentum which spreads internationally. As someone in the other thread pointed out - 'they' may just be pressing our buttons deliberately with this Great Reset BS, to see how brainwashed the masses are, and just how much the disaffected will take before responding forcefully (in a legal & social sense).

I know that's an answer - whether it's a good one, I do not know.

posted on Jun, 16 2021 @ 08:28 PM
The spectrum of different personalities goes from happily dull and doesn't bother anyone, to groups of people lose their marbles outside and beyond the boundary of fair gameplay while celebrating something not everyone is in to.

Achieving the happy medium requires all participants have the same common want that drives us/them.

I guess happiness is feared more than desired in a lot of cases.

posted on Jun, 16 2021 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Individualism is what brought us everything good we have today.

Attempts at community equality inexorably have lead to communism....and genocide...

Freedom and liberty are essential to humans. We are not ants or bees nor should we be.
....and we are NOT equal, we are all INDIVIDUALS, each with our plus and minuses....

Freedom also means that some of us will fail, and we need to accept that.

Not everyone is Michael Jordan, but that is OK
Enough with jealousy and envy.

posted on Jun, 16 2021 @ 08:45 PM

originally posted by: M5xaz
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Individualism is what brought us everything good we have today.

Attempts at community equality inexorably have lead to communism....and genocide...

Freedom and liberty are essential to humans. We are not ants or bees nor should we be.
....and we are NOT equal, we are all INDIVIDUALS, each with our plus and minuses....

Freedom also means that some of us will fail, and we need to accept that.

Not everyone is Michael Jordan, but that is OK
Enough with jealousy and envy.

I would gladly share a foxhole with you anytime...

posted on Jun, 16 2021 @ 09:59 PM

originally posted by: NightFlight

originally posted by: M5xaz
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Individualism is what brought us everything good we have today.

Attempts at community equality inexorably have lead to communism....and genocide...

Freedom and liberty are essential to humans. We are not ants or bees nor should we be.
....and we are NOT equal, we are all INDIVIDUALS, each with our plus and minuses....

Freedom also means that some of us will fail, and we need to accept that.

Not everyone is Michael Jordan, but that is OK
Enough with jealousy and envy.

I would gladly share a foxhole with you anytime...

Well then, I'll bring the guns, you bring the ammo

posted on Jun, 16 2021 @ 11:14 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

I know he's not held in high regard on ATS but here's what I believe to be a golden nugget of wisdom from David Icke...

"The greatest form of control is where you think you’re free when you’re being fundamentally manipulated and dictated to. One form of dictatorship is being in a prison cell and you can see the bars and touch them. The other one is sitting in a prison cell but you can’t see the bars but you think you’re free."

There's always been imprisonment. There's not been too much actual freedom. The closest and most recent form of true freedom would be the days of settlement in America, what I call the Little House on the Prairie days. Once put on the "grid", freedoms started to diminish, the Constitution eroded by the appeasement of squeaky wheels. Long gone are the days of a steadfast government that ruled in solidarity and put citizens, as a whole, first while not ignoring the voices of the few but not bowing down and catering to the few because they're the loudest thanks to a megaphone named MSM...

Got frustrated and lost my train of thought. Commercials on TV are STILL played at a higher volume than the actual programme, and I thought Obama was going to fix this bull manure. I'm out.

posted on Jun, 17 2021 @ 05:10 AM
a reply to: M5xaz

I fully agree with you. In essence I'm a libertarian, but I have concerns regarding the welfare & safety of the vulnerable, due to my own lived experience as someone who is physically disabled. I certainly deplore communism - I believe in a free, active, individualist society, yet one which has safeguards & tries to prepare everyone (by education - real education, not 'common core'/ corporate serf education) to reach for that goal of individual liberty & prosperity.

I'm not quite sure how to go about creating such a society, but this is why I emphasised constant encouragement towards individual innovation & solutions to difficult problems, incremental steps each time, always striving to improve things - steadily, rather than in some grand rush (as is the case with Agenda 2030, the Great Reset, etc) - progression in a positive direction, rather than seeking some sort of lala utopian ideal (Agenda 21) which has been 'eloquently' thought out by supposedly clever people.

I hope you can see that we appear to be largely on the same page. If I've miscommunicated I will try to clarify further if you ask pointed questions of the sort of vision I'm entertaining (though note that I deliberately don't want to set out 'a solution' because that is clearly utopian thinking, which is flawed at best & deadly at worst.

Thanks, FITO.

edit on JuneThursday2116CDT05America/Chicago-050014 by FlyInTheOintment because: important clarification

posted on Jun, 17 2021 @ 05:16 AM
a reply to: NightFlight

As would I. I can't run fast, but I can shoot!

edit on JuneThursday2116CDT06America/Chicago-050013 by FlyInTheOintment because: adding video

posted on Jun, 17 2021 @ 05:30 AM
a reply to: M5xaz

This is weird synchronicity, but the night before I wrote this thread, I dreamt about weaponry of war in an incredibly intense, lengthy (a two hour equivalent waking experience) dream, in which I was running around fighting various onslaughts from serious enemies, using a variety of weaponry from several different eras of warfare. From single shot weapons of the Revolutionary war, to the first heavy machine guns of the first world war, through some of the hardcore artillery of world war 2, through to lasers used against individual combatants in spec ops in a modern setting, through to masers targeting ground installations & stealth aircraft in what was apparently the beginning of world war 3.

It was the most intense, emotional, 'non-horror frightening', adrenaline-filled dream I've ever had, from one deadly scenario to the next within seconds or minutes - I was shooting these weapons against enemy combatants, and they (and artillery/fighter aircraft) were firing them against me & my assortment of comrades. The landscape & weaponry/aircraft changed like some sort of hologram VR with every turn. The enemies I was killing were dying in a very realistic way, with accurate wound patterns.

I wouldn't have said anything to anyone without the direction of comments in this thread, but it was so incredibly realistic, long-lasting & internally consistent in terms of the theme - part of me wonders if there's a shade of the prophetic about it. I've posted about the war cycle in recent times, the main one I remember being an average of 17.71 years between significant human conflicts, as well as another 'grand' cycle of around 52 years, if memory serves (I could be wrong, but a guy named Dewey did a really intensive study of a variety of human activity cycles, and he focused in quite a bit of detail on thousands of years of evidence for a recurrent set of war cycles.

We are a warlike species, and we're probably overdue for the big one - but masers? Wow.

edit on JuneThursday2116CDT05America/Chicago-050030 by FlyInTheOintment because: spelling

posted on Jun, 17 2021 @ 05:59 AM
a reply to: EdisonintheFM

Long gone are the days of a steadfast government that ruled in solidarity and put citizens first while not ignoring the voices of the few but not bowing down and catering to the few because they're the loudest

It's a delicate balance, that's for sure. I'm currently waxing philosophical about the need for a parallel society which has a legal & commercial basis & operates, for the moment, within the realm of ordinary society, yet undergoing a process of conscious decoupling from that very control grid you mentioned. It can't be a bunch of hippies living in shacks in the forest, because that's not a viable or sensible way to live, in the eyes of most people. There's no need to throw away all of the progress that's been made in recent centuries - but decoupling from the institutions which are feeding the Beast of the NWO 'Great Reset' is absolutely vital in the eyes of many, many, many people - a LOT of people are 'waking up' in the wake of the pandemic, and we need a VIABLE alternative. It would need a legal & philosophical constitution of sorts, a network of friends, mutually investing in one another, promoting rapid innovation & the planting of commercial ventures, with perhaps a system of festival type outreach centres/events.

Promoting the idea of a PROTOPIA, of constant incremental solution-building & deliberate, conscious decoupling from the corporate-political hegemony, I believe, is absolutely vital at this moment in history. We need to show people that there is an idea which philosophically undergirds an alternative movement, an alternative way to live - 'protopia' is what I envision, and it needs to be happening now, yesterday, with great urgency & care - we probably only have a short few years in which to do it.

FREEDOM CELLS is one jumping off point that I think holds water, with an octacore model of local & regional community development - distributed network-building, skills sharing & resource investment. It may not be the best solution, but I think it's pretty good. No pyramidal power structure - just true democracy. I think it may need something like annually renewing 'oversight committees' at every level from regional upwards, where eight members are selected at random from a pool of qualified persons with suitable experience to spend a year overseeing development & soliciting input from members regarding the legal, practical & philosophical foundation of the pan-global community being created. You could utilise a four year rotational advisory staff from an ever-expanding pool of skilled, qualified professionals in a range of disciplines, as well as permanent legal counsel, plus annual rotational liaisons at local & regional levels to help with the administration of committee duties.

This would not be a RULING committee, it would be an OVERSEEING committee. The community would be fundamentally & unalterably directly democratic with full membership voting on all issues which meet certain pre-established criteria of import as defined in a Protopian constitution (itself created following a six month investigation by qualified persons voted into the role to review the necessary legal, social & commercial basis of the community).

And it needs to happen quickly, if it is to be of any significance & value in the years to come.

These are just ideas. I'm not a sociologist, or a politician - but I think it's time for another way.

posted on Jun, 17 2021 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: M5xaz

This is weird synchronicity, but the night before I wrote this thread, I dreamt about weaponry of war in an incredibly intense, lengthy (a two hour equivalent waking experience) dream, in which I was running around fighting various onslaughts from serious enemies, using a variety of weaponry from several different eras of warfare. From single shot weapons of the Revolutionary war, to the first heavy machine guns of the first world war, through some of the hardcore artillery of world war 2, through to lasers used against individual combatants in spec ops in a modern setting, through to masers targeting ground installations & stealth aircraft in what was apparently the beginning of world war 3.

It was the most intense, emotional, 'non-horror frightening', adrenaline-filled dream I've ever had, from one deadly scenario to the next within seconds or minutes - I was shooting these weapons against enemy combatants, and they (and artillery/fighter aircraft) were firing them against me & my assortment of comrades. The landscape & weaponry/aircraft changed like some sort of hologram VR with every turn. The enemies I was killing were dying in a very realistic way, with accurate wound patterns.

I wouldn't have said anything to anyone without the direction of comments in this thread, but it was so incredibly realistic, long-lasting & internally consistent in terms of the theme - part of me wonders if there's a shade of the prophetic about it. I've posted about the war cycle in recent times, the main one I remember being an average of 17.71 years between significant human conflicts, as well as another 'grand' cycle of around 52 years, if memory serves (I could be wrong, but a guy named Dewey did a really intensive study of a variety of human activity cycles, and he focused in quite a bit of detail on thousands of years of evidence for a recurrent set of war cycles.

We are a warlike species, and we're probably overdue for the big one - but masers? Wow.

The US Has Been at war 225 out of 243 years since 1776


Wild dream. I have severe ptsd, so I am with you there.

I agree with a lot of what you say. The problem is the loud minority wants something quite Marxist and communist. The cultural marxism they are using here was exactly what was used by the CCP. In Venezuela, they defunded the police, etc. That is why there is so much pushback against these programs. We have seen this tried and when gov does it, it costs 6x the price and is always a cluster*. The gov can only do 2 things right. War and take your money.

The ideology of 'equity in outcomes' vs 'equity in opportunity' is where I have real issues. I have seen the goof-offs in school who drop out in 6th grade and now complain they are discriminated against because they can't get a job. It isn't discrimination, it is zero skills. Everyone should have equal opportunity. Not equal outcomes. They just want to be given everything for free. And if it is done where there is work incentive to get ahead and make more money, they will complain their house isn't equal to better homes. It won't stop. That is why you have to kill the threat of communism or socialism when it sprouts its ugly head. The US and vets have been killing communists for 100 years minimum. Wonder why vets and the military are being included in the domestic terrorist's focus? It's not because of white supremacy. It's because they are staunch anti-communist. That is the 'threat' to them doing what they want.

Yes, there are problems, but this is the country those in communist and other socialist countries flee to. They are horrified at what is happening here. We need to do something about education so people can get educated without having an extreme debt to do it imho. Something Germany has been good at is having a co-op between business and vocational education. Training specifically for skills for high-paying jobs that business needs. We need government off our backs, not further entrenched in our daily lives.

Again, it is 'equity of outcomes' vs 'equity of opportunity. The left dropped the second half of the term because that is the main opposition. When they say equity, don't be mislead about which equity they are talking about.

edit on 17/6/21 by spirit_horse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2021 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment


It's way past time to restructure our government. They're bought and paid for and are in the pockets of the wealthy who have no concerns about the people. They view themselves as kings and us as peasants. And the scales are weighted in their favor.

posted on Jun, 17 2021 @ 08:48 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: M5xaz

I fully agree with you. In essence I'm a libertarian, but I have concerns regarding the welfare & safety of the vulnerable, due to my own lived experience as someone who is physically disabled. I certainly deplore communism - I believe in a free, active, individualist society, yet one which has safeguards & tries to prepare everyone (by education - real education, not 'common core'/ corporate serf education) to reach for that goal of individual liberty & prosperity.

I'm not quite sure how to go about creating such a society, but this is why I emphasised constant encouragement towards individual innovation & solutions to difficult problems, incremental steps each time, always striving to improve things - steadily, rather than in some grand rush (as is the case with Agenda 2030, the Great Reset, etc) - progression in a positive direction, rather than seeking some sort of lala utopian ideal (Agenda 21) which has been 'eloquently' thought out by supposedly clever people.

I hope you can see that we appear to be largely on the same page. If I've miscommunicated I will try to clarify further if you ask pointed questions of the sort of vision I'm entertaining (though note that I deliberately don't want to set out 'a solution' because that is clearly utopian thinking, which is flawed at best & deadly at worst.

Thanks, FITO.

Agreed, we are.

The issue today is that despite the virtue signalling of the left, fact is that in the "evil" "conservative" 1950s, people actually took care BETTER of their sick siblings

As opposed to the 1960s, where under the guise of "liberation", many people in long term care were ejected from hospices and into the streets, where they are the homeless of today.

"progressives" rarely follow the meaning of this word.....

posted on Jun, 17 2021 @ 08:48 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: M5xaz

I fully agree with you. In essence I'm a libertarian, but I have concerns regarding the welfare & safety of the vulnerable, due to my own lived experience as someone who is physically disabled. I certainly deplore communism - I believe in a free, active, individualist society, yet one which has safeguards & tries to prepare everyone (by education - real education, not 'common core'/ corporate serf education) to reach for that goal of individual liberty & prosperity.

I'm not quite sure how to go about creating such a society, but this is why I emphasised constant encouragement towards individual innovation & solutions to difficult problems, incremental steps each time, always striving to improve things - steadily, rather than in some grand rush (as is the case with Agenda 2030, the Great Reset, etc) - progression in a positive direction, rather than seeking some sort of lala utopian ideal (Agenda 21) which has been 'eloquently' thought out by supposedly clever people.

I hope you can see that we appear to be largely on the same page. If I've miscommunicated I will try to clarify further if you ask pointed questions of the sort of vision I'm entertaining (though note that I deliberately don't want to set out 'a solution' because that is clearly utopian thinking, which is flawed at best & deadly at worst.

Thanks, FITO.

Agreed, we are.

The issue today is that despite the virtue signalling of the left, fact is that in the "evil" "conservative" 1950s, people actually took care BETTER of their sick siblings

As opposed to the 1960s, where under the guise of "liberation", many people in long term care were ejected from hospices and into the streets, where they are the homeless of today.

"progressives" rarely follow the meaning of this word.....

posted on Jun, 17 2021 @ 08:53 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: M5xaz

This is weird synchronicity, but the night before I wrote this thread, I dreamt about weaponry of war in an incredibly intense, lengthy (a two hour equivalent waking experience) dream, in which I was running around fighting various onslaughts from serious enemies, using a variety of weaponry from several different eras of warfare. From single shot weapons of the Revolutionary war, to the first heavy machine guns of the first world war, through some of the hardcore artillery of world war 2, through to lasers used against individual combatants in spec ops in a modern setting, through to masers targeting ground installations & stealth aircraft in what was apparently the beginning of world war 3.

It was the most intense, emotional, 'non-horror frightening', adrenaline-filled dream I've ever had, from one deadly scenario to the next within seconds or minutes - I was shooting these weapons against enemy combatants, and they (and artillery/fighter aircraft) were firing them against me & my assortment of comrades. The landscape & weaponry/aircraft changed like some sort of hologram VR with every turn. The enemies I was killing were dying in a very realistic way, with accurate wound patterns.

I wouldn't have said anything to anyone without the direction of comments in this thread, but it was so incredibly realistic, long-lasting & internally consistent in terms of the theme - part of me wonders if there's a shade of the prophetic about it. I've posted about the war cycle in recent times, the main one I remember being an average of 17.71 years between significant human conflicts, as well as another 'grand' cycle of around 52 years, if memory serves (I could be wrong, but a guy named Dewey did a really intensive study of a variety of human activity cycles, and he focused in quite a bit of detail on thousands of years of evidence for a recurrent set of war cycles.

We are a warlike species, and we're probably overdue for the big one - but masers? Wow.

Hope not.

There was a lot of merit to the Monroe doctrine, of staying out as much as possible out of foreign wars, and foreigners out of the Americas.....

posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 01:13 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Speaking of weird warfare dreams, I had a cracker last night. Two long & complex war dreams in such quick succession is highly unusual for me, so again, I have to wonder whether I'm picking up on the psychic energy of what's going on 'behind the curtain' in a prophetic sense (it wouldn't be the first time - my dreams once appeared to successfully predict a 'broken arrow' contact between RAF fighter jets above the seas North of Scotland & some unknown enemy, an incident which seemed to have been hushed up, yet one in which we lost one pilot & in which two jets went down.. it was later claimed as a training accident by the MOD, but I have my doubts).

This time, I was on board an aircraft carrier, at first in the upper decks where it seemed almost like an ocean liner, with many non-military personnel being carried for some unknown reason, potentially high value assets who were under the protection of the Navy for some reason (and this was the US Navy, not my native Royal Navy). Then, I was taken to the situation room where it was shown that an operation against China was in preparation. The operation's name was 'Nei Kung' and was to take place in order to target an area with a 5000 mile perimeter which I think works out to 1,980,000 square miles, a sizeable area of the Chinese land mass. So a seriously destructive operation.

Next, after hearing about the basics of the mission, some of which I can't remember, I witnessed the launch of a nuclear submarine on the big screen & saw it dive below the waves. Then, I ran to locate my family, and as I couldn't find them, I went down to the lower decks & came across thousands of servicemen & women running in all direction preparing for the mission. At a given command they all stood at attention to receive a mission briefing over the intercom from the captain. This was a complex briefing - unfortunately I can't remember any of the details - it went on for what seemed to be around ten minutes of 'real time'. After this I was shown back to the upper decks (as I would be in the way down there) & had to prepare for the operation to begin, which amounted to steeling myself for war basically, though I felt somewhat impotent as I wasn't in a position to personally contribute to the fighting, it seemed.

Finally, the name of that operation - 'Nei Kung' is not a geographic area in China as I initially thought it might be - it actually refers to the 'inner work' of various schools of Chinese martial arts, the seriously funky ones in which all the supposed super powers can unfold for long time practitioners:

Neigong, also spelled nei kung, neigung, or nae gong, refers to any of a set of Chinese breathing, meditation and spiritual practice disciplines associated with Daoism and especially the Chinese martial arts. Neigong practice is normally associated with the so-called "soft style", "internal" or neijia 內家 Chinese martial arts, as opposed to the category known as waigong 外功 or "external skill" which is historically associated with shaolinquan or the so-called "hard style", "external" or wàijiā 外家 Chinese martial arts. Both have many different schools, disciplines and practices and historically there has been mutual influence between the two and distinguishing precisely between them differs from school to school.

There is both martial and non-martial neigong. Well known examples of martial neigong are the various breathing and focus trainings taught in some traditional Taijiquan, Baguazhang Xingyiquan and Liuhebafa schools. An example of non-martial neigong is the discipline known as Daoyin...

WIKI - Nei Kung/ Neigong

Funky as Hell right there. Hopefully NOT a shade of the prophetic in this, but as noted, it's happened before.

posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 01:23 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Incidentally, if there is any real truth to this dream, it almost goes without saying that when a prophetic dream of such complexity is received in this way, the purpose is to give the perpetrators a chance to relent & change the otherwise likely-to-be disastrous course of history. So if Nei Kung is (or ever was) a real operation gamed out by the powerful, it would seem you're supposed to abandon it..!

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